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JurnalHuman Reproduction vol. 24 no. 12 (Dec. 2009)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0268-1161    Year:: 2009    Bulan: 12    Edisi: Dec 2009    
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Human Reproduction]
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: H07.K.2009.04
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Stem cell support of oogenesis in the human, halaman 2974-2978
  2. Beta-chemokine receptor CCR5 in human spermatozoa and its relationship with seminal parameters, halaman 2979-2987
  3. Impact of cleavage-stage embryo biopsy in view of PGD on human blastocyst implantation: a prospective cohort of single embryo transfers , halaman 2988-2996
  4. Stress response genes are suppressed in mouse preimplantation embryos by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) , halaman 2997-3009
  5. Trends and determinants of reproductive health service use among young women in the USA , halaman 3010-3018
  6. Diagnosis of endometriosis by detection of nerve fibres in an endometrial biopsy: a double blind study , halaman 3019-3024
  7. Density of small diameter sensory nerve fibres in endometrium: a semi-invasive diagnostic test for minimal to mild endometriosis , halaman 3025-3032
  8. Letrozole combined with norethisterone acetate compared with norethisterone acetate alone in the treatment of pain symptoms caused by endometriosis , halaman 3033-3041
  9. Post-operative oral contraceptive use reduces the risk of ovarian endometrioma recurrence after laparoscopic excision, halaman 3042-3048
  10. Increased risk of preterm births among women with uterine leiomyoma: a nationwide population-based study , halaman 3049-3056
  11. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign uterine pathologies: obesity does not increase the risk of complications , halaman 3057-3062
  12. A double-blind, non-inferiority RCT comparing corifollitropin alfa and recombinant FSH during the first seven days of ovarian stimulation using a GnRH antagonist protocol, halaman 3063-3072
  13. How to demonstrate that eSET does not compromise the likelihood of having a baby? , halaman 3073-3081
  14. Determinants of pregnancy rate in the donor oocyte model: a multivariate analysis of 450 frozen-thawed embryo transfers , halaman 3082-3089
  15. Association of MICA gene polymorphisms with Chlamydia trachomatis infection and related tubal pathology in infertile women , halaman 3090-3095
  16. The epidemiology of infertility in the North East of Scotland, halaman 3096-3107
  17. Cross-border reproductive care in Belgium, halaman 3108-3118
  18. The Groningen ART cohort study: ovarian hyperstimulation and the in vitro procedure do not affect neurological outcome in infancy , halaman 3119-3126
  19. When and why do subfertile couples discontinue their fertility care? A longitudinal cohort study in a secondary care subfertility population , halaman 3127-3135
  20. A study of the effect of message framing on oocyte donation , halaman 3136-3143
  21. US oocyte donors: a retrospective study of medical and psychosocial issues , halaman 3144-3149
  22. In vitro post-meiotic germ cell development from human embryonic stem cells , halaman 3150-3159
  23. Human decidual stromal cells suppress cytokine secretion by allogenic CD4+ T cells via PD-1 ligand interactions , halaman 3160-3171
  24. The role of survivin in the resistance of endometriotic stromal cells to drug-induced apoptosis , halaman 3172-3179
  25. HOXA-10 expression in the mid-secretory endometrium of infertile patients with either endometriosis, uterine fibromas or unexplained infertility , halaman 3180-3187
  26. Early prenatal androgenization results in diminished ovarian reserve in adult female rhesus monkeys , halaman 3188-3195
  27. Physical activity and fertility in women: the North-Trøndelag Health Study , halaman 3196-3204
  28. Assisted fertilization and breech delivery: risks and obstetric management , halaman 3205-3210
  29. Alcohol binge drinking during pregnancy and cryptorchidism, halaman 3211-3219
  30. Incidence of retinoblastoma in Dutch children conceived by IVF: an expanded study , halaman 3220-3224
  31. Real-time reverse linkage using polar body analysis for preimplantation genetic diagnosis in female carriers of de novo mutations , halaman 3225-3229
  32. Longer CAG repeat length in the androgen receptor gene is associated with premature ovarian failure , halaman 3230-3235

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