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JurnalInternational Journal of Multilingualism (Full Text) vol. 7 no. 3 (2010)
Topik: Linguistics; Language; Multilingualism
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2010    
Penerbit: Routledge
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal International Journal of Multilingualism (Full Text)]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Trademarks in the linguistic landscape: methodological and theoretical challenges in qualifying brand names in the public space, halaman 197-210
  2. Being ‘the strange one’ or ‘like everybody else’: school education and the negotiation of multilingual identity, halaman 211-224
  3. The multilingual reader: advantages in understanding and decoding German sentence structure when reading German as an L3, halaman 225-239
  4. Metrolingualism: fixity, fluidity and language in flux, halaman 240-254
  5. The fate of a migrant language in Northern France (1880-1914): Flemish in song repertoire, halaman 255-268
  6. Book Review: Language policy: hidden agendas and new approaches, halaman 269-272
  7. Book Review: Second language acquisition: an introductory course, 3rd ed. Susan Gass, halaman 272-275
  8. Book Review: Learning to be literate: multilingual perspectives, by Viv Edwards, halaman 275-278
  9. Book review: The multiple realities of multilingualism. Personal narratives and researchers' perspectives, halaman 278-283

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