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Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (keterangan: ada di Proquest) vol. 17 no. 01 (2008)
(EN )
Blackwell Science Asia
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (keterangan: ada di Proquest)
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Evidence-based nutrition (EBN) in the Asia Pacific region: clinical practice and policy-setting
, halaman 2
Cardiovascular pathogenesis in hyperhomocysteinemia
, halaman 8
Effectiveness of a Taiwanese traditional diet for pain management in terminal cancer patients
, halaman 17
Protection of myocardium in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by water extracts of Hsian-tsao (Mesona procumbens Hemsl.)
, halaman 23
Effect of a milk supplemented with Bifidobacterium lactics Bl on the recovery from acute diarrhea
, halaman 30
Glycemic index of common Malaysian fruits
, halaman 35
Iron Status among Australian Adults: findings of a population based study in Queensland, Australia
, halaman 40
Micronutrient deficiencies and anemia among preschool children in Rural Vietnam
, halaman 48
An Assesment of Progress toward universal salt iodization in Rajasthan, India, using iodine nutrition indications in school-ages children and pregnant women form the same households
, halaman 56
Suburban Clustering of Vitamin D Deficiency in Melbourne, australia
, halaman 63
Effects of vitamin D fortified milk on vitamin D status in Mongolian school age children
, halaman 68
Co-existing Micronutrient Deficiencies among Stunted Cambodian Infants and Toddlers
, halaman 72
Fatty acid profiles of blood lipids in a population group in Tibet: correlations with diet and environmental conditions
, halaman 80
Fish consumption and health in French Polynesia
, halaman 86
Dietary patterns and food choices of a population sample of adults on Guam
, halaman 94
Bone mineral density of vegetarian and non-vegetarian adults in Taiwan
, halaman 101
The relative impact of a vegetable-rich diet on key markers of health in a cohort of Australian adolescents
, halaman 107
Application of refractometry to quality assurance monitoring of parenteral nutrition solutions
, halaman 116
Dynamic shifts in Chinese eating behaviors
, halaman 123
Obesity prevalence and time trend among youngsters in China, 1982-2002
, halaman 131
Risk factors for excess body fatness in New Zealand children
, halaman 138
Parents’ views of the importance of making changes in settings where children spend time to prevent obesity
, halaman 148
Green tea and gastric cancer risk: meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies
, halaman 159
Validity and reproducibility of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for use among pregnant women in rural China
, halaman 166
Development of food frequency questionnaires and a nutrient database for the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) pilot study in south India: methodological issues
, halaman 178
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