Anda belum login :: 09 Oct 2024 04:34 WIB
BukuUncloaking the CIA
Author: Frazier, Howard (Editor)
Topik: United States. Central Intelligence Agency
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0029105900    
Penerbit: The Free Press     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 1978    
Jenis: Books
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: 327.1206173 UNC
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introduction, halaman 1
  2. The problem and the potential, halaman 5
  3. Now or never, halaman 9
  4. Hearing the screams, halaman 13
  5. Strongarm of the TNCs, halaman 18
  6. Crimes against the people, halaman 24
  7. The CIA in puerto rico, halaman 26
  8. The stinking fish, halaman 33
  9. The case of chile, halaman 36
  10. The facts about chile, halaman 55
  11. The CIA and the vietnam debacle, halaman 69
  12. The CIA against cambodia, halaman 79
  13. U.S. intervention in cambodia and the philippines, halaman 86
  14. The secret wars of the CIA, halaman 90
  15. South vietnam's police and prison system: the U.S. connection, halaman 101
  16. The CIA in africa, halaman 126
  17. The CIA in portugal, halaman 135
  18. Spies with and without daggers, halaman 148
  19. The CIA at home, halaman 159
  20. Domestic political intelligence, halaman 165
  21. Surveillance and mind control, halaman 174
  22. Domestic political assassinations, halaman 190
  23. The anatomy of assassination, halaman 196
  24. Was the CIA involved in dallas, halaman 210
  25. The CIA versus labor, halaman 223
  26. The AFL-CIA, halaman 226

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