Anda belum login :: 13 Sep 2024 15:49 WIB
BukuVariation in the form and use of language a sociolinguistic reader
Author: Fasold, Ralph W. (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-87840-214-4(Pb)    
Penerbit: Georgetown University     Tempat Terbit: Washington D.C.    Tahun Terbit: 1983    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.92 FAS v
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. On the nature of variable constraints, halaman 1-10
  2. Above and beyond phonology in variable rules, halaman 11-28
  3. The boundaries of words and their meanings , halaman 29-62
  4. The necessity of variable rules , halaman 63-78
  5. Variable constraints and rule relations , halaman 79-97
  6. Carrying the new wave into syntax, halaman 98-119
  7. Polylectal comprehension and polylectal grammar, halaman 120-137
  8. Variationts on relative clauses in Italian, halaman 138-151
  9. A not impartial review of a not unimpeachable theory, halaman 152-166
  10. Subject NP structure and variable constraints , halaman 167-174
  11. The Patterning of sonorant gemination in english lects , halaman 175-188
  12. Syntactically versus pragmatically controlled anaphora, halaman 189-204
  13. Information structures in discourse, halaman 205-215
  14. How come you asked how come ?, halaman 216-233
  15. The universality of conversational implicatures, halaman 234-247
  16. The changing distribution of indefinite pronouns in discourse, halaman 248-259
  17. What do you mean by request for clarification ?, halaman 260-274
  18. Which, halaman 275-293
  19. On the use of OK in service encounters, halaman 294-304
  20. Psychoanalytic discourse and ordinary conversation, halaman 305-326
  21. Sociolinguistic correlates of speech style in quebec, halaman 327-353
  22. Some research notes on dialect attitudes and stereotypes, halaman 354-369
  23. Attitudes toward Spanish and Quechua in bilingual Peru, halaman 370-388
  24. Teachers' attitudes toward Black and nonstandard English as measured by the language attitude scale, halaman 389-416

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