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JurnalDevelopment and Psychopathology vol. 23 no. 2 (May 2011)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0954-5794    Year:: 2011    Bulan: 05    Edisi: Mei 2011    
Penerbit: Cambridge University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Development and Psychopathology]
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    • Nomor Panggil: DD21.20
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Effects of Child Maltreatment and Polymorphisms of the Serotonin Transporter and Dopamine D4 Receptor Genes on Infant Attachment and Intervention Efficacy, halaman 357-372
  2. Affective Facial Expression Processing in Young Children who Have Experienced Maltreatment During the First Year of Life: An Event-related Potential Study, halaman 373-395
  3. Trauma in Early Childhood: Empirical Evidence and Clinical Implications, halaman 397-410
  4. School-Based Strategies to Prevent Violence, Trauma, and Psychopathology: The Challenges of Going to Scale, halaman 411-421
  5. False Memory for Trauma-related Deese-Roediger-McDermott Lists in Adolescents and Adults with Histories of Child Sexual Abuse, halaman 423-438
  6. Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Emotional Dysregulation in a Low-income, Urban, African American Sample: Moderation by Oxytocin Receptor Gene, halaman 439-452
  7. The Impact of Sexual Abuse on Female Development: Lessons from a Multigenerational, Longitudinal Research Study, halaman 453-476
  8. Foundations of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Does Early Life Trauma Lead to Adult Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?, halaman 477-491
  9. Resilience in Children Threatened by Extreme Adversity: Frameworks for Research, Practice, and Translational Synergy, halaman 493-506
  10. Prenatal Stress and Risk of Behavioral Morbidity from Age 2 to 14 Years: The Influence of the Number, Type, and Timing of Stressful Life Events, halaman 507-520
  11. Risky Shifts: How the Timing and Course of Mothers' Depressive Symptoms Across the Perinatal Period Shape Their Own and Infant's Stress Response Profiles, halaman 521-538
  12. Child Behavior Problems Among Cocaine-exposed Toddlers: Indirect and Interactive Effects, halaman 539-550
  13. Do Positive and Negative Temperament Traits Interact in Predicting Risk for Depression? A Resting EEG Study of 329 Preschoolers, halaman 551-562
  14. Interparental Aggression, Attention Skills, and Early Childhood Behavior Problems, halaman 563-576
  15. Dyadic Flexibility and Positive Affect in Parent-child Coregulation and the Development of Child Behavior Problems, halaman 577-591
  16. Mother-child Relationships, Family Context, and Child Characteristic as Predictors of Anxiety Symptoms in Middle Childhood, halaman 593-604
  17. Children's Genotypes Interact with Maternal Responsive Care in Predicting Children's Competence: Diathesis-stress or Differential Susceptibility, halaman 605-616
  18. Perceived Discrimination, Serotonin Transporter Linked Polymorphic Region Status, and the Development of Conduct Problems, halaman 617-627
  19. Language and Cognitive Outcomes in Internationally Adopted Children, halaman 629-646
  20. Get Them Before They Get You: Trust, Trustworthiness, and Social Cognition in Boys with and Without Externalizing Behavior Problems, halaman 647-658
  21. Joint Trajectories for Social and Physical Aggression as Predictors of Adolescent Maladjustment: Internalizing Symptoms, Rule-breaking Behaviors, and Borderline and Narcisstic Personality Features, halaman 659-678
  22. Effortful Control as Predictor of Adolescents' Psychological and Physiological Responses to a Social Stress Test: The Tracking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey, halaman 679-688
  23. Maternal Sensitivity Buffers the Adrenocortical Implications of Intimate Partner Violence Exposure During Early Childhood, halaman 689-701
  24. Family Conflict, Autonomic Nervous System Functioning, and Child Adaptation: State of the Science and Future Directions, halaman 703-721

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