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BukuThe Child language reader
Author: Trott, Kate (Editor); Dobbinson, Sushie (Editor); Griffiths, Patrick (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-415-28101-6 (Pb)    
Penerbit: Routledge & Kegan     Tempat Terbit: London    Tahun Terbit: 2004    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.93 TRO c
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Conversations between mothers and young childern: individual differences and their possible implication for the study of language learning, halaman 11-20
  2. The acquisition of gender-differentiated language, halaman 21-42
  3. Ethical standards through the research process, halaman 61-71
  4. Introduction [to the childes project], halaman 72-80
  5. Investigating the validity of a new measure of lexical diversity for root and inflected forms, halaman 81-92
  6. Symmetries and asymmetries in early lexical comprehension and production, halaman 101-113
  7. Restricting a familiar name in response to learning a new one: evidence for the mutual exclusivity bias in young two-year-olds, halaman 114-130
  8. From universal to language-specific in early grammatical development, halaman 131-148
  9. The role of syntax in verb learning, halaman 153-164
  10. How to build a lexicon: a case study of lexical errors and innovations, halaman 165-180
  11. On the acquisition of velars in English, halaman 187-200
  12. Syllable structure and minimal words, halaman 201-214
  13. Filler syllables: what is their status in emerging grammar?, halaman 231-240
  14. Underspecification and modularity in early syntax: a formalist perspective on language acquisition, halaman 241-258
  15. Emergent language, halaman 259-278
  16. Bilingual language development, halaman 297-303
  17. Theories, language, and culture: whorf without wincing, halaman 304-318

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