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JurnalChild Development vol. 70 no. 01 (Feb. 1999)
Topik: C49; Anak; Bayi; Stres; Emosi; Remaja; Prasekolah; Ingatan; Prilaku; Keluarga
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0009-3920    Year:: 1999    Bulan: 02    Edisi: Feb 1999    
Penerbit: The University of Chicago Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Child Development]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: C49
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Sleep/Wake States of Preterm Infants: Stability, Developmental Change, Diurnal Variation, and Relation with Caregiving Activity, halaman 01-10
  2. Effect of Maternal Soothing on Infant Stress Response, halaman 11-20
  3. Toward a Developmental Model of Child Compliance: The Role of Emotion Regulation in Infancy, halaman 21-32
  4. How Meaning Modifies Drawing Behavior in Children, halaman 33-49
  5. The Relations among Body Image, Physical Attractiveness, and Body Mass in Adolescence, halaman 50-64
  6. Infants' Learning about Words and Sounds in Relation to Objects, halaman 65-77
  7. Lexical Form Class Information Guides Word-to-Object Mapping in Preschoolers, halaman 78-91
  8. Parents' Report of Vocabulary and Grammatical Development of African American Preschoolers: Child and Environmental Associations, halaman 92-106
  9. Metamemory in Children with Autism, halaman 107-131
  10. Children's Judgments of Flags and Flag-Burning, halaman 132-143
  11. An Adoption Study of the Etiology of Teacher and Parent Reports of Externalizing Behavior Problems in Middle Childhood, halaman 144-154
  12. Sex Differences in the Etiology of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Antisocial Behavior: Results from Two Twin Studies, halaman 155-168
  13. The Relation between Behavior Problems and Peer Preference in Different Classroom Contexts, halaman 169-182
  14. Representation of Self and Socioemotional Competence in Kindergartners: Differential and Combined Effects of Attachment to Mother and to Father, halaman 183-201
  15. Developmental Patterns in Security of Attachment to Mother and Father in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence: Associations with Peer Relations, halaman 202-213
  16. Children "Tune out" in Response to the Ambiguous Communication Style of Powerless Adults, halaman 214-230
  17. Cognitive Moderators of Children's Adjustment to Stressful Divorce Events: The Role of Negative Cognitive Errors and Positive Illusions, halaman 231-245
  18. Conditions Underlying Parents' Knowledge about Children's Daily Lives in Middle Childhood: Between- and Within-Family Comparisons, halaman 246-259

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