Anda belum login :: 11 Nov 2024 04:43 WIB
BukuConvergence Trends in the Television Media Industry — A Case Study on the Implementation of Media Convergence in Metro TV, Jakarta
Author: Sumartias, Suwandi ; Hafizni, Moh
Topik: Convergence Metro TV; Convergence Trends; Digital Media; Media Technology
Bahasa: (EN )    
Tahun Terbit: 2017    
Jenis: Journal - ilmiah internasional
Fulltext: 871-4954-1-PB.pdf (330.73KB; 0 download)
This study aims to determine the trend of convergence in the television media industry, specifically the implementation of media convergence in Metro TV. Data for the case study were gathered from observations and interviews with journalists. The results showed that the media industry in Indonesia, especially Metro TV has expanded its coverage broadcast, characterized by the use of streaming technology and distributed through online sites. But until now in the Indonesian media industry, especially Metro TV, media convergence has not implemented an effective system. Media industries affiliated with a group (Media Group) operate independently of each other with little coordination. Broadcast media industry in Indonesia is still reluctant to switch to digital broadcasting due to the high costs of replacing the analog broadcasting
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