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JurnalThe Family Journal vol. 14 no. 04 (Oct. 2006)
Topik: Couples; Marriage & Family Counseling; Dysfunctional Families; Families & Aging; Family & Consumer Sciences; Family Demography; Family Diversity; Family Law; Family Life Education; Family policy; Family Research Methods; Family Systems & Theory; Parenting; Relationships; Work & the Family
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2006    Bulan: 10    Edisi: oktober 2006    
Penerbit: SAGE Publications
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal The Family Journal]
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Counseling and Treating Adolescents With Alcohol and Other Substance Use Problems and Their Families, halaman 326-333
  2. The Consequences of Witnessing Family Violence on Children and Implications for Family Counselors, halaman 334-341
  3. Self-Injury and Postvention: Responding to the Family in Crisis, halaman 342-348
  4. Understanding the Complexity of Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Literature With Implications for Family Counseling, halaman 349-358
  5. Ambiguous Loss and the Family Grieving Process, halaman 359-365
  6. Internet Infidelity: A Critical Review of the Literature, halaman 366-371
  7. "To Divorce Is to Die a Bit...": A Longitudinal Study of Marital Disruption and Psychological Distress Among Swedish Women and Men, halaman 372-382
  8. The Challenge of Religious Conflicts in Couples Counseling, halaman 383-391
  9. Assertiveness in Marital Relationships Among Asian Indians in the United States, halaman 392-399
  10. Developing an Attitudes Toward Housecleaning Scale: Gender Comparisons and Counseling, halaman 400-407
  11. The Language Relationship Questionnaire (LRQ): Implications for Couples, halaman 408-411
  12. Family-Oriented Compliance Counseling: A Therapeutic Strategy for Enhancing Health Status and , halaman 412-416
  13. Exploring Marital Satisfaction Among Graduate Students: Implications for Service Delivery, halaman 417-419
  14. Research on Divorce Among Postsecondary Students: Surprisingly Missing, halaman 420-423
  15. New Mothers and Sexual Intimacy: An Existential Framework for Counseling, halaman 424-429
  16. The Relationships Between Attachment Theory and Intergenerational Family Systems Theory, halaman 430-440
  17. Integrative Multilevel Family Therapy for Disputes Involving Child Custody and Visitation (IMFT-DCCV): An Interview With Jay Lebow, halaman 441-448

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