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Pediatrics Volume 64 July 1979 No.1
(EN )
American Academy of Pediatrics
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Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
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R 618.9205 PED
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Nonoperative Management of Distal Fingertip Amputations in Children
, halaman 1
Inaccuracy of the Clinitemp Skin Thermometer
, halaman 4
The 'In-Training Examination" of the American Board of Pediatrics: Does It Test for "New" or "Old" Information?
, halaman 7
Difficulties in Providing Intensive Care
, halaman 10
Guidelines for Deciding Care of Critically III or Dying Patiens
, halaman 17
An X-Linked Recessive Cardiomyopathy with Abnormal Mitochondria
, halaman 24
Relevance of the Gestational Age Distribution of Meconium Passage in Utero
, halaman 30
Nasal Septal Trauma in Children
, halaman 32
Steroid Rosacea in Children
, halaman 36
Posterior Fossa Hemorrhage in the Term Newborn: Report of Two Cases
, halaman 39
Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children: Lactose and Sucrose Intolerance, A Prospective Study
, halaman 43
Chronic Diarrhea of Infancy: Nonbeta Islet Cell Hyperplasia
, halaman 46
Negative Effects of Oral Fatty Acid Supplementation on Sweat Chloride in Cystic Fibrosis
, halaman 50
Adolescents with Myelodysplasia: Impact of Physical Disability on Emotional Maturation
, halaman 53
Diagnosis of Neonatal Bacterial Infection: Hematologic and Pathologic Findings in Fatal and Nonfatal Cases
, halaman 60
Group B Stretococcal Colonization in Prepubertal Children
, halaman 65
Bathtub Drownings: Report of Seven Cases
, halaman 68
Aflatoxin B1: Its Role in the Etiology of Reye's Syndrome
, halaman 71
Evidence for Hypertyraminemia in Reye's Syndrome
, halaman 76
Correlations Between Appointment Keeping and Reorganization of Hospital Ambulatory Pediatric Services
, halaman 81
Experience and Reason - Briefly Recorded
, halaman 88
Acute Hydrocephalus and Death Following V-P Shunt Disconnection
, halaman 90
Altered Consciousness as an Early Manifestation of Intussusception
, halaman 93
Pediatrics for the Clinician Polyneuropathy in Childhood
, halaman 96
The Influence of Funding on the Future Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Programs
, halaman 106
Incubator-Baby Side Shows
, halaman 127
Prospective Study of Maternal and Infantile Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis
, halaman 142
Noscomial Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in an Intensive Care Nursery: Rapid Diagnosis by Direct Immunofluorescence
, halaman 149
Indomethacin Therapy for Large Patent Ductus Arteriosus in the Very Low Birth Weight Infant: Results and Complications
, halaman 154
Increased Work of Breathing Associated with Nasal Prongs
, halaman 160
Persistent Localized Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema and Lymphangiectasia: A Causal Relationship?
, halaman 165
Familial Spontaneous Pneumothorax
, halaman 172
Fetal Cervical Teratoma as a Cause of Polyhydramnios
, halaman 176
The Pediatrician and Congenital Heart Disease - 1979
, halaman 180
Neurologic Sequelae after Childhood Near-Drowning: A Total Population Study from Hawaii
, halaman 187
Occult Fractures in the Production of Gait Disturbance in Childhood
, halaman 192
Diagnostic Ramifications of Repeated Plasma Cholesterol and Triglyceride Measurements in Children: Regression Toward the Mean in a Pediatric Population
, halaman 197
Host Defense in Infatile Osteopetrosis
, halaman 202
Intravenous Linoleic Acid Supplemetation in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
, halaman 207
Streptobacillary Rat-Bite Fever: A Pediatric Problem
, halaman 214
Disease Due to Serogroup W135 Neisseria meningtidis
, halaman 218
Meningococcal Group Y Pneumonia in an Adolescent Female
, halaman 222
Neonatal Signs as Predictors of Cerebral Palsy
, halaman 225
Neurologic Sequelae in the Survivors of Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage
, halaman 233
Symptomatic Arteriovenous Malformation in Infants Less Than 6 Months of Age
, halaman 238
Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage Due to an Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformation: A Case Report
, halaman 242
Patterns of Skin Injury in Nonaccidental and Accidental Injury
, halaman 245
Theophylline Pharmacokinetics in the Young Infant
, halaman 248
Survival after Massive Aminophylline Overdose in a Premature Infant
, halaman 252
Caffeine Toxicity in a Neonate
, halaman 254
Congenital Absence of the Pancreas and Intrauterine Growth Retardation
, halaman 255
Infectious Mononucleosis and Encephalitis: Recovery of EB Virus from Spinal Fluid
, halaman 257
American Academy of Prediactrics
, halaman 259
Quantitative Noninvasive Method to Measure Cerebral Blood Flow in Newborn Infants
, halaman 277
Report of 65 Cases of Haemophilus influenzae b Pneumonia
, halaman 283
Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Antibiotic-Resistant Haemophilus influenze in Healthy Children
, halaman 287
Fatal Haemophilus influenze Endocarditis Diagnosed by Echocardiography in an Infant
, halaman 292
Pneumococcal Bacteremia in Infants and Children: A Ten-Year Experience at the Cook Country Hospital with Special Reference to the Pneumococcal Serotypes Isolated
, halaman 296
Overwhelming Infection with Group B ß-Hemolytic Streptococcus Associated with Circumcision
, halaman 301
Risk Factors Associated with Failure to Receive Vaccinations
, halaman 304
Experimental Pneumothorax Detected by Thermography
, halaman 310
Refractory Hypoglycemia Associated with a Malpositioned Umbilical Artery Catheter
, halaman 315
The Effect of Head Position and Angle of Tracheal Bifurcation onBronchus Catheterization in the Intubated Neonate
, halaman 318
Vitamin E and Neonatal Bilirubinemia
, halaman 321
Phenol and Neonatal Jaundice
, halaman 324
Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis: Report of 22 Cases Including Three Siblings
, halaman 326
Folic Acid Supplementation in Low Birth Weigh Infants
, halaman 333
Hyperammonemia Associated with Perinatal Asphyxia
, halaman 336
Intrahepatic Cholestasis Associated with Parenteral Nutrition in Premature Infants
, halaman 342
The Current Status of Chloramphenicol
, halaman 348
Pathogenesis of Brain Edema and Hemorrhage: Role of the Brain Capillary
, halaman 357
Biochemical Alterations in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and Bilirubin Encephalopathy: A Review
, halaman 361
Neurologic Abnomalities in Near Miss for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Infants
, halaman 369
Bilirubin Binding Tests: Living Up to Expectations?
, halaman 375
The Process of Selecting Interns: From the Unknown to the Unknown
, halaman 379
Bilirubin: Worked Out Years Ago?
, halaman 380
The Effect of Feeding on Fat Deposition in Early Infancy
, halaman 397
Chronic Nonspecific Diarrhea: Dietary Relationships
, halaman 402
Methylphenidate in Hyperkinetic Children: Differences in Dose Effect on Impulsive Behavior
, halaman 408
Effects of Methylphenidate on Hyperactive Children's Ability to Sustain Attention
, halaman 412
Neonatal Hotline Telephone Netwok
, halaman 419
The Effects of Abdominal Loading on Rib Cage Distortion in Premature Infants
, halaman 425
The Effect of Postureon Ventilation and Lung Mechanics in Pretern and Light-for-Date Infants
, halaman 429
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adolescent Girls: I. Epidemiology
, halaman 433
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adolescent Girls: II. Epidemiology
, halaman 438
A Depression Rating Scale for Children
, halaman 442
Improved Perinatal Knowledge andCare in the Community Hospital Through a program of Self-Instruction
, halaman 451
Chronic Neuropathy Presenting as a Floppy Infant with Respiratory Distress
, halaman 459
Recurrent Meningococcal Meningitis with Absence of the Sixth Component of Complement: An Evaluation of Underlying Immunologic Mechanisms
, halaman 465
Anatomic Confirmation of Echocardiographic Measurements in Neonatal Hearts
, halaman 468
Modern Management of Tetanus Neonatorum
, halaman 472
Primary Malignant Lymphoma Cutis in an Infant: Case Report and Review of Literature
, halaman 478
Red Cell Oxygen Affinity, Hemoglobin Type, 2, 3-Diphosphoglycerate, and pH as a Function of Fetal Development
, halaman 483
Hypophosphatemic Rickets: Effect of 1a, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on Growth and Mineral Metabolism
, halaman 488
The Dianosis of Insulinoma in a Child in the Absence of Fasting Hyperinsulinemia
, halaman 496
Clinical Hepatotoxicity of Isoniazid in Children
, halaman 499
Primary Care Approaches to Developmental Disabilities
, halaman 506
Granulopoiesis in Shwachman's Syndrome (Pancreatic Insufficiency and Bone Marrow Dysfunction)
, halaman 515
Pancreatitis Associated with Valproic Acid Therapy
, halaman 520
Potential Effect of Demographic and Other Variables in Studies Comparing Morbidity of Breast-Fed and Bottle-Fed Infants
, halaman 523
A "Retreat" for Pediatric Interns
, halaman 528
Hypnotically Induced Pain Control in Sickle Cell Anemia
, halaman 533
Evaluation of Breast Milk and Breast Milk Substitutes on Growing Rats
, halaman 536
The Effects of Observed Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) on Hospital Staff
, halaman 538
Blood Lead Levels in a Rural Population: Relative Elevations Among Migrant Farmworker Children
, halaman 540
The Langer-Giedion Syndrome: Report of a 22-Year-Old Woman
, halaman 542
Paying Attention to Attention Deficit Disorder
, halaman 546
Value of the Neonatal Neurologic Examination
, halaman 547
Controlled Clinical Trial of Pediatric Telephone Protocols
, halaman 553
Development and Field Testing of Protocols for the Management of Pediatric Telephone Calls: Protocols for Pediatric Telephone Calls
, halaman 558
Obesity in 10-Year-Olds: An Epidemiologic Study
, halaman 564
Use of Antimicrobial Drugs in General Hospitals: IV. Infant and Children
, halaman 573
Response of Hypertensive Adolescents to Dynamic and Isometric Exercise Stress
, halaman 579
Lipid and Lipoprotein Tracking in 108 Children Over a Four-Year Period
, halaman 584
Triglyceride and Cholesterol Concentrations in Whole Serum and in Serum Lipoproteins in Reye Syndrome
, halaman 592
Pulmonary Excretion of Carbon Monoxide in the Human Newborn Infant as an Index of Bilirubin Production: III. Measurement ofPulmonary Excretion of Carbon Monoxide After the First Postnatal Week in Premature Infants
, halaman 598
The Prevalence of Cholelithiasis in Sickle Cell Disease as Diagnosed by Ultrasound and Cholecystography
, halaman 601
Testosterone and Estradiol Cocentrations in Paired Maternal and Cord Sera and Their Correlation with the Concentration of Chorionic Gonadotropin
, halaman 604
Elevated Free Testosterone in an Obese, Hirsute Premenarchial Girl: Effects of Norethynodrel and Mestranol
, halaman 609
Metabolic Fuel and Hormone Responses to Fasting in Newborn Infants
, halaman 613
Impaired Cell-Mediated Immune Response in Patients with Congenital Rubella: Correlation with Gestational Age at Time of Infection
, halaman 620
Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Amoxicillin and Ampicillin in Infants and Children
, halaman 627
Countercurrent Immunoelectrophoresis in Group B Streptococcal Disease
, halaman 632
Technetium Colloid Bone Marrow Imaging in Fanconi's Anemia
, halaman 635
Mercury Vapor Contamination of Infant Incubators: A Potential Hazard
, halaman 640
Lidocaine Intoxication in a Newborn Following Local Anesthesia for Episiotomy
, halaman 643
Prehospital Psychological Preparation for Tonsillectomy Patients: Effect on Children and Parents' Adjustment
, halaman 646
Preparing Young Children for Hospitalization: A Comparison of Two Methods
, halaman 656
Do Parents Utilize Physician Follow-Up After the Death of Their Newborn?
, halaman 665
The Unheralded Hazard of Ureterosigmoidostomy
, halaman 668
Comparison of Urinary Lactic Dehydrogenase with Antibody-Coated Bacteria in the Urine Sediment as Means of Localizing the Site of Urinary Tract Infection
, halaman 672
Nephritis in Children and Young Adults with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Normal Urinary Sediment
, halaman 678
The Recent Trend in Breast-Feeding
, halaman 686
Hypertension and Sports
, halaman 693
"Felicitas Liberorum Suprema Lex" (IYC in Poland and the World)
, halaman 695
The Telepone Syndrome
, halaman 696
Annual Summary of Vital Statistics-1978
, halaman 835
Rapid Detection of Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage by Transillumination
, halaman 843
Children's Car Seat Restraints: When Top-Tether Straps Are Ignored, Are These Restraints Safe?
, halaman 848
Assessment of Tuberculin Screening in an Urban Pediatric Clinic
, halaman 856
Motor Vehicle Occupant Deaths in Young Children
, halaman 860
The Working Mother in Contemporary Perspective: A Review of the Literature
, halaman 862
An Outbreak of Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets in a Susceptible Populaion
, halaman 871
A Comparison of Absentee Rates of Elementary Schoolchildren with Asthma and Nonasthmatic Schoolmates
, halaman 878
Mixed and Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Near Miss for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: 2. Comparison of Near Miss and Normal Control Infants by Age
, halaman 882
The Influence of Different Electrode Temperatures on the Recorded Transcutaneous Po2 Level
, halaman 892
Campylobacter fetus Infections in Children
, halaman 898
Significance of Quantitative Salivary Cultures for Group A and Non-Group A ß-Hemolytic Streptococci in Patients with Pharyngitis and in Their Family Contacts
, halaman 904
Isolated Pulmonary Leukemi Relapse Following Successful Bone Marrow Transplant in a Child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
, halaman 913
Increase of IgA-Bearing Peripheral blood Lymphocytes in Children with Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura
, halaman 918
Amebic Liver Abscess in Children: Clinical and Epidemiologic Features
, halaman 923
The Cockayne Syndrome: An Evaluation of Hypertension and Studies of Renal Pathology
, halaman 929
Refractory Pneumocystis carinii Infection in Chronic Granulomatous Disease: Successful Treatment with Granulocytes
, halaman 935
A Circulating Inhibitor of Platelet Aggregation in Bartter's Syndrome
, halaman 939
Skin Surface Carbon Dioxide Tension in Sick Infants
, halaman 942
Glossoptosis Revisited: On the Development and Resolution of Airway Obstruction in the Pierre Robin Syndrome
, halaman 946
Preliminary Observations on the Behavior of Children Present bat the Birth of a Sibling
, halaman 949
Legionnaires' Disease in a Child with Cancer
, halaman 951
Thiethylperazine (Torecan) - Associated Dystonic Reactions in Children
, halaman 954
Complete Biliary Obstrction Due to Erythromycin Estolate Administration in an Infant
, halaman 956
Thoracic Transillumination: Aid in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumopericardum
, halaman 958
X-Rated Playgrounds?
, halaman 961
Adolescents and Motorcycle Safety: The Case for Heatlh Advocacy
, halaman 963
Tuberculin Testing in the Pediatric Office and Clinic
, halaman 965
Vehicle Occupant Safety: The Pediatrician's Responsibility
, halaman 966
Love, Logic, and Other Approaches to Prevention
, halaman 968
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