Anda belum login :: 14 Sep 2024 03:22 WIB
BukuDirections in sign language acquisition
Author: Woll, Bencie (Editor); Morgan, Gary (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 90-272-3472-8(Hb)    
Penerbit: John Benjamins     Tempat Terbit: Amsterdam    Tahun Terbit: 2002    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.93 MOR d
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Foundations of communication and the emergence of language in deaf children, halaman 1-28
  2. Phonology acquisition in Brazilian sign language, halaman 29-54
  3. Transcription as atool for understanding: the berkeley transcription system for sign language research (BTS), halaman 55-76
  4. The development of Italian sign language (LIS) in deaf preschoolers, halaman 77-114
  5. The acquisition of verb agreement: pointing out arguments for the linguistic status of agreement in signed languages, halaman 115-142
  6. The expression of grammatical relations by deaf toddlers learning ASL, halaman 143-158
  7. FACES: the acquisition of non-manual morphology in ASL, halaman 159-182
  8. Are young deaf children bilingual?, halaman 183-206
  9. Language emergence in language-ready brain: acquisition, halaman 207-254
  10. The development of complex sentences in British sign language, halaman 255-276
  11. Afterword: a view from research on spoken language development, halaman 277-290
  12. Coclusion and directions for future research, halaman 291-300

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