Anda belum login :: 06 Nov 2024 12:06 WIB

EBSCO databases includes:

  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection™
    Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection™ is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection can be searched independently, but also allows users from subscribing institutions to conveniently link to full text from citations within PsycINFO®. These citations, when viewed via EBSCOhost, have the ability to link to articles from 410 full text journals contained within Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection. Title list is available here. This database is SUBSCRIBED BY UNIKA ATMA JAYA with Immediate Access start on 1 June 2009.

  • Business Source Complete
    is the second largest database in the Business Source family, is indispensable for business students. With access to 1,811 active full-text journals valued at $889,616.35, it supports research in key business areas such as accounting, finance, management, marketing and beyond. Title list is available here.
    Regional Business News™ is a supplemental database for customers of Business Source Premier. With daily updates, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text for regional US and Canadian business publications (including titles from Crain Communications. Regional Business News has full text for more than 80 sources. This database is SUBSCRIBED BY UNIKA ATMA JAYA.

  • MEDLINE Complete is a leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals. It offers access to 1,553 active full-text medical journals plus comprehensive cover-to-cover indexing. As the second largest database within the MEDLINE family with a journal retail value of $2,073,624.37, it serves as a valuable research tool for physicians, healthcare practitioners and scholars alike. Title list is available here. This database is SUBSCRIBED BY UNIKA ATMA JAYA.

Here is the EBSCO journals title list information page.

Here is the purchased EBSCO ebooks title list.

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