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JurnalThe Economist ( vol. 401 no. 8762 (Dec. 2011)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2011    Bulan: 12    Edisi: 3 Des 2011    
Penerbit: The Economist Newspaper
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal The Economist (]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: EE29.69
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. More than Just Digital Quilting, halaman 3-4
  2. A Classic Invention, halaman 4-5
  3. Return of the Human Computers, halaman 5-6
  4. Cities on the Ocean, halaman 12-14
  5. Getting Past the Guards, halaman 15-16
  6. Resistance is Futile, halaman 17-19
  7. Reinventing the Wheel, halaman 20-21
  8. Briefing; What Comes Next, halaman 29-32
  9. A New Great Game; Myanmar and America, halaman 33-34
  10. Not Reunited; Sri Lanka's Former Child Soldiers, halaman 36-37
  11. The Day of the Newt; The Republican Nomination, halaman 41-42
  12. Illinoyed; Taxes and Disinvestment, halaman 42-44
  13. Fiddling While the Amazon Burns; Protecting Brazil's Forests, halaman 49-50
  14. The Ratings Game; France and the Euro Crisis, halaman 57-58
  15. A Battalion of Troubles; The Politics of Austerity, halaman 63-64
  16. Weapons of Mass Construction; Capital Spending, halaman 64-65
  17. Wilted Greenery; Climate-change Talks, halaman 67-68
  18. The Supermarket's Last Frontier; Indian Retail, halaman 69-70
  19. The Sun Shines Bright; Africa's Hopeful Economies, halaman 76-78
  20. The Dash for Cash; Bank Funding, halaman 79-80
  21. Contagion? What Contagion; American Banks, halaman 80-81
  22. The Fat of the Land; DIY Biofuels, halaman 86-87
  23. How Mush is Too Much?; Foie-gras Production, halaman 87-88
  24. Indolent or Aggressive, halaman 6
  25. Spotting the Rot, halaman 8
  26. Sticky Fingers, halaman 8
  27. The Devil in the Details, halaman 10
  28. Leaders Africa Rising The Hopeful Continent, halaman 13
  29. Into the Storm Britain's Economy, halaman 14
  30. Sweet Land of Subsidy; Broadband in Rural America, halaman 45
  31. Highs and Laws; Marijuana in California and Colorado, halaman 46
  32. Bang 'em Up; Crime and Punishment in Canada, halaman 52
  33. Islamists of Every Stripe to the Fore; Egypt's Election, halaman 53
  34. Dead Munitions; Arms Control, halaman 68
  35. Sorry, Friends; Facebook and Privacy, halaman 73
  36. Field of Dreams; Business Education, halaman 74
  37. Unsettling Wall Street; A Financial Regulator Under Fire, halaman 82

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