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JurnalJournal of ICT Research and Applications vol. 3C no. 1 (2009)
Topik: judul sebelum tahun ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology (ISSN: 1978-3086)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 2338-5499    Year:: 2009    
Penerbit: LPPM - ITB
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Journal of ICT Research and Applications]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Investigation on Using Unity3D Game Engine in Urban Design Study, halaman 1-18
  2. Ranking the Online Documents Based on Relative Credibility Measures, halaman 19-33
  3. Surveillance and Protection-Based Approach for Link Failures over Fiber-to the-Home (FTTH) with Combination of ACS and SANTAD, halaman 34-50
  4. An Infrastructural IP for Interactive MPEG-4 SoC Functional Verification, halaman 51-66

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