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BukuGeorgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1984: Meaning, form, and use in context: Linguistic applications
Author: Schiffrin, Deborah (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-87840-119-9    
Penerbit: Georgetown University     Tempat Terbit: Washington, D.C.    Tahun Terbit: 1984    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 418 GEO 84
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Pragmatics, anaphora, and logical form, halaman 1-10
  2. Toward a new taxonomy for pragmatic inference: Q-based and R-based implicature, halaman 11-42
  3. Intensity, halaman 43-70
  4. On semantic and pragmatic competence, halaman 71-84
  5. 'Subordination' in formal and informal discourse, halaman 85-94
  6. Speaking, writing, and prescriptivism, halaman 95-103
  7. Substrate and universals in the tok pisin verb phrase, halaman 104-119
  8. The pragmatics of referentiality, halaman 120-138
  9. Whither radical pragmatics?, halaman 139-149
  10. A psychologically and sociolly plausible theory of language structure, halaman 150-159
  11. The making and breaking of context in west texas oral anecdotes, halaman 160-174
  12. Enter textuality: echoes from the extraterrestrial, halaman 175-180
  13. On the peagmatic 'poetry' od prose: parallelism, repetition, and cohesive structure in the time course of dyadic conversation, halaman 181-199
  14. The polotics of politeness: social warrants in mainstream American public etiquette, halaman 200-209
  15. Talk and its occasion: the case of calling the police , halaman 210-228
  16. Idealization in sociolinguistics: the choice of the standard dialect, halaman 229-239
  17. Language and the law: reference, stress, and context, halaman 240-252
  18. Personal, group, and couple identities: towards a relational context for the study of language attitudes and linguistic forms, halaman 253-277
  19. Communicative competence revisited, halaman 278-289
  20. Phonological style in bilingualism: the interaction of structure and use, halaman 290-302
  21. Some comments on the subjective lexicon, halaman 303-312
  22. A song without music and other stories: how cognitive process constraints influence children's oral and written narratives , halaman 313-324
  23. Clarification and culture, halaman 325-341

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