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JurnalTime Magazine vol. 172 no. 13 (Oct. 2008)
Topik: Politic; Olah Raga; Asia; Ekonomi; Politik; Berita; T7
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2008    Bulan: 10    Edisi: 06 Oktober 2008    
Penerbit: Time Magazine
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Time Magazine]
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: T7
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Index., halaman 003
  2. The moment: islamabad., halaman 007
  3. Postcard: shanghai., halaman 018
  4. Age of activism., halaman 019
  5. The financial crisis: who can lead us out of this mess?., halaman 021
  6. Three men and bailout., halaman 026
  7. America's no. 1 export., halaman 029
  8. Red tide and the casino., halaman 030
  9. Bottom-fishing season., halaman 032
  10. Turning sour., halaman 033
  11. Vice versa., halaman 036
  12. He won his battle with cancer., halaman 040
  13. The pursuit of purity., halaman 046
  14. Special report: heroes of the environment., halaman 050
  15. Kevin conrad., halaman 052
  16. Arnold schwarzenegger., halaman 054
  17. Sheila watt-cloutier., halaman 055
  18. Alice waters., halaman 056
  19. Marina silva and christina narbona ruiz., halaman 058
  20. Kim stanley robinson., halaman 059
  21. Ted nordhaus and michael shellenberger., halaman 060
  22. Jean-francois and jean-charles decaux., halaman 064
  23. Mick bremans., halaman 066
  24. John doerr., halaman 067
  25. Peter head., halaman 068
  26. Peggy liu., halaman 070
  27. Shai agassi., halaman 071
  28. Annie leonard., halaman 072
  29. Wang yongchen., halaman 074
  30. Gidon bromberg, nader al-khateeb and munqeth mehyar., halaman 074
  31. Jack sim., halaman 076
  32. Balbir singh seechewal., halaman 077
  33. Silas kpanan'ayoung siakor., halaman 078
  34. Craig sorley., halaman 080
  35. Marina rikhvanova., halaman 081
  36. Van jones., halaman 082
  37. Soren hermansen., halaman 084
  38. Lonnie thompson., halaman 086
  39. Mohammed dilawar., halaman 087
  40. Jurgenne primavera., halaman 088
  41. Joachim luther., halaman 089
  42. Vo quy., halaman 090
  43. Fifty states of wine., halaman 091
  44. A spa that slithers., halaman 093
  45. Free music for everybody., halaman 094
  46. Dirty little secret., halaman 095
  47. Business books., halaman 098
  48. Spike lee goes to war., halaman 099
  49. Home boy., halaman 101
  50. All aboard., halaman 102
  51. Back on the tracks., halaman 104
  52. Global adviser., halaman 105
  53. The ponzi economy., halaman 108

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