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JurnalThe Economist ( vol. 401 no. 8758 (Nov. 2011)
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2011    Bulan: 11    Edisi: 5 Nov 2011    
Penerbit: The Economist Newspaper
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal The Economist (]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: EE29.68
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A Dangerous Game; The Republicans, halaman 33-35
  2. The Twilight Zone; Cleaning Up Japan's Nuclear Mess, halaman 37-38
  3. Rising from the Ruins; Housing and the Economy, halaman 45-46
  4. The Survivor; Nicaragua's Presidential Election, halaman 51-52
  5. Pygmy with the Punch of a Giant, halaman 54-55
  6. One Side Gets Even Lonelier; Israel and Palestine, halaman 56-57
  7. Rajoy the Reformer; Spain's Election, halaman 60-61
  8. Entertainers to the World; The Reality-televison Business, halaman 64-65
  9. Bells and Yells; The St Paul's Protests, halaman 65-66
  10. Free but Not Easy; Wikipedia's Fund Rising, halaman 68-67
  11. Out of Time and Money: WikiLeaks, halaman 69-70
  12. Seeking to Avoid a Mid-life Crisis; Indian Technology Firms, halaman 71-72
  13. Filling Up the Future; Brazil's Oil Boom, halaman 78-80
  14. Greece Lightning; Financial Markets, halaman 81-82
  15. The Swiss Diet; Swiss Banks, halaman 84-85
  16. Forever Young; Ageing, halaman 89-90
  17. Leaders; America's Missing Middle, halaman 17
  18. Rising Damp; Thailand's Floods, halaman 38
  19. Blind Man's Bluff; Activism in China, halaman 39
  20. Digging Holes; Indian Rural Welfare, halaman 40
  21. Bully Meets Nice Guy; Conservatives in the West, halaman 48
  22. Unfree Exchange; Currency Controls in Argentina, halaman 52
  23. Papandreou's People; Greece and the Euro, halaman 59
  24. Merkel and the Minimum; Wages in Germany, halaman 60
  25. Precious Little Burdens; Child-care Costs, halaman 66
  26. Supply Side; Bribery, halaman 70
  27. Broke Broker; MF Global's Bankcruptcy, halaman 84
  28. All Change; China's Financial Regulators, halaman 85
  29. He Who Pays the Paupers; Climate Finances, halaman 86
  30. All Squared; Science in South Africa, halaman 90

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