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JurnalDevelopment and Psychopathology vol. 27 no. 4 (Nov. 2015)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0954-5794    Year:: 2015    Bulan: 11    Edisi: Nov 2015 (Part 1)    
Penerbit: Cambridge University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Development and Psychopathology]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: DD21
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The influential child: How children affect their environment and influence their own risk and resilience, halaman 947-951
  2. Externalizing symptoms, effortful control, and intrusive parenting: A test of bidirectional longitudinal relations during early childhood, halaman 953-968
  3. The impact of children's internalizing and externalizing problems on parenting: Transactional processes and reciprocal change over time, halaman 969-986
  4. (Positive) power to the child: The role of children's willing stance toward parents in developmental cascades from toddler age to early preadolescence, halaman 987-1005
  5. Mutual influences between child emotion regulation and parent–child reciprocity support development across the first 10 years of life: Implications for developmental psychopathology, halaman 1007-1023
  6. Adolescents’, mothers’, and fathers’ gendered coping strategies during conflict: Youth and parent influences on conflict resolution and psychopathology, halaman 1025-1044
  7. Stability and change in resolution of diagnosis among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: Child and parental contributions, halaman 1045-1057
  8. Child effects and child care: Implications for risk and adjustment, halaman 1059-1076
  9. Violent peer influence: The roles of self-esteem and psychopathic traits, halaman 1077-1088
  10. Temperament and peer problems from early to middle childhood: Gene–environment correlations with negative emotionality and sociability, halaman 1089-1109
  11. Social and economic antecedents and consequences of adolescent aggressive personality: Predictions from the interactionist model, halaman 1111-1127
  12. Take your mind off it: Coping style, serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region genotype (5-HTTLPR), and children's internalizing and externalizing problems, halaman 1129-1143
  13. The interplay of birth weight, dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4), and early maternal care in the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age, halaman 1145-1161
  14. Emergent patterns of risk for psychopathology: The influence of infant avoidance and maternal caregiving on trajectories of social reticence, halaman 1163-1178
  15. Child fear reactivity and sex as moderators of links between parenting and preschool behavior problems, halaman 1179-1190
  16. Infant negative reactivity defines the effects of parent–child synchrony on physiological and behavioral regulation of social stress, halaman 1191-1204
  17. The association of temperament and maternal empathy with individual differences in infants’ neural responses to emotional body expressions, halaman 1205-1216
  18. Emerging psychopathology moderates upward social mobility: The intergenerational (dis)continuity of socioeconomic status, halaman 1217-1236
  19. Mothers’ electrophysiological, subjective, and observed emotional responding to infant crying: The role of secure base script knowledge, halaman 1237-1250
  20. Child-evoked maternal negativity from 9 to 27 months: Evidence of gene–environment correlation and its moderation by marital distress, halaman 1251-1265
  21. The effects of violence exposure on the development of impulse control and future orientation across adolescence and early adulthood: Time-specific and generalized effects in a sample of juvenile offenders, halaman 1267-1283
  22. The stability of the feedback negativity and its relationship with depression during childhood and adolescence, halaman 1285-1294
  23. Identifying early pathways of risk and resilience: The codevelopment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and the role of harsh parenting, halaman 1295-1312
  24. Genetic covariance between psychopathic traits and anticipatory skin conductance responses to threat: Evidence for a potential endophenotype, halaman 1313-1322
  25. Childhood dyspraxia predicts adult-onset nonaffective–psychosis-spectrum disorder, halaman 1323-1330
  26. Pubertal maturation and affective symptoms in adolescence and adulthood: Evidence from a prospective birth cohort, halaman 1331-1340
  27. Variability in diurnal testosterone, exposure to violence, and antisocial behavior in young adolescents, halaman 1341-1352
  28. Emotion-based preventive intervention: Effectively promoting emotion knowledge and adaptive behavior among at-risk preschoolers, halaman 1353-1365
  29. The emergence of co-occurring adolescent polysubstance use and depressive symptoms: A latent growth modeling approach, halaman 1367-1383

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