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JurnalSocial Science & Medicine ( vol. 65 no. 7 (Oct. 2007)
Topik: Science; Medicine
Bahasa: (EN )    ISSN: 0277-9536    Year:: 2007    Bulan: 10    Edisi: Oct 2007    
Penerbit: Elsevier
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Social Science & Medicine (]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: SS53.15
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Effects of Television Advertisements for Junk Food Versus Nutritious Food on Children's Food Attitudes and Preferences, halaman 1311-1323
  2. Television and the Behaviour of Adolescents: Does Socio-Economic Status Moderate the Link?, halaman 1324-1336
  3. Nxwisen, Ntzarrin or Ntzo’lin? Mapping Children's Respiratory Symptoms Among Indigenous Populations in Guatemala, halaman 1337-1350
  4. Caretaking as Articulation Work: The Effects of Taking up Responsibility for a Child With Asthma on Labor Force Participation, halaman 1351-1363
  5. A New Approach to Understanding Pediatric Farm Injuries, halaman 1364-1371
  6. Socioeconomic Differences in Health Among Older Adults in Mexico, halaman 1372-1385
  7. The Relation of Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus to Perceived Health, and the Moderating Effects of Sex and age, halaman 1386-1396
  8. Intergenerational Interaction, Social Capital and Health: Results From a Randomised Controlled Trial in Brazil, halaman 1397-1409
  9. The Association Between Cognitive Ability Measured at Ages 18–20 and Coronary Heart Disease in Middle Age Among Men: A Prospective Study Using the Swedish 1969 Conscription Cohort, halaman 1410-1419
  10. Predictors and Course of Vocational Status, Income, and Quality of Life in People With Severe Mental Illness: A Naturalistic Study, halaman 1420-1429
  11. Making a Bad Thing Worse: Effects of Communication of Results of an Epidemiological Study After an Aviation Disaster, halaman 1430-1441
  12. Assessing Oral Literacy Demand in Genetic Counseling Dialogue: Preliminary Test of a Conceptual Framework, halaman 1442-1457
  13. Minding the Shop: The Case of Obstetrics Conferences, halaman 1458-1465
  14. What Length of Hospice Use Maximizes Reduction in Medical Expenditures Near Death in the US Medicare Program?, halaman 1466-1478
  15. Optimism, Pessimism and the Compensating Income Variation of Cardiovascular Disease: A Two-Tiered Quality of Life Stochastic Frontier Model, halaman 1479-1489
  16. Banking on it: Public Policy and the Ethics of Stem Cell Research and Development, halaman 1490-1500
  17. “Wailing Lore” in a Yemenite–Israeli Community: Bereavement, Expertise, and Therapy, halaman 1501-1511
  18. Kathy Pan, Sticks and Pummelling: Techniques Used to Induce Abortion by Burmese Women on the Thai Border, halaman 1512-1523
  19. Beyond Acculturation: Immigration, Discrimination, and Health Research Among Mexicans in the United States, halaman 1524-1535
  20. Designing a Better Place for Patients: Professional Struggles Surrounding Satellite and Mobile Dialysis Units, halaman 1536-1548
  21. Complex Syndromes, Ambivalent Diagnosis, and Existential Uncertainty: The Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), halaman 1549-1559

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