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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 94 no. 06 (Dec. 2011)
(EN )
Dec 2011
The American Society for Clinical Nutrition, Inc.
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
A distinct adipose tissue gene expression response to caloric restriction predicts 6-mo weight maintenance in obese subjects
, halaman 1399-1409
Satiety-relevant sensory qualities enhance the satiating effects of mixed carbohydrate-protein preloads
, halaman 1410-1417
Salmon consumption by pregnant women reduces ex vivo umbilical cord endothelial cell activation
, halaman 1418-1425
Palm olein increases plasma cholesterol moderately compared with olive oil in healthy individuals
, halaman 1426-1432
Palmitic acid in the sn-2 position of triacylglycerols acutely influences postprandial lipid metabolism
, halaman 1433-1441
Effects of n-3 fatty acids on depressive symptoms and dispositional optimism after myocardial infarction
, halaman 1442-1450
Diets high in palmitic acid (16:0), lauric and myristic acids (12:0 + 14:0), or oleic acid (18:1) do not alter postprandial or fasting plasma homocysteine and inflammatory markers in healthy Malaysian adults
, halaman 1451-1457
Mediterranean-style diet and risk of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death: the Northern Manhattan Study
, halaman 1458-1464
Lower concentrations of serum phosphorus within the normal range could be associated with less calcification of the coronary artery in Koreans with normal renal function
, halaman 1465-1470
Prospective association of vitamin D concentrations with mortality in postmenopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
, halaman 1471-1478
Cheese intake in large amounts lowers LDL-cholesterol concentrations compared with butter intake of equal fat content
, halaman 1479-1484
Body fat distribution in perinatally HIV-infected and HIV-exposed but uninfected children in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: outcomes from the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study
, halaman 1485-1495
Lysine requirement of the enterally fed term infant in the first month of life
, halaman 1496-1503
Low-grade adipose tissue inflammation in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
, halaman 1504-1512
Impact of endogenous and exogenous insulin on basal energy expenditure in patients with type 2 diabetes under standard treatment
, halaman 1513-1518
Continuous glucose monitoring to assess the ecologic validity of dietary glycemic index and glycemic load
, halaman 1519-1524
Joint association of glycemic load and alcohol intake with type 2 diabetes incidence in women
, halaman 1525-1532
The role of leptin in human lipid and glucose metabolism: the effects of acute recombinant human leptin infusion in young healthy males
, halaman 1533-1544
Protein requirement of healthy school-age children determined by the indicator amino acid oxidation method
, halaman 1545-1552
Effects of iron supplementation on serum hepcidin and serum erythropoietin in low-birth-weight infants
, halaman 1553-1561
Prospective associations between appetitive traits and weight gain in infancy
, halaman 1562-1567
Changes in genetic and environmental effects on growth during infancy
, halaman 1568-1574
Soy intake is associated with lower lung cancer risk: results from a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies
, halaman 1575-1583
The relation of dietary choline to cognitive performance and white-matter hyperintensity in the Framingham Offspring Cohort
, halaman 1584-1591
Effect of fatty acid status in cord blood serum on children's behavioral difficulties at 10 y of age: results from the LISAplus Study
, halaman 1592-1599
Biomarker-calibrated dietary energy and protein intake associations with diabetes risk among postmenopausal women from the Women's Health Initiative
, halaman 1600-1606
Adolescent and mid-life diet: risk of colorectal cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
, halaman 1607-1619
Intake of fruit, vegetables, and carotenoids in relation to risk of uterine leiomyomata
, halaman 1620-1631
Multisector intervention to accelerate reductions in child stunting: an observational study from 9 sub-Saharan African countries
, halaman 1632-1642
Maternal vitamin A and ß-carotene supplementation and risk of bacterial vaginosis: a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh
, halaman 1643-1649
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