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JN: The Journal of Nutrition vol. 145 no. 01 (Jan. 2015)
(EN )
Jan 2015
ASN (American Society for Nutrition)
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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JN: The Journal of Nutrition
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Oligosaccharide Composition of Breast Milk Influences Survival of Uninfected Children Born to HIV-Infected Mothers in Lusaka, Zambia
, halaman 66-72
Nontargeted Metabolite Profiling Discriminates Diet-Specific Biomarkers for Consumption of Whole Grains, Fatty Fish, and Bilberries in a Randomized Controlled Trial
, halaman 7-1
Dietary Protein Requirement of Female Adults >65 Years Determined by the Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation Technique Is Higher Than Current Recommendations
, halaman 18-24
Glutamine Enhances Tight Junction Protein Expression and Modulates Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Signaling in the Jejunum of Weanling Piglets
, halaman 25-31
In HepG2 Cells, Coexisting Carnitine Deficiency Masks Important Indicators of Marginal Biotin Deficiency
, halaman 32-40
Protein Deficiency and Intestinal Nematode Infection in Pregnant Mice Differentially Impact Fetal Growth through Specific Stress Hormones, Growth Factors, and Cytokines
, halaman 41-50
Arabinoxylan in Wheat Is More Responsible Than Cellulose for Promoting Intestinal Barrier Function in Weaned Male Piglets
, halaman 51-58
Optimal Serum Selenium Concentrations Are Associated with Lower Depressive Symptoms and Negative Mood among Young Adults
, halaman 59-65
Protein Requirements of Healthy Pregnant Women during Early and Late Gestation Are Higher than Current Recommendations
, halaman 73-78
Obesity Is Associated with Increased Red Blood Cell Folate Despite Lower Dietary Intakes and Serum Concentrations
, halaman 79-86
Metabolite Profile Analysis Reveals Association of Vitamin B-6 with Metabolites Related to One-Carbon Metabolism and Tryptophan Catabolism but Not with Biomarkers of Inflammation in Oral Contraceptive Users and Reveals the Effects of Oral Contraceptives on These Processes
, halaman 87-95
Derivation and Validation of Homocysteine Score in U.S. Men and Women
, halaman 96-104
Plasma Phospholipid PUFAs Are Associated with Greater Muscle and Knee Extension Strength but Not with Changes in Muscle Parameters in Older Adults
, halaman 105-112
Maternal Folate Status, but Not That of Vitamins B-12 or B-6, Is Associated with Gestational Age and Preterm Birth Risk in a Multiethnic Asian Population
, halaman 113-120
Vitamin D Status Is Associated with Mortality, Morbidity, and Growth Failure among a Prospective Cohort of HIV-Infected and HIV-Exposed Tanzanian Infants
, halaman 121-127
A Dietary Guideline Adherence Score Is Positively Associated with Dietary Biomarkers but Not Lipid Profile in Healthy Children
, halaman 128-133
Genetic Hemoglobin Disorders Rather Than Iron Deficiency Are a Major Predictor of Hemoglobin Concentration in Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Prey Veng, Cambodia
, halaman 134-142
Dietary Fiber Is Positively Associated with Cognitive Control among Prepubertal Children
, halaman 143-149
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