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JurnalBrain and Language (Full Text) vol. 99 no. 1-2 (2006)
Topik: Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Brain and Language
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0093-934X    Year:: 2006    Edisi: Softcopy    
Penerbit: Brain and Language
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Brain and Language (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A case of "crossed" semantic dementia with evidence from VBM and SPECT
  2. New word learning in aphasic patients: Dissociating phonological and semantic components, halaman 8-9
  3. Significance and possible mechanisms underlying generalization in aphasia therapy: Semantic treatment of anomia, halaman 10-11
  4. Behavioural and neural changes after phonological treatment for anomia, halaman 12-13
  5. An implicit phonological intervention in an individual with apraxia of speech: A preliminary analysis, halaman 14-15
  6. Analyzing verbal communicative behavior of left- and right-brain lesioned clients on the ANELT, halaman 16-18
  7. Measuring premorbid IQ in aphasia using indirect lexical access, halaman 19-20
  8. Assessing noun naming impairments in bilingual aphasia, halaman 21-22
  9. Isolated agraphia: A cognitive–neuropsychological analysis, halaman 23-25
  10. Using repetition priming to improve oral reading in phonological text alexia, halaman 26-27
  11. Types of dyslexia in aphasia: A multiple single-case study in a shallow orthography language, halaman 28-29
  12. Deep dysgraphia: Evidence for a summation account of written word production, halaman 30-31
  13. Dissociated written and oral naming: A case study, halaman 32-33
  14. Reading therapy in deep dyslexia, halaman 34-35
  15. Delayed naming cancels the word length effect in developmental dyslexia, halaman 36-37
  16. Naming of real and pseudo-characters with free-standing and non-freestanding phonetic radicals by Cantonese dyslexic individuals, halaman 38-39
  17. Separate orthographic representations for reading and spelling? Evidence from a case of preserved lexical reading and impaired lexical spelling, halaman 40-41
  18. Semantic dementia without surface dyslexia in Portuguese, halaman 42-43
  19. Decomposing prosody: Use of prosodic features for detection of syntactic structure and speech affect by patients with right hemisphere lesions, halaman 44-46
  20. Perception of segmental stress patterns in parkinson’s disease, halaman 47-48
  21. Sensitivity to metrical stress patterns in word recognition in individuals with left and right hemisphere brain damage, halaman 49-50
  22. Effects of right-hemisphere damage on explicit and implicit processing of emotional prosody, halaman 51-52
  23. A perceptual investigation of intonation categories in patients with unilateral left and right hemisphere damage, halaman 53-54
  24. Responsiveness to phonemic cueing versus semantically related multiple-choice in Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 55-56
  25. Treating perseveration improves naming in aphasia, halaman 57-58
  26. Structured language treatment improves social communication in chronic aphasia, halaman 59-60
  27. Evaluation in stroke narratives: A study in aphasia, halaman 61-62
  28. The Alberta language function assessment battery, halaman 63-64
  29. Maintenance of activation for subordinate semantic features of nouns after right hemisphere brain damage in adults, halaman 65-66
  30. 'Theory of mind' in adults with right hemisphere brain damage, halaman 67-68
  31. A metaphor comprehension intervention for patients with right hemisphere brain damage: A pilot study, halaman 69-70
  32. Anomalous crossed aphasia in a patient with congenital lesion in the right hemisphere, halaman 71-72
  33. Automatic processing of wh- and NP-movement in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking, halaman 73-74
  34. Object scrambling and finiteness in Turkish agrammatic production, halaman 75-76
  35. Don’t give an affirmative order. A negative one is easier!, halaman 77-78
  36. Functional category production in agrammatism: Treatment and generalization effects, halaman 79-81
  37. The role of left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in semantic short-term memory: A comparison of two case studies, halaman 82-83
  38. Where (in the brain) do semantic errors come from?, halaman 84-85
  39. An investigation of the language functions of the left fusiform gyrus, halaman 86-87
  40. Semantic category dissociations and the fusiform gyrus: Observations on stroke patients, halaman 88-89
  41. Facilitation, interference, and learning in blocked-cyclic lexical-access paradigms, halaman 90-91
  42. Effects of competitor words on production in a case of nonfluent aphasia, halaman 92-93
  43. Refractory access disorders and the organization of concrete and abstract concepts: An attempt to replicate, halaman 94-95
  44. Activation vs. inhibition accounts of semantic blocking effects in production and comprehension, halaman 96-97
  45. The relationship between semantic integrity and recall of known and unknown words and nonwords: Preliminary data from Chinese aphasic individuals, halaman 98-99
  46. Processing of denotative and connotative alternative meaning of words after left- and right-hemispheric lesion, halaman 100-101
  47. Priming of semantic features in Parkinson’s disease, halaman 102-103
  48. Semantic attributes of iconic gestures in fluent and non-fluent aphasic adults, halaman 104-105
  49. Verifying the multiple semantic systems hypothesis: A study in degenerative dementia, halaman 106-107
  50. The dissociability of morphological processing and lexical access, halaman 108-109
  51. Gender difference in phonological processing of words: Left-handers are distinctive, halaman 110-111
  52. Word morphology and lexical comprehension in Williams Syndrome, halaman 112-113
  53. Recursion and aphasic sentence comprehension, halaman 114-115
  54. Sentence comprehension and task effects in aphasia, halaman 116-117
  55. Inference generation ability during story comprehension in adults with Parkinson's disease, halaman 118-119
  56. The role of cognitive mechanisms in sentence comprehension in dutch speaking Parkinson’s disease patients: Preliminary data, halaman 120-121
  57. Semantic distraction effects on picture identification in aphasia, halaman 122-123
  58. Naming abilities in spontaneous speech in Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 124-125
  59. Effects of cafeteria noise on generative naming: Cross-cultural differences, halaman 126-127
  60. Age of acquisition effects on action naming in progressive fluent aphasia, halaman 128-129
  61. Naming actions and objects in dementia, halaman 130-131
  62. Visual-acoustic mapping in posterior cortical atrophy: Evidence from a single case study, halaman 132-133
  63. A connection-strength analysis of partial recovery from severe naming impairment, halaman 136-137
  64. Electrophysiological effects of a neuropharmacologic treatment in aphasia, halaman 138-139
  65. Evidence for discrete phonological representations in production: Ultrasound imaging of aphasic speech, halaman 140-141
  66. Speech and language functions that depend on Broca's area, halaman 142-143
  67. Acoustic-phonetic processing in semantic dementia, halaman 145-146
  68. Stability of lexical deficits in primary progressive aphasia: Evidence from natural language, halaman 147-148
  69. Computer-based intervention for anomia in progressive aphasia, halaman 149-150
  70. Strategy prompts increase verbal fluency in people with Alzheimer’s disease, halaman 151-152
  71. Object and action word processing in Chinese stroke patients with or without executive function impairment: A neuropsychological case-control study, halaman 153-154
  72. A noun-relative-to-verb deficit in accessing an intact word form, halaman 155-156
  73. Concreteness effects in lexical processing of semantic dementia, halaman 157-158
  74. Typicality within well defined categories in aphasia, halaman 159-161
  75. Negation in agrammatism: Evidence from greek, halaman 162-163
  76. Subject and object relative clauses in Italian: Normal subjects and an agrammatic patient, halaman 164-165
  77. Morphophonological structure and agrammatic regular/irregular past-tense production, halaman 166-167
  78. Phonological markedness affects the production of verb inflections, halaman 168-169
  79. Noun–verb dissociation in aphasia: Type/token differences in the analysis of spontaneous speech, halaman 170-171
  80. Is syntactic complexity processing limited by the phonological loop capacity? Evidence from an STM patient, halaman 172-173
  81. Two effects of time passage on performance of phoneme discrimination judgments: Sometimes it helps and sometimes it hurts, halaman 174-175
  82. The role of phonological working memory in phonological alexia, halaman 176-177
  83. Effects of lexicality and short-term memory span on performance of rhyming judgment tasks: Evidence from aphasia, halaman 178-179
  84. Bilingual false recollection: An EEG study, halaman 180-182
  85. The impact of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) on language function: More than meets the eye?, halaman 183-184
  86. Long-term linguistic deficits subsequent to stroke in children, halaman 185-186
  87. Cognitive-flexibility in macrostructure processing by older adults, halaman 187-188
  88. Adapting the time of presentation for lexical decision in aging, halaman 189-190
  89. Nonverbal semantic decisions with actions in chronic, moderate-to-severe nonfluent aphasia: An fMRI investigation, halaman 191-192
  90. Hemispheric specialization for the semantic processing of words: A near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study, halaman 193-194
  91. Cortical focus of semantic composition: An fMRI study, halaman 195-196
  92. An optical imaging study of semantic and syntactic processing by bilinguals, halaman 197-198
  93. The electrophysiological basis of mass and count nouns processing, halaman 199-200
  94. The neuropsychological basis of the Chinese mental lexicon: An ERP study using LORETA, halaman 201-203
  95. The neural correlates of narrative discourse: An investigation using arterial spin-labeling, halaman 204-205
  96. The neural correlates of therapy with semantic feature analysis in chronic anomia: An event-related fMRI study, halaman 206-207
  97. Identity priming of the m350 response: A single-trial analysis approach, halaman 208-209
  98. Hemodynamic response changes in cerebral infarction: Implications for fMRI data analysis, halaman 210-211
  99. The effect of repetition priming on picture naming accuracy and latency in individuals with aphasia, halaman 212-213
  100. Retrieval of compound words in picture naming. A study in Alzheimer’s disease and in aphasia, halaman 214-215
  101. Aphasic picture-naming errors reveal the influence of lexical variables on production stages, halaman 216-217
  102. Object vs. action naming: A double dissociation?, halaman 218-219

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