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BukuInternational Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM) - Thinking in Quality: The Change and the Unchanged in the Economic Turmoil (Taipei, 6-7 November 2009)
Author: [s.n]
Topik: prosidingteknikindustri
Bahasa: (EN )    
Penerbit: Industrial Engineering and Management Department of Yuan-Ze University     Tempat Terbit: Taipei    Tahun Terbit: 2009    
Jenis: Proceeding
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Integrating SERVQUAL and Kano Model using SEM based Framework for Determining Critical Service Attributes, halaman 1-17
  2. A new EWMA chart for monitoring process dispersion, halaman 1-8
  3. Enhancing the cumulative count of conforming chart with runs rules, halaman 1-13
  4. Construct a rolling forecast model for semiconductor inter-fab performance evaluation, halaman 1-10
  5. Fast identification of critical cycle time for semiconductor manufacturing yield analysis, halaman 1-10
  6. Monitoring nonlinear profiles by piecewise linear approximation, halaman 1-13
  7. An empirical study of self-efficacy on e-learning satisfaction, halaman 1-9
  8. Applying the refined kano’s model in kaohsiung rapid transit system service quality evaluation, halaman 1-10
  9. Organizational creativities and service innovation: the mediating role of knowledge creation, halaman 1-12
  10. Evaluating the service quality of funeral home services using P-C-P attributes model, halaman 1-13
  11. A study the MTTF of wireless mouse by accelerated life testing, halaman 1-11
  12. Lifetime inference of skew-wiener linear degradation models, halaman 1-9
  13. Applying six sigma DMAIC concept to approach the manufacturing quality problem of frequency shift of quartz crystal oscillator, halaman 1-13
  14. Base on APQP and DFSS to construct a new product development process-mobile phone contract manufacturing industry as an example, halaman 1-7
  15. Improving the software quality for flight accident investigators based on summarized network, halaman 1-7
  16. Linkage of emergent strategy and products development process reengineering with APQP-based on 3C firms across automotive industry, halaman 1-12

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