Anda belum login :: 18 Feb 2025 03:58 WIB
BukuBeyond bureaucracy : strategic management of social development
Author: Ickis, John C. (Editor); De Jesus, Edilberto (Editor); Maru, Rushikesh (Editor)
Topik: Rural development projects; Developing countries; Economic development projects
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0931816440    Edisi: 1    
Penerbit: Kumarian Press     Tempat Terbit: West Hartford    Tahun Terbit: 1986    
Jenis: Books
  • Ben & Nafsiah Mboi Collection
    • Nomor Panggil: 338.90068 BEY
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. The Strategic Management of Development Programs; Evidence from an International Study , halaman 7
  2. From Dependency to Self-Reliance: The Jawaja Experiment, halaman 37
  3. Empowering Rural Communities, halaman 60
  4. Strategies of Household Subsistence and Interdependency in Nicaragua, halaman 85
  5. The Social and Political Dimensions of Administering Development in India, halaman 102
  6. The Central American Crisis and the Challenge of Social Development Management, halaman 116
  7. Enhancing Local Government Participation in National planning and Budgeting, halaman 135
  8. Management Interventions in Established Bureaucracies: Experiences in Population-Program Management, halaman 155
  9. Strategies for Changing Agency-Centered Development Programs, halaman 182
  10. A Flying Circus Approach to Local Development, halaman 196
  11. Managing Bureaucratic Reorientation, halaman 208
  12. Strategic Organization for People-Centered Development, halaman 233

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