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JurnalAids Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal vol. 14 (Oct. 2002)
Topik: A94; Aids; Pendidikan; Pencegahan; Strategi Meniru (Coping); Psikometrik; Perempuan
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0899-9546    Year:: 2002    Bulan: 10    Edisi: Oktober 2002    
Penerbit: Guilford Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Aids Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: A94
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introduction to the special issue: HIV/AIDS in correctional settings, halaman 1-6
  2. Prisoner risk taking in the Russian federation, halaman 7-23
  3. Impulsivity and HIV risk among adjudicated alcohol- and other drug-abusing adolescent offenders, halaman 24-35
  4. Developing an AIDS prevention intervention for incarcerated male adolescents in Brazil, halaman 36-44
  5. The importance of routine HIV testing in the incarcerated population: the Rhode Island experience, halaman 45-52
  6. Intraprison HIV transmission: an assessment of whether it occurs, how it occurs, and who is at risk, halaman 53-64
  7. HIV surveillance methods for the incarcerated population, halaman 65-74
  8. Community-based organizations and HIV prevention for incarcerated populations: three HIV prevention program models, halaman 75-84
  9. Acceptability of condom availability in a U.S. jail, halaman 85-91
  10. Research capacity building and collaboration between South African and American partners: the adaptation of an intervention model for HIV/AIDS prevention in corrections research, halaman 92-102
  11. HIV/AIDS in correctional settings: a salient priority for the CDC and HRSA, halaman 103-113
  12. Building an HIV continuum for inmates: New York State's criminal justice initiative, halaman 114-123

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