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JurnalAsia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (keterangan: ada di Proquest) vol. 18 no. 04 (2009)
Topik: nutrition; food; gizi
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0964-7058    Year:: 2009    
Penerbit: Blackwell Science Asia
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (keterangan: ada di Proquest)]
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: A27.K.2009.01
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Securing health through food systems: an initiative of the nutrition consortium of the National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan and Asia Pacific regional partners as a network, halaman 472-479
  2. Why food in health security (FIHS)?, halaman 480-485
  3. Food in health security in North East Asia, halaman 486-492
  4. Food in health security in South East Asia, halaman 493-497
  5. Sustainable agricultural practices: energy inputs and outputs, pesticide, fertilizer and greenhouse gas management, halaman 498-500
  6. Water and its role in food and health security – the importance of water to food production, halaman 501-506
  7. Food crisis in the Asia-Pacific region, halaman 507-515
  8. Soil science in the understanding of the security of food systems for health, halaman 516-519
  9. Crops and food security- experiences and perspectives from Taiwan, halaman 520-526
  10. Marine biodiversity and fishery sustainability, halaman 527-531
  11. Food safety and food labeling from the viewpoint of the consumers, halaman 532-537
  12. Waste management to improve food safety and security for health advancement, halaman 538-545
  13. New technology for food systems and security, halaman 546-548
  14. Threats from farm animals to food and human security, halaman 549-552
  15. Fish and its multiple human health effects in times of threat to sustainability and affordability: are there alternatives?, halaman 553-563
  16. Aquaculture and food crisis: opportunities and constraints, halaman 564-569
  17. The value of Asian - Africa collaboration in food and health security, halaman 570-576
  18. Food security in the Asia-Pacific: Malthus, limits and environmental challenges, halaman 577-584
  19. The demography of food in health security: current experience with dairy consumption in Taiwan, halaman 585-589
  20. Food security in the Asia-Pacific: climate change, phosphorus, ozone and other environmental challenges, halaman 590-597
  21. Health and nutrition economics: diet costs are associated with diet quality, halaman 598-604
  22. Imputed food insecurity as a predictor of disease and mental health in Taiwanese elementary school children, halaman 605-619
  23. Equity, food security and health equity in the Asia Pacific region, halaman 620-632
  24. Improved food availability for food security in Asia-Pacific Region, halaman 633-637
  25. Information system equality for food security-implementation of the food safety control system in Taiwan, halaman 638-641
  26. Gender-specific roles and needs in food-health security, halaman 642-646
  27. Ethical management of food systems: plant based diet as a holistic approach, halaman 647-653
  28. Food and health considerations in Asia-Pacific regional security, halaman 654-663
  29. The global food crisis: an Australian dairy industry perspective, halaman 664-668
  30. Human security in the Asia Pacific: perspective of food and health security, halaman 669-673
  31. Climate change and food security in East Asia, halaman 674-678
  32. The nature of international health security, halaman 679-683
  33. Food security and population health and well being, halaman 684-687
  34. A Food in Health Security (FIHS) platform in the Asia-Pacific Region: the way forward, halaman 688-702

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