Library of Atma Jaya Catholic University (AJCU) is a multi-type library. It has some libraries inside and an Educational Technology Studio. Each of them had different history, then joined since 1998 (4 libraries) and in 2006 (the Studio). In detail, Library of Atma Jaya Catholic University run:
- University/Central Library (1960)
- Center of Society Development Studies (CSDS) Library (1972)
- Center of Languange and Culture Studies (CLCS) Library (1980)
- Medical Faculty Library (1990)
- Educational Technology Studio (1983)
Central Library provide collection to support learning, teaching, and research activities for all department, except medical faculty served by Medical Faculty Library. Library also continuously improves fulltetx collections of internal publication and scientific writing from patrons, regulation in Indonesia, journal articles, books, and more. CSDS Library is a special library in social sciences. This library also has international organization publications. For example, World Bank, EEC, UNESCO, UNCTAD, IDRC, KITLV, Sally Oak Colleges, and ADB. Microfiche collections are also provided, they are Korn Archive (Indonesian customary law in 1865-1969), Indonesian Archeological Photographs, and New Religious movements in primal societies in the world. CLCS Library has the most updated collections in linguistic and language teaching areas, especially English and Indonesian language. Educational Technology Studio is equipped by soundproof studio recording (for indoors shooting), photo and video camera, and multimedia editing computer.
To fullfill its vision and mission tersebut, Library run by library and other disciplines skilled human resources. They are from law, sociology, literature, engineering, information technology, education, graphic design, educational technology, and more.
AtmaLib, Atma Jaya Catholic University Digital Library System, is accessible anytime and anywhere through Through Atmalib, patrons can access all collections from all library at AJCU, upload their papers in fulltext format, comment a document, save and search useful website addresses, and more. Then, Atmalib facillitate patrons knowledge management and involve them in collection development and sharing and access to them to information resources beyond the institution. Library also do information literacy training needed for manage knowledge.
AJCU Library, especially Educational Technology Studio, facillitate audio visual teaching material production needed by lecturers. For example, teaching material for Medical Faculty (Microscope Manual, Washing Hands Guidance, Psychiatric Interview, MMSE-IADL-MDL, Psychopathology, Spyrometer, Examination of Balance Function Using Barany Chair, OSCE, Physiology Reflects Observation, Blood Pressure Measurement, and more), teaching material for research methodology lectures, (problem statement formulation, observation, FGD, how to do interview, statistics, qualitative data processing, and literatur review). These topics are difficult to teach because of their abstract characteristic - lecturers said. Furthermore, Violence in Dating movie are useful as a study case for relevant lectures. This Studio also visualize research findings to be easy to understand by public. They are, Learning from Nias, HIV infected Person Companion, and Multicultural Lesson for Junior High School Students.
Library subscribe ejournal and databases supported by AJCU and DIKTI. They are ProQuest, Ebsco, Springerlink, JSTOR, and Gale Cengage. Moreover, Library colects about 500 e-dissertation of any disciplines.
AJCU Libary has joined in Jaringan Perpustakaan APTIK (JPA). This network covers libraries of Catholic Higher Educations, members of Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Katolik (APTIK). Their collections are accessible through, developed from AtmaLib.
With all facilities and human resources above, AJCU Library comes as strategic partner of AJCU in their knowledge management!!!
Since Maret 7th, 2011 AJCU Library serve Discussion and Multimedia Room and Multimedia Room. They both located in G building, in the opposite of Central Library main entrance. Discussion Room has 7 rooms to discuss, study, and doing assignments in groups. Each 8x7 meter squares equipped with tabel and 7 chair around, a computer with internet access, whiteboard, DVD Player, and AC. Multimedia Room use for presentation or classroom using audio-visual media. Multimedia Room is 8x4 meter square, available for 20-30 persons, equipped same to Discussion Room plus projector screen.