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ArtikelThe Development of The Self - Regulation of With Holding Negative Emotions Questionnaire  
Oleh: Deci, Edward L. ; Zuckerman, Miron ; Youngmee, Kim
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 62 no. 2 (2002), page 316-336.
Topik: EMOTIONS; questionnaires; psycological tests; emotions; social research
Fulltext: 316.pdf (121.85KB)
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Isi artikelBased on the self - determination theory, a questionnaire was developed to measure individual differnces in the self - regulation of with holding negative emotions (SRWNE). Measurement reliability and validity concerning the scale were examined in three studies. Results in study 1 demonstrated the distinctiveness of the SRWNE from emotional regulation measures, suggesting that the SRWNE may be appropriate to measure styles of self - regulation and to clarify the negative effect - health relation. In study 2, the SRWNE with respect to coping strategies and health. The SRWNE was related to self - reports of health and may be relevant for predicting how people cope with stress. Study 3 compared a korean sample with the U. S. sample in study 2 and suggested construct comparability of the SRWNE across cultures and genders.
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