Anda belum login :: 17 Feb 2025 18:03 WIB
BukuA postmodern reader
Author: Natoli, Joseph (Editor); Hutcheon, Linda (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-7914-1638-0    
Penerbit: State University of New York     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 1993    
Jenis: Books
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Postmodernity, or living with ambivalence, halaman 9-24
  2. The postmodern "weltanschauung" and its relation to modernism an introductory survey, halaman 25-70
  3. Excerpts from the postmodern condition a report on knowledge, halaman 71-90
  4. Modernity versus postmodernity, halaman 91-104
  5. Mapping the postmodern, halaman 105-156
  6. Modernism versus postmodernism towards an analytic distinction, halaman 157-192
  7. Excerpts from postmodernism and its critics, halaman 203-222
  8. Structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences, halaman 223-242
  9. Toward a concept of postmodernism, halaman 273-286
  10. The context of the concept, halaman 287-298
  11. Excerpts from postmodernism, or the cultural logic of late capitalism, halaman 312-332
  12. Excerpts from the history of sexuality volume I an introduction, halaman 333-341
  13. The precession of Simulacra, halaman 342-375
  14. The resolution of revolutions, halaman 376-389
  15. Black culture and postmodernism, halaman 390-397
  16. From here to modernity feminism and postmodernism, halaman 398-418
  17. Excerpts from thinking fragments, halaman 419-425
  18. Modernism's last post, halaman 426-440
  19. Postmodernism as border pedagogy redefining the boundaries of race and ethnicity, halaman 452-496
  20. Existentialism, alienation, postmodernism cultural movements as vehicles of change in the patterns of everyday life, halaman 497-509
  21. Postmodern blackness, halaman 510-518
  22. Excerpts from dissident postmodernists, halaman 519-537
  23. Hybridity, the rap race, and pedagogy for the 1990s, halaman 538-550
  24. Towards cultural history, halaman 551-568

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