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Social Science & Medicine ( vol. 70 no. 11 (Jun. 2010)
(EN )
Jun 2010
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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Social Science & Medicine (
Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Reforming Medical Education: A Review and Synthesis of Five Critiques of Medical Practice
, halaman 1665-1668
Will Teaching Social Sciences to Medical Students Hasten Health Care Reform?
, halaman 1669-1671
Recipes for Medical Education Reform: Will Different Ingredients Create Better Doctors? A Commentary on Sales and Schlaff
, halaman 1672-1676
The Two Dogmas of Empirical Education in Medicine. A Commentary on Sales and Schlaff
, halaman 1677-1679
Reforming Medical Education: A Respnse to Weller and Woodward, and Whitehead, and Schwab
, halaman 1680-1681
Scripting Patienthood with Patient Clothing
, halaman 1682-1689
Welfare Embodied: The Materiality of Hospital Dress: A Commentary on Topo and Iltanen-Tähkävuori
, halaman 1690-1692
Illness Reporting and Demand for Medical Care in Rural Burkina Faso
, halaman 1693-1700
Factors that Influence the Participation of Healthcare Professionals in Advance Care Planning for Patients with Terminal Cancer: A Nationwide Survey in Taiwan
, halaman 1701-1704
'Wrong Parents' and 'Right Parents': Shared Perspectives about Citizen Participation in Policy Implementation
, halaman 1705-1713
Resisting Blame and Managing Emotion in General Practice: The Case of Patient Suicide
, halaman 1714-1720
HIV Generations? Generational Discourse in Interviews with Australian General Practitioners and Their HIV Positive Gay Male Patients
, halaman 1721-1727
What do Physicians Gain (and Lose) with Experience? Qualitative Results from a Cross-National Study of Diabetes
, halaman 1728-1736
Male Reproductive Control of Women who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence in the United States
, halaman 1737-1744
Poverty, Vulnerability, and Provision of Healthcare in Afghanistan
, halaman 1745-1755
Maori Healers' Views on Wellbeing: The Importance of Mind, Body, Spirit, Family and Land
, halaman 1756-1764
Project-induced Migration and Depression: A Panel Analysis
, halaman 1765-1772
Patterns of Distress, Precipitating Events, and Reflections on Suicide Attempts by Young Latinas
, halaman 1773-1779
Socio-economic Status and Oral Health-related Behaviours in Korean Adolscents
, halaman 1780-1788
The Knowledge, Education and Behaviour of Young People with Regard to Chlamydia trachomatis in Aarhus, Denmark and Bonn, Germany: Do Prevention Concepts Matter?
, halaman 1789-1798
Are Children and Adolescents Less Active if Parents Restrict Their Physical Activity and Active Transport Due to Perceived Risk?
, halaman 1799-1805
Local Environments as Determinants of Walking in Melbourne, Australia
, halaman 1806-1815
Do Working Mothers Raise Couch Potato Kids? Maternal Employment and Children's Lifestyle Behaviours and Weight in Early Childhood
, halaman 1816-1824
The Adaptive Role of Perceived Control Before and After Cancer Diagnosis: A Prospective Study
, halaman 1825-1831
The Impact if Subjective and Objective Social Status on Psychological Distress Among Men and Women in Japan
, halaman 1832-1839
The Protective Effects of Civic Communities Against All-cause Mortality
, halaman 1840-1846
Fertility History and Cause-specific Mortality: A Register-based Analysis of Complete Cohorts of Norwegian Women and Men
, halaman 1847-1857
Alcohol Use and Social Interactions Among Adolescents in Sweden: Do Peer Effects Exist Within and/or Between the Majority Population and Immigrants?
, halaman 1858-1864
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