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Diabetes Care vol. 30 no. 11 (Nov. 2007)
(EN )
Nov 2007
American Diabetes Association
Journal - ilmiah internasional
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Diabetes Care
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Exploring the Substitution of Exenatide for Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Treated With Insulin in Combination With Oral Antidiabetes Agents
, halaman 2767
Pioglitazone Use and Heart Failure in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Preexisting Cardiovascular Disease : data from the PROactive Study (PROactive 08)
, halaman 2773
Comparison of Accuracy Measures of Two Screening Tests for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
, halaman 2779
Changes in the Glycemic Profiles of Women With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes During Pregnancy
, halaman 2785
Lactation After Normal Pregnancy Is Not Associated With Blood Glucose Fluctuations
, halaman 2792
Pramlintide Improved Glycemic Control and Reduced Weight in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Using Basal Insulin
, halaman 2794
The Effect of Glucosamine on Serum HDL Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein AI Levels in People With Diabetes
, halaman 2800
Supplementation of Conventional Therapy With the Novel Grain Salba (Salvia hispanica L.) Improves Major and Emerging Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes : results of a randomized controlled trial
, halaman 2804
Glycemic Index, Dietary Fiber, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in a Cohort of Older Australians
, halaman 2811
Vinegar Ingestion at Bedtime Moderates Waking Glucose Concentrations in Adults With Well-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2814
Dietary Cod Protein Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Insulin-Resistant Men and Women : randomized controlled trial
, halaman 2816
The Decision Not to Drive During Hypoglycemia in Patients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes According to Hypoglycemia Awareness
, halaman 2822
Cognitive Function and Army Rejection Rate in Young Adult Male Offspring of Women With Diabetes : a Danish population-based cohort study
, halaman 2827
Effectiveness of a Self-Management Intervention in Patients With Screen-Detected Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2832
Changes in Vigorous Physical Activity and Incident Diabetes in Male Runners
, halaman 2838
Development of an Evaluation Scale for Self-Management Behavior Related to Physical Activity of Type 2 Diabetic Patients
, halaman 2843
Glucose Control, Self-Care Behaviors, and the Presence of the Chronic Care Model in Primary Care Clinics
, halaman 2849
Patient Perspectives on Consistency of Medical Care With Recommended Care in Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2855
Internet Diabetic Patient Management Using a Short Messaging Service Automatically Produced by a Knowledge Matrix System
, halaman 2857
Does Age at Diabetes Diagnosis Influence Long-Term Physical and Behavioral Outcomes?
, halaman 2859
Five-Year Prevalence and Persistence of Disturbed Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders in Girls With Type 1 Diabetes
, halaman 2861
The CETP TaqIB Polymorphism Is Associated With the Risk of Sudden Death in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
, halaman 2863
Symptoms of Diabetes and Their Association With the Risk and Presence of Diabetes : Findings from the study to help improve early evaluation and management of risk factors leading to diabetes (SHIELD)
, halaman 2868
Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Pre-Diabetes Among Overweight and Obese U.S. Adults
, halaman 2874
Skeletal Muscle Deoxygenation After the Onset of Moderate Exercise Suggests Slowed Microvascular Blood Flow Kinetics in Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2880
Increases in Central Aortic Impedance Precede Alterations in Arterial Stiffness Measures in Type 1 Diabetes
, halaman 2886
Resolution of Asymptomatic Myocardial Ischemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in the Detection of Ischemia in Asymptomatic Diabetics (DIAD) Study
, halaman 2892
Plasma Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA) Is Associated With Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2899
Lower Somatostatin Expression Is an Early Event in Diabetic Retinopathy and Is Associated With Retinal Neurodegeneration
, halaman 2902
White Blood Cells Telomere Length Is Shorter in Males With Type 2 Diabetes and Microalbuminuria
, halaman 2909
Pancreatic Fat Content and ß-Cell Function in Men With and Without Type 2 Diabetes
, halaman 2916
Dehydroepiandrosterone Administration Counteracts Oxidative Imbalance and Advanced Glycation End Product Formation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
, halaman 2922
Long-Term Predictors of Insulin Resistance : role of lifestyle and metabolic factors in middle-aged men
, halaman 2928
Osteoprotegerin: A Novel Independent Marker for Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Asymptomatic Diabetic Patients
, halaman 2934
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Is a Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes in Middle-Aged Japanese Men
, halaman 2940
Effect of Weight Loss on LDL and HDL Kinetics in the Metabolic Syndrome
, halaman 2945
Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and Subclinical Atherosclerosis : the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
, halaman 2951
Mediterranean Diet Inversely Associated With the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome: The SUN prospective cohort
, halaman 2957
Relationship Between Leg Length and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Chinese Pregnant Women
, halaman 2960
Behavior of Insulin Resistance and Its Metabolic Correlates in Prepubertal Children
, halaman 2962
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