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Teflin International conference 2005
(EN )
Ahmad Dahlan University
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420.7 TEF
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Linguistic Theories in EFL Teaching in a Multilingual Setting
, halaman
Implementation of Standards for English Teachers in Indonesia
The Influence of Bahasa Indonesia (L1) Semantic Constraints on the Acquisition of English (L2) Syntax
Squaring the Circle : linguistic rights and educational realities
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“Shared Materials” in a Speaking Class
Should English Teachers Employ English Exclusively in EFL Teaching and Learning at Vocational Schools?
Language attitude, learning strategies, motivation
Some Common Problems Involving Prepositions in Writing English in a Multilingual Context
Breaking the Silence of the Students in an English Language Class
Individual factors affecting language achievement in Indonesian EFL setting: a causal model
Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Towards the use of the Mother Tongue as opposed to the English-Only Approach in the EFL Classroom
Breaking the Silence: Promoting Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Through the Traditionally Passive English Subjects
Teaching-learning processes in multilingual context (a detailed picture of two different English classrooms in urban elementary schools)
Assessing Pragmatic Competence through DCT: a response to an everlasting issue
Why does the next generation TOEFL seem to be very threatening for English teachers?
Early lessons from competency-based classrooms (in-depth analysis of English teaching-learning processes)
Introducing English to bilingual children : a case study at TK. Negeri Pembina Surakarta
Students’ intrinsic motivation: the forgotten treasure
Several considerations in teaching English to children in Indonesian society
Supervision for EFL teachers in Indonesian schools : does it work ?
Incorporating local pragmatic norms into TEFL as a way both to put more meaning to it and to respect local cultures : how feasible?
Teaching EFL in a multilingual situation : exploring the role of action research
Implementing the competence-based curriculum : making students write different genres
The Implication of translation strategy by young learners on English sentences : a study on descriptive writing
Mother tongue based teaching (an English teaching model for the 1st grade of Elementary School Students)
The Implementation of information technology in language teaching
Si Kancil learns English : the role of local literary works in the EFL teaching and learning
The Process of writing : how students write an academic writing task (a case study of first year students of graduate studies in English of UPI)
English for Islamic Studies (EIS) : searching for an appropriate syllabus design and material development
Locally developed trilingual instructional materials (LDTIM) for primary school students (muatan lokal 3-bahasa bagi murid SD)
Optimizing the form-focused instruction
The Status of ruler, media and public in pre-reform and post reform era (a discourse analysis on editorial)
Language learning strategy instruction and individual difference in a self-access centre EFL learning mode in Indonesian context
Improving ESP course design at Indonesian Universities: a collective collaboration model
Using Short Stories in EFL Teaching and Learning
Teaching reading to get specific information to the first year students of SLTP N 72 Jakarta : action research
Literary works in the EFL teaching and learning : the application of Multi Channel Learning (MCL) in the English department, faculty of letters Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta
Developing learner oral communication in Indonesian multicultural context
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The Practices of English foreign language teaching at international classes at SMU Kotamadya Padang
Understanding students’ beliefs about EFL and strategies for learning the language : some implications for bilingual pedagogy
Teacher’s feedback to improve students’ listening-response skill : action research
The Implementation of English immersion program in senior high schools
Lexically-based materials for bilingual students : a developmental study for vocabulary course
On Integrating the internet pop-culture in English education
The Bilingual education at SMPN 1 Jambi : teachers’ problems and their initiative solutions
Promoting critical thinking in EFL classrooms
Teacher’s feedback to improve students’ listening-response skill : action research
Enhancing technology transfer through literature-based approach
Integrating literary work and English language teaching: in search for a model to promote cultural understanding
Processing model for teacher training
Contextual teaching and learning in argumentative writing classroom
What influences does a mother tongue have upon the second language vocabulary acquisition in multilingual context?
Computer assisted language learning
Building a sense of multicultural understanding and literary appreciation through writing portfolio
The Usage of CLL (Community Language Learning) in mastering a foreign language
Playing, thinking and creating with parody
Translating in multicultural context : an experience
The Bilingual/ multilingual levels of the students of English education department in Yogyakarta State University (UNY)
Multimedia in genre based teaching
“Developing students’ speaking ability through puppet shows at SMP Negeri 17 Pekanbaru”
Preparing Indonesian students to survive in multilingual and multicultural academic settings
The Role of students’ multilingual and multicultural background in an EFL clasroom
A Concise history of TEFL in Indonesia
New directions in contrastive rhetoric: some implications for teachers of writing in multilingual contexts
Informal Indonesian and the spirit of pluralism
Meaningful activities in translation class
Using bilingual learning experiences for English teaching and learning process in Indonesian schools
Linguistic competences
An Investigation of reading strategies : think aloud protocol analysis
Teaching subject-verb agreement from theory to practice: a functional view
Integrating tutorial program and performance class to maximize the target language use in the intensive course program for the freshmen
Improving the student’s motivation in speaking through‘tase’ technique or talking about something in English
Language choice in a multilingual society : a case study of English department students at Ahmad Dahlan University
, halaman
An Investigation of reading strategies : think aloud protocol analysis
ICT in EFL teaching and learning
Improving students’ English interaction through Jazz Chants model
Identities matter : issues of representations in bilingual education
Translation : a negotiation between academe and business
From text to stage : improvring students’ English trough drama education
Applying a genre-based approach in Indonesian high schools
Gender sensitivity and bias in EFL textbook
English literature research and instruction : recent past and future
Drama performance as a media in developing the students’ language skills
Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) in Indonesia and the Region (theme : multilingual education in Indonesia issues and concerns)
What influences does a mother tongue have upon the second language vocabulary acquisition in multilingual context?
Bilingual programmes in Indonesia : what do the projects tell us?
What do the teachers of EFL say?
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