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JurnalDolentium Hominum vol. 17 no. 49 (2002)
Topik: Pastoral; Church; Health
Bahasa: (EN )    Year:: 2002    
Penerbit: Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care
Jenis: Bulletin/Magazine
[Lihat daftar eksemplar jurnal Dolentium Hominum]
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: DD25.7
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
    Lihat Detail Induk
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. I. Prolusion, halaman 13-17
  2. II. The Reality, halaman 18-23
  3. Power and Health Care Policy, halaman 23-27
  4. Power, Health and Society, halaman 28-32
  5. Medical-Scientific Information, halaman 33-34
  6. 5. The Power of Health Professionals, halaman 34-38
  7. 6. The Power of the Pharmaceutical Industry, halaman 39-43
  8. 7. Religious Power and Health, halaman 44-50
  9. 1. Power and Health in History, halaman 51-55
  10. 2. Theological Reflection on Power and Health, halaman 56-59
  11. 3. The Moral Frontiers of Power and Health, halaman 60-64
  12. 4. The Approach of the Church to 'Power and Health', halaman 65-71
  13. 5. Inter-religious Dialogue, halaman 72-73
  14. 5.2. Hindu Philosophy Offers Solutions, halaman 74-80
  15. 5.3. Buddhism, halaman 80-83
  16. What Should be Done in Relation to the Economy and Health, halaman 84-90
  17. Power in Health Care Research and the Mass Media, halaman 90-92
  18. What Should be Done With the Power of the Professionals of Medicine, halaman 93-96
  19. Practical Actions to be Promoted in Relation to the Power of Pharmaceutical Industries , halaman 97-99
  20. Power and Health in National and International Structures, halaman 100-104
  21. What Should be Done in Relation to the Policy of States in Latin America, halaman 104-108
  22. Educating in Relationships Among All the Subjects of Care, halaman 109-115
  23. In Relation to Hospitals and Other Health Centres, halaman 116-120
  24. Address of Homage to the Holy Father, halaman 8
  25. Inaugural Address, halaman 12

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