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Human Reproduction vol. 27 no. 04 (Apr. 2012)
(EN )
Apr 2012
Oxford University Press
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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Human Reproduction
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Human papillomavirus sperm infection and assisted reproduction: a dangerous hazard with a possible safe solution
, halaman 967-973
Seminal vesicles ultrasound features in a cohort of infertility patients
, halaman 974-982
Unconjugated bisphenol A cord blood levels in boys with descended or undescended testes
, halaman 983-990
A novel application of cell-free seminal mRNA: non-invasive identification of the presence of germ cells or complete obstruction in men with azoospermia
, halaman 991-997
Failure of a combined clinical- and hormonal-based strategy to detect early spermatogenesis and retrieve spermatogonial stem cells in 47,XXY boys by single testicular biopsy
, halaman 998-1004
Glycodelin-A interferes with IL-2/IL-2R signalling to induce cell growth arrest, loss of effector functions and apoptosis in T-lymphocytes
, halaman 1005-1015
Heated spermatozoa: effects on embryonic development and epigenetics
, halaman 1016-1024
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in human follicular fluid impair in vitro oocyte developmental competence
, halaman 1025-1033
A short exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls deregulates cellular autophagy in mammalian blastocyst in vitro
, halaman 1034-1042
Cumulative pregnancy rate after ICSI–IVF in patients with colorectal endometriosis: results of a multicentre study
, halaman 1043-1049
Tailored expectant management: a nationwide survey to quantify patients' and professionals' barriers and facilitators
, halaman 1050-1057
‘Inconvenient biology:’ advantages and disadvantages of first-time parenting after age 40 using in vitro fertilization
, halaman 1058-1065
‘Inconvenient biology:’ advantages and disadvantages of first-time parenting after age 40 using in vitro fertilization
, halaman 1058-1065
Antral follicle responsiveness to follicle-stimulating hormone administration assessed by the Follicular Output RaTe (FORT) may predict in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer outcome
, halaman 1066-1072
Understanding the perceptions of and emotional barriers to infertility treatment: a survey in four European countries†
, halaman 1073-1079
Australian perspectives on surrogacy: the influence of cognitions, psychological and demographic characteristics
, halaman 1080-1087
Effect of cryopreservation and transplantation on the expression of kit ligand and anti-Mullerian hormone in human ovarian tissue
, halaman 1088-1095
Vitrification at the pre-antral stage transiently alters inner mitochondrial membrane potential but proteome of in vitro grown and matured mouse oocytes appears unaffected
, halaman 1096-1111
The presence and regulation of connective tissue growth factor in the human endometrium
, halaman 1112-1121
Human chorionic gonadotrophin stimulation test as a predictor of ovarian response and pregnancy in IVF cycles stimulated with GnRH agonist gonadotrophin treatment: a pilot study
, halaman 1122-1129
Physiological sex steroid replacement in premature ovarian failure: randomized crossover trial of effect on uterine volume, endometrial thickness and blood flow, compared with a standard regimen
, halaman 1130-1138
Prolactin secretory rhythm in women: immediate and long-term alterations after sexual contact
, halaman 1139-1143
Solely inhibin B producing ovarian tumour as a cause of secondary amenorrhoea with hot flushes: case report and review of literature
, halaman 1144-1148
Cancer morbidity in a cohort of 9175 Finnish women treated for infertility
, halaman 1149-1155
Pubertal development in ICSI children
, halaman 1156-1161
Comparison of the pregnancy outcomes of subfertile women after infertility treatment and in naturally conceived pregnancies
, halaman 1162-1169
Premature birth and low birthweight are associated with a lower rate of reproduction in adulthood: a Swedish population-based registry study
, halaman 1170-1178
The effect of postponement of first motherhood on permanent involuntary childlessness and total fertility rate in six European countries since the 1970s
, halaman 1179-1183
Cumulative parenthood rates in 1735 couples: impact of male factor infertility
, halaman 1184-1190
Intrauterine exposure to mild analgesics during pregnancy and the occurrence of cryptorchidism and hypospadia in the offspring: the Generation R Study
, halaman 1191-1201
Selection against small males in utero: a test of the Wells hypothesis
, halaman 1202-1208
Prevalence of functional disorders of androgen excess in unselected premenopausal women: a study in blood donors
, halaman 1209-1216
Single embryo transfer with comprehensive chromosome screening results in improved ongoing pregnancy rates and decreased miscarriage rates
, halaman 1217-1222
Gonosomal mosaicism for an NF1 deletion in a sperm donor: evidence of the need for coordinated, long-term communication of health information among relevant parties
, halaman 1223-1226
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