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BukuNeural models of language processes
Author: Arbib, Michael A. (Editor); Caplan, S. David (Editor); Marshall, John C. (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-12-059780-2(Hb)    
Penerbit: Academic Press     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 1982    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.91 ARB n
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Neurolinguistics in historical perspective, halaman 5-24
  2. Two case Studies: broca's and wernicke's aphasia, halaman 25-44
  3. Brain and language: the rules of the game, halaman 45-75
  4. From artificial intelligence to neurolinguistics, halaman 77-94
  5. HWIM: a speech understanding system on a computer, halaman 95-113
  6. Consequesces of functional deficits in a parsing model: implications for broca's aphasia, halaman 115-133
  7. Production strategies: a systems approach to wernicke's apharia, halaman 135-171
  8. Three perspectives for the analysis of aphasic syndromes, halaman 173-201
  9. The use of data from aphasia in constructing a performance model of language, halaman 203-207
  10. Remarks on the relation between language production and language comprehension systems, halaman 209-224
  11. Shared components of production and perception, halaman 225-236
  12. The translational hierarchy of language, halaman 237-270
  13. Prospects for the study of aphasia in a visual-gestural language, halaman 271-297
  14. The neuropathological basis of broca's aphasia and its implications for the cerebral control of speech, halaman 299-326
  15. Localization of lesions in fluent aphasics, halaman 327-344
  16. Simulation of speech production without a computer, halaman 345-370
  17. The neurology of reading disorders, halaman 371-388
  18. What is a symptom-complex?, halaman 389-409
  19. Reconciling the categories: representation in neurology and in linguistics, halaman 411-433
  20. Histology, architectonics, and asymmetry of language areas, halaman 435-445
  21. Hierarchy and evolution in neurolinguistics, halaman 447-467
  22. Organization of frontal association cortex in normal and experimentally brain-injured primates, halaman 469-483
  23. Implications of simulated lesion experiments for the interpretation of lesions in real nervous systems, halaman 485-509
  24. Confrontation naming: Computational model and disconnection simulation, halaman 511-530
  25. Perceptual-motor processes and neural basis of language , halaman 531-551

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