Anda belum login :: 04 Oct 2024 21:08 WIB
ArtikelA study the MTTF of wireless mouse by accelerated life testing  
Oleh: Jhang, Jhy-Ping ; Chou, Kuo-Peng
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM) - Thinking in Quality: The Change and the Unchanged in the Economic Turmoil (Taipei, 6-7 November 2009), page 1-11.
Topik: wireless mouse; reliability testing; ESD stress test; accelerated life testing; MTTF
Fulltext: A3-01.pdf (1.75MB)
Isi artikelThe object of this research is how to evaluate the MTTF of wireless mouse products and how to proceed with reliability tests. We apply the different stresses to execute reliability testing, and we find the suitable relationship between the MTTF and stress. And adopt suitable life-stress relationship to proceed the accelerated life testing. We collect and analysis failure data in a short period to find the suitable life distribution and mouse’s MTTF at normal stress level. The extrapolated MTTF at normal operating condition of 25?, 65%RH, 5.6KV and 8 hours mission time per day is 32848.661 hours.
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