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BukuEncyclopaedia of AIDS, volume 1-7
Author: Satpathy, G. C. (Editor)
Topik: Ensiklopedi; Cost Analysis; Military; Ethics; Prisons and AIDS; Perilaku Seksual; UNAIDS; Konseling; Law Reform; HIV Prevention; Training Network; Kesehatan Masyarakat; Testing VCT; Penyakit Menular; AIDS
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 81-7835-112-9    
Penerbit: Kalpaz Publications     Tempat Terbit: New Delhi    Tahun Terbit: 2003    
Jenis: Books - Reference
  • Perpustakaan PKPM
    • Nomor Panggil: R 03:616.9 ENC
    • Non-tandon: 7 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Sri Lanka: Mechanisms for Consultation (Volume 2), halaman 19-25
  2. HIV/AIDS: Global Scenario (Volume 3), halaman 19-50
  3. Development of Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN) (Volume 5), halaman 19-43
  4. Innovative Approaches to HIV Prevention (Volume 6), halaman 21-68
  5. Home and Community Care for People with HIV/AIDS: Afro-Asian and Latin American Perspectives (Volume 4), halaman 21-76
  6. HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing: Evaluating Tools (Volume 7), halaman 23-33
  7. Origin of AIDS (Volume 1), halaman 25-40
  8. Economic Fallout of AIDS in South-East Asia (Volume 2), halaman 27-43
  9. Voluntary Counselling and Testing: Its Impact (Volume 7), halaman 35-144
  10. The HIV, The Infection, and The AIDS (Volume 1), halaman 41-45
  11. Legal Aspects of AIDS in Mongolia (Volume 2), halaman 45-47
  12. Technical Resource Networks (Volume 5), halaman 45-63
  13. Prejudices Against The HIV/AIDS Infected Patients in Hong Kong (Volume 2), halaman 49-51
  14. Modes of HIV Transmission (Volume 1), halaman 49-53
  15. Significant Issues, Outputs and Future Challenges (Volume 3), halaman 51-73
  16. The Impact of AIDS on The Economy of Malaysia (Volume 2), halaman 53-64
  17. AIDS: A Global Epidemic (Volume 1), halaman 55-58
  18. The Effect of AIDS (Volume 1), halaman 61-67
  19. Legislation on AIDS in Myanmar (Volume 2), halaman 65-68
  20. Social Marketing of Condoms (Volume 5), halaman 65-84
  21. The Genesis of UNAIDS (Volume 6), halaman 69-81
  22. Law Reforms on HIV/AIDS in Maldives (Volume 2), halaman 69-70
  23. AIDS: The Blame Game (Volume 1), halaman 69-89
  24. Reasons Behind Rapid Spread of HIV/ AIDS in Southeast Asia (Volume 2) , halaman 71-74
  25. Laws on HIV/AIDS in Pakistan (Volume 2), halaman 75-76
  26. Crisis, Vaccine Development, New Diagnostics and Strategies for Hope (Volume 3), halaman 75-89
  27. Enhancement of Participation of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa (Volume 4), halaman 77-94
  28. The Asian Experience (Volume 2), halaman 77-83
  29. AIDS and HIV Infection (Volume 6), halaman 83-107
  30. Dimensions of Expanded Response to HIV/AIDS (Volume 5), halaman 85-104
  31. HIV/AIDS in Caribbean and Latin America (Volume 2), halaman 85-88
  32. HIV/AIDS in Pasific and The East Asia (Volume 2), halaman 89-90
  33. HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan African Area (Volume 2), halaman 91-109
  34. Expanding the Horizon (Volume 3), halaman 91-139
  35. Spreading Awareness About AIDS (Volume 1), halaman 93-101
  36. AIDS and Traditional Medicine in Sub-Saharan Africa (Volume 4), halaman 95-126
  37. Caring for The Victims (Volume 1), halaman 103-110
  38. UNAIDS (Volume 5), halaman 105-132
  39. Framework of Communication for HIV/AIDS (Volume 6), halaman 109-114
  40. Fighting AIDS (Volume 1), halaman 111-121
  41. HIV Laws in Europe (Volume 2), halaman 111-124
  42. Sexual Behavioural Change for HIV (Volume 6), halaman 115-177
  43. AIDS Prevention Among Drug Injectors (Volume 1), halaman 123-132
  44. Economic Impacts of The HIV/AIDS on Overseas Contract Workers in Philippines (Volume 2), halaman 125-133
  45. AIDS Information Centre (AIC): Uganda (Volume 4), halaman 127-144
  46. Promoting Safer Sex (Volume 1), halaman 133-143
  47. UNAIDS Best Practice Criteria: Projects Reviewed (Volume 5), halaman 133-155
  48. HIV/AIDS in North Africa, The Horn of Africa and The Eastern Mediterranean Area (Volume 2), halaman 135-138
  49. Review/Reform of HIV/AIDS Law in Malaysia (Volume 2), halaman 139-142
  50. Indian Response and United Nations (Volume 3), halaman 141-157
  51. Treat of AIDS and Its Prevention in Singapore (Volume 2), halaman 143-146
  52. Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (Zimbabwe and The United Republic of Tanzania) (Volume 4), halaman 145-162
  53. HIV Preventive Vaccine Research: Ethical Consideration (Volume 7), halaman 145-174
  54. Health Care Practitioners: Rights, Duties and Liabilities (Volume 1), halaman 147-173
  55. Control of AIDS in Vietnam (Volume 2), halaman 147-150
  56. AIDS in Indonesia (Volume 2), halaman 151-155
  57. AIDS in Cambodia (VOlume 2), halaman 157-160
  58. Prevention Strategies for HIV (Volume 5), halaman 157-190
  59. Persons Living with AIDS/HIV (PLWAs): A Case Study in Mumbai and Bangalore (Volume 3), halaman 159-223
  60. Ethical Legal Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Thailand (Volume 2), halaman 161-168
  61. Girls' Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS: The Thai Perspective (Volume 4), halaman 163-196
  62. The Economic Fallout of AIDS on Korean Republic (Volume 2), halaman 169-180
  63. HIV and Insurance (Volume 1), halaman 174-202
  64. Carers for People with HIV/AIDS: Stress Management (Volume 7), halaman 175-228
  65. HIV Surveillance (Volume 6), halaman 179-186
  66. AIDS Prevention Act: Its Status in Korea (Volume 2), halaman 181-183
  67. Economic Consequences of AIDS on Transport Sector of Thailand (Volume 2), halaman 185-204
  68. Prevention of Mother to Child (Volume 6), halaman 187-197
  69. Cost Analysis: Fundamentals and Choices (Volume 5), halaman 191-201
  70. Thailand's 100 per cent Condom Programme (Volume 4), halaman 197-218
  71. Female Sex Worker HIV Prevention Projects (Volume 6), halaman 199-209
  72. Planning The Costing Analysis (Volume 5), halaman 203-227
  73. Role of NGOs (Volume 1), halaman 203-215
  74. Economic Fallout of AIDS in Thailand (Volume 2), halaman 205-224
  75. AIDS and The Military (Volume 6), halaman 211-222
  76. AIDS, Women and Human Rights (Volume 1), halaman 219-248
  77. HIV Prevention: Innovative Approaches (Volume 4), halaman 219-234
  78. Governing Legislation (Volume 3), halaman 225-245
  79. HIV/AIDS Laws in China (Volume 2), halaman 225-231
  80. Collection and Analysis of Cost Data (Volume 5), halaman 229-288
  81. Opening Up the Epidemic (Volume 7), halaman 229-266
  82. Prisons and AIDS (Volume 6), halaman 232-233
  83. Research Studies from Uganda (VOlume 2), halaman 233-274
  84. AIDS Prevention: Human Rights Approach (Volume 4), halaman 235-244
  85. Brothel and Street-Based Sex Workers in Bangladesh (Volume 6), halaman 235-259
  86. Necessity of A Regional Code (Volume 4), halaman 245-301
  87. AIDS Control: Indian Perspective (Volume 3), halaman 247-284
  88. AIDS and Ethics (Volume 1), halaman 251-269
  89. Red Light Area in Kolkata (Volume 6), halaman 261-276
  90. Voluntary Counselling and Testing (Volume 7), halaman 267-299
  91. HIV Screening: The Ethical Issues (Volume 1), halaman 271-285
  92. AIDS Prevention: A Case Study of Senegal (Volume 2), halaman 275-294
  93. Health Communicatin for HIV/AIDS (Volume 6), halaman 277-291
  94. Women and AIDS (Volume 3), halaman 285-291
  95. Greater Involvement of People Living With or Affected by HIV/AIDS (GIPA) (Volume 5), halaman 289-304
  96. Toward a New Cpmmunications Framework fo HIV/AIDS (Volume 6), halaman 293-328
  97. AIDS: Delhi at Forefront (Volume 3), halaman 293-302
  98. Law in papua New Guinea on HIV/AIDS (Volume 2), halaman 295-313
  99. Migrants' Right to Health (Volume 7), halaman 301-342
  100. Sonagachi Project: Kolkata (Volume 3), halaman 303-324
  101. Implementing PRSPs Under HIPC Initiative (Volume 5), halaman 305-315
  102. Ethical and Legal HIV/AIDS in Indonesia (Volume 2), halaman 315-319
  103. The Essential Aspects of HIV/AIDS Documents (Volume 5), halaman 317-343
  104. The Existing Situation of HIV/AIDS in New Zealand (Volume 2), halaman 321-325
  105. HIV/AIDS in The South-East Region-at A Glance (Volume 2), halaman 327-348
  106. Getting Business Support for HIV/AIDS Control Programmes (Volume 5), halaman 345-352
  107. Health Right of Migrants (Volume 5), halaman 353-368

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