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The 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS), 3-6 December 2013 Cebu, Philippines
Chiu, Anthony Shun Fung
Matias, Aura
(EN )
Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Society
Tempat Terbit:
Cebu, Philippines
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APIEMS Proceedings.pdf
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
The Formulation of Workflow in Performance Management Implementation
, halaman 1-10
Optimal Production Planning for Remanufacturing with Uncertainty in Quality of Used Products and Classification Error in Quality Grading
, halaman 1-8
Pricing strategy for product reuse at three quality levels when demand is sensitive to price and availability
, halaman 1-8
Optimal operation for green supply chain considering demand information, collection incentive and quality of recycled parts
, halaman 1-8
Supply chain coordination in 2-stage-ordering-productionsystembased on demand forecasting update
, halaman 1-8
Integration of Operation Planning and Scheduling Method for Sheet Metal Processing
, halaman 1-7
Risk Assessment for Green Product Positioning
, halaman 1-6
A Study on Capacity Investment Decision of Component Supplier in a Rapidly Growing Market
, halaman 1-9
A spreadsheet optimization system for seminar assignment problem with rotations
, halaman 1-7
A new method for outlier detection using center of gravity
, halaman 1-9
Identification of Key Quality Elements for R&D Quality Assurance
, halaman 1-9
Employability Skills (Entry and Promotional) of Industrial Engineers Desired by the Industries in Northern Cebu
, halaman 1-6
A solution algorithm for capacity and production planning in hybrid systems with manufacturing and remanufacturing facilities
, halaman 1-7
Multivariate multiscale entropy applied to center of pressure signal analysis: Effects of resistance training exercise program in elderly, chronically ill patients
, halaman 1-5
Non-Normal Classification Groups in Discriminant Analysis with Applications to Biodiversity Assessment: A Simulation Study
, halaman 1-8
Design of variable repetitive group sampling plan on operating characteristics indexed by quality loss
, halaman 1-8
Multi-valued classification of text data based on ECOC approach consideringparallel processing
, halaman 1-9
Exact and Heuristic Approaches for the Production Planning Problem of a Paper Mill Company
, halaman 1-6
Prone sleep position may reduce AI, AHI, and sleep inefficiency
, halaman 1-6
Automatic visual inspection of solar modules using Independent component analysis
, halaman 1-10
Strategic supply network planning with order fulfillment modes
, halaman 1-8
Developing an organizational change algorithm in terms of PROCESS conceptual framework
, halaman 1-12
Training Data Selection in Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Method for Classification Problems
, halaman 1-6
A Study on Recommender System Based on Latent Class Model for High Dimensional and Sparse Data
, halaman 1-8
Accelerating factory planning process by customizing planning processes
, halaman 1-8
A Hierarchical Hybrid Meta-heuristic Approach for Coping with Large Multi-depot VRP in Practice
, halaman 1-8
Development of performance Dashboard for University Based on Balanced Scorecard Concept (case study: Faculty of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
, halaman 1-7
Principles of motion economy versus physiological sustainability: some lessons from the forest industry
, halaman 1-8
The study of drug-drug interactions using association rule analysis
, halaman 1-5
Multi-attribute Procurement Decision Method under Hybrid Data Information
, halaman 1-5
An analysis of the fluctuation in electronic component prices using a price percolation model
, halaman 1-9
Optimizing Method Using the Network Structure in Two-objective Network Design Problem
, halaman 1-9
Constructing a Model for Selecting Kaizen Actions to Gain Mutual Trust between Logistics Providers and Shippers
, halaman 1-8
Constructing a model for creating movie trailers increasing customers’ desire
, halaman 1-8
Researching Technical Prevention Measures for Development and Design Utilizing Highly-Accuarate CAE Analysis: Automotive Nut-Loosening Mechanism
, halaman 1-6
A Statistical Prediction Model of Students’ Success on Job Hunting by Log Data
, halaman 1-10
A Fluctuation Characteristic of Plant Bioelectric Potential for Evaluating Abnormal Growth in Physiological Disorders
, halaman 1-9
Language-independent text categorization by word N-gram using an automatic acquisition of words
, halaman 1-10
Effects of exercise before sleep and quality
, halaman 1-9
On inventory classification considering association and substitution rules
, halaman 1-7
Constructing an Automobile Color Matching Model (ACMM)
, halaman 1-8
Cae Analysis of Automotive Transaxle Oil Seal Leakage
, halaman 1-7
Agile Supply Chain with Portable Factory Units as Implementation of Design For Manufacture (DFM) and or Design For Automatic Assembly (DFAA) in a Context of Knock Down and Transformable Spare part Product Type (Case in TL Lighting Fixture Industry)
, halaman 1-22
The role of organization for marketing of innovation
, halaman 1-8
The Perceived Usefulness for Gesture Interfaces: A Scale Development
, halaman 1-6
A case study on construction of a Man-Machine cooperation line for workload reduction and mass production at a food processing factory
, halaman 1-7
Creating risk resilient production systems by linking supply chain operational factors
, halaman 1-8
Influence of Perfectionism on Work Performance: An Empirical Study in Change Blindness Test
, halaman 1-6
Evaluation of Capability of Human Resource to Meet Required Standard of Product
, halaman 1-6
Interpretation of Out-of-Control Condition in Hotelling’s Control T2 Chart Using AIC
, halaman 1-8
Identifying User Needs for 3D Gesture Interface in Daily LifeUsing Two Types of Survey Method:Diary Technique and Focus Group Interview
, halaman 1-9
Integrated Model of Six Sigma and Lean on Organization Productivity
, halaman 1-5
A semi-supervised attributes-weighting clustering method for inattention prediction in human-machine interaction systems
, halaman 1-8
The effect of differ bed-board tilting angle on sleep quality
, halaman 1-6
Invisible – A Force-feedback system for 3-D Click Gesture
, halaman 1-6
Applied idea for the Calculation Method of Pareto Solutions of a Two-Objective Network
, halaman 1-9
Application of Continuous Ant Colony Optimization in Economic Dispatch Problems
, halaman 1-8
Information Security Mitigation Controls with Fuzzy Linguistic Order
, halaman 1-8
Evaluation Value of Website by Applying the Value Engineering
, halaman 1-8
Developing an Automobile Maintenance Expert System Using Augmented Reality
, halaman 1-7
Using 3D Scanning to Classify Taiwanese Male Head Shapes
, halaman 1-5
Developing an Approximation Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Operating Time Constraints
, halaman 1-8
An Experimental Comparison of Hybrid Algorithms for Facility Rearrangement Problem
, halaman 1-8
Integrating Bayesian Estimation and Ranked Positional Weight Technique in Production Planning
, halaman 1-8
MCMC-algorithm Using Support Decomposition
, halaman 1-6
Socio-technical transition in the electric lighting industry: a multi-level perspective model
, halaman 1-9
Mitigating halal food integrity risk through supply chain integration
, halaman 1-10
Support Vector Cluster Labeling Using MapReduce
, halaman 1-5
Design Syar’i Tourism Based on Kano Model
, halaman 1-6
Applying genetic algorithm for can-order policies in the joint replenishment problem
, halaman 1-9
An Axiomatic Green Methodology for Realize Green Process Improvement: Application to Eliminate Coolant Waste by Designing Near-Dry Machining Parameter
, halaman 1-14
A Dynamic Approach for Evaluating Earthwork Hauls in Construction
, halaman 1-11
Analysis of the Fire Explosion and Explosion Propagation Control of Sugar Dust in the Yemen Company for Sugar Refinery, Hodeida, Yemen
, halaman 1-24
Using Type-2 fuzzy inference system in capacity-planning problems
, halaman 1-6
The Integration of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Task-Technology Fit (TTF) to Study the Acceptance of Internet Banking Services
, halaman 1-8
Quality Control Analysis of Intra Ocular Lens Manufacturing System
, halaman 1-7
Cleaner Production in Vinyl Sulphone Industry
, halaman 1-11
Integration of hospitalization data with medical record system
, halaman 1-8
A Study of Optimal Worker Assignment Focusing Efficiency vs. Task
, halaman 1-7
Scenario Analysis on Technological Substitution between MILC and DSLR
, halaman 1-9
A Framework of Performance Measurement in Tourism Supply Chain Management in Yogyakarta
, halaman 1-6
Study of the Buying-up and Lack of Product by Using Social Trendy Differential Equation Model
, halaman 1-7
A Dynamic Bond Pricing Model based on Factors with Structural Changes
, halaman 1-13
Cognitive map alignment using ontology matching process
, halaman 1-6
A Study on the Herd Behaviour A Case of Vietnamese Stock Market
, halaman 1-12
The Design and Simulation of Automation of Motorcycle’s ID-Number Plate Manufacturing Process
, halaman 1-7
A Mathematical Model for Production Planning in a Thai Swine Slaughtering Plant
, halaman 1-7
Variable pricing in hotel industry: a case study forbudget hotel in Indonesia
, halaman 1-8
Order-picking under turnover-based storage policy with a diagonal cross aisle
, halaman 1-8
Pre-processing 2D technical drawing as input for feature recognition system
, halaman 1-7
A rezoning model for integrating harvest and transportation of pineapple production system
, halaman 1-6
Biomechanical analysis of power grip in cadaver-arm experiment
, halaman 1-5
Implementation of Simulation Program for a Material Handling System Congestion Analysis of Assembly Line
, halaman 1-8
A Study of the Sales Increase or Decrease by Campaign Using a Differential Equation Model of the Growth Phenomenon
, halaman 1-8
A Model to Determine the Suitable Sugarcane Price based on Yield and Sweetness Quality in Thai Sugar Production
, halaman 1-8
An optimized restriction driven TSP model for delivery business in cloud environment
, halaman 1-7
An Integer Programming Formulation for Outpatient Scheduling with Patient Preference
, halaman 1-7
Facility Location, Supply Chain Management, Just In Time, Correlation and Outcome of Programming from First Step of Projects
, halaman 1-13
Creativity in Precipitation of Oil Cooling Tanks, in Plastic Injection Molding Machine, Using the ARIZ 71 Algorithm
, halaman 1-10
Strategic Partnership Based Network Design in Express Delivery Services: Monopoly of Service Centers and Separate Pick-up and Delivery Routing
, halaman 1-8
Self-adaptive virus optimization algorithm for continuous optimization problems
, halaman 1-9
Impact of on social reward appeal upon electroencephalographic activities and task performance
, halaman 1-7
Development of a system for detecting sleep apnea syndrome
, halaman 1-8
Development of support glasses for various visual field defect
, halaman 1-8
The supporting system for hearing impaired student in active learning
, halaman 1-5
Consideration of the effectiveness of a face-graph user interface - a self-training system for professors.
, halaman 1-5
A Proposal for Extraction Method of Emotional Expression that Depended on Clusters
, halaman 1-6
Development of Basic Human Behaviors Cognitive System using Plant Bioelectric Potential
, halaman 1-7
Analyzing tourist motivation using online hotel reviews : Case study of Yamashiro hot spring
, halaman 1-8
A Case Study on the Utilization of a Roadside Station for Local Revitalization
, halaman 1-7
Automatic selection of classification algorithms usingmeta-features and SMOTE
, halaman 1-6
Gender identification system using characteristics of the neck
, halaman 1-8
A proposal of a tool to visualize the administration department
, halaman 1-6
Evaluation of Customer Classification System for Multiple Pedestrians Using Pressure Sensors
, halaman 1-8
Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance
, halaman 1-11
Optimal Arrangements in a Max {kj}=2 Multi-State Consecutive-k-out-of-n:F System
, halaman 1-8
An Empirical Study on Energy Consumption in Vacuum Handling Technology
, halaman 1-8
On the Cyclical Division of Labour and its Fractal Structure
, halaman 1-10
Scheduling framework for discrete event systems with capacity constraints based on a model predictive control
, halaman 1-9
Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility Leading to Sustainable Development
, halaman 1-7
Business Development of Solid Waste Treatment Technology and Bio-Fertilizer Production through a Danish- Vietnamese Partnership
, halaman 1-11
Managing knowledge and human resources in knowledge intensive industries in emerging economies: The case of Indian ICT industry
, halaman 1-7
Implementation and performance evaluation of firm’s green supply chain management in uncertainty
, halaman 1-15
A Note on Modeling of Quality Evaluation Based on Large Data Sets in Software Development Projects
, halaman 1-8
Education System to Learn the Skills of Management Decision Making By Using Business Simulator
, halaman 1-8
A Training Method for Improving Planning Ability
, halaman 1-10
Applying management techniques to solve the depopulation problem of a remote village
, halaman 1-8
Controlling Smart Production Processes Using RESTful Web Services and Federative Factory Data Management
, halaman 1-10
Batch Scheduling for a Single Machine with Learning Effect to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time
, halaman 1-9
A Single Item Batch Scheduling Model on a Batch Processor to Minimize Total Actual Flow Time of Parts Through The Shop
, halaman 1-9
A Design of Global Manufacturing Education& Training for Chinese Company Manager
, halaman 1-8
A Study of Recommender Systems Based on the Latent Class Model Estimated by Combining Both Evaluation and Purchase Histories
, halaman 1-10
Performance evaluation of the saving method and the optimal partitioning method for a vehicle routing problem
, halaman 1-11
Work policy for self-balancing production line with worker’s learning
, halaman 1-8
Regularized Distance Metric Learning and its Application to Knowledge Discovery
, halaman 1-9
Heuristic algorithms to minimize total tardiness in an identical-parallel-machine scheduling problem with flexible maintenance
, halaman 1-9
Providing a Waterbed for the House of Quality; (Analysingthe House of Quality reactions to unstable customer needs during the improvement process and implementing the results in supplier selection process)
, halaman 1-23
Verification, Validation, Accreditation (VV&A) of Modeling and Simulation Using Military and Defense Characteristics
, halaman 1-7
Systematic Investment Planning for the On-Line Electric Vehicle
, halaman 1-8
Particle swarm optimization on the new innovative transportation system: On-Line Electric Vehicle
, halaman 1-9
Optimal Tool Re-Allocation Method in the Semiconductor FAB
, halaman 1-7
Production Planning and Sequencing Optimization at Woongjin Chemical
, halaman 1-8
The FAB Design Method of Semiconductor Manufacturing with Sequential Process Flow Data
, halaman 1-8
Flexible Machine Allocation and Buffer Optimization in a Serial Production Line
, halaman 1-10
Simulation tool for analyzing cost on new product development
, halaman 1-10
Kinetic studies on methane hydrate formation in presence of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) using real-time Raman spectroscopy
, halaman 1-7
A facility location and operation problem of a two-level supply chain with variable capacity levels for production-time-dependent products
, halaman 1-11
Sex differences in physiological and psychological load during manual handling task
, halaman 1-4
A Plus Alpha Model Proposal for Long-Short Portfolio Replication Based on Genetic Algorithms
, halaman 1-8
Make-to-stock policies for a make-to-order serial production system with setup operations
, halaman 1-8
Implementation Methodology for Industrial Applications of ICT-Based Manufacturing Systems
, halaman 1-6
A simulation study on re-marshaling operations in a block stacking storage system
, halaman 1-12
A Propose Online Process of Certificate of Time Deposit (CTD): A Delphi Approach
, halaman 1-6
Ontology-based knowledge map enabling referential navigation between knowledge
, halaman 1-9
Cost information practical use support by a cost accounting specialization type language
, halaman 1-19
The growth rates and firm size: Gibrat’s legacy in Indonesian SMEs
, halaman 1-7
An Entropy and Artificial Bee Colony Approach for the Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
, halaman 1-8
The Continuous Berth Allocation Problem by Simulated Annealing
, halaman 1-8
Comparison Study of MBA Education between China and Japan
, halaman 1-6
The Impact of Select Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables on the Probability of Credit Card Default
, halaman 1-19
Removal Efficiency of Saltsfor Desalination Process Using Gas Hydrate Formation
, halaman 1-6
Legibility of Traffic Warning Signs by Drivers
, halaman 1-8
Growing Neural Gas Approach for Minimizing the Total Cost of Hen Allocation to Poultry Farms in Thailand
, halaman 1-10
Transportation management systems of pullet farm using Multifactor Based Evolving Self-Organizing Maps (MESOM)
, halaman 1-9
Solution algorithms for scheduling flow-shop-type remanufacturing systems
, halaman 1-8
A Latent Variable Model Learning Method using Bayesian Networks
, halaman 1-11
Techniques for Human Values Identification in a Real Situation: A Review
, halaman 1-6
Purification capability of white radish for gaseous ethyl alcohol and its bioelectric potentialunder LED lights
, halaman 1-10
Sales possibilities of traditional gold-leaf souvenir and Japanese dish in China
, halaman 1-10
Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Genetic Operators and Cauchy Distribution for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem
, halaman 1-12
Managing the Indirect Effects of Environmental Regulation and Performance Measurement
, halaman 1-8
Performance measurement for factory planning projects
, halaman 1-7
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for Multi-Degree Cyclic Multi-Hoist Scheduling
, halaman 1-7
Achieving success in new product development projects
, halaman 1-8
Strategic Finance: Toward a Sustainable Economic Performance of the Firm
, halaman 1-21
Construct the system of profile monitoring using concept of EWMA control chart
, halaman 1-8
A Novel Approach for Vascular Sounds of Arteriovenous Fistulas and Vascular Stenoses
, halaman 1-9
Lexus Product Development and Marketing Strategies: How Companies Can Avoid Commoditization
, halaman 1-6
The Moderating Role of Government Policy on the Success of Business Incubation Programme
, halaman 1-10
The Study of Patent Portfolio with Multiple Correspondence of Offshore Wind Power
, halaman 1-13
Genetic Algorithms for Dynamic Lot Sizing Problem considering with Customer Order in Supply Chain Management
, halaman 1-12
A Novel Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Product-Mix Planning and Revenue Management for Semiconductor Fabrication Foundry Service
, halaman 1-16
A Framework for Root Cause Detection in Batch Processing Manufacturing
, halaman 1-8
Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Genetic Operators and Cauchy Distribution for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem
, halaman 1-13
Mall Sales as a Function of Pedestrian Traffic and Number of Mall Events
, halaman 1-5
Manufacturing Process Management (MPM) and Assembly Manufacturingin Asia
, halaman 1-6
Supply Chain Management: Supplier Selection Problem with multi-objective Considering Incremental Discount
, halaman 1-9
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Behavioural Intentions in Fast Food Restaurants
, halaman 1-6
A Multi-point Swapped Crossover and Swap Mutation of Genetic Algorithm to Obtain Optimal Facility Layout Design
, halaman 1-9
Cost Allocation of SPS Service Using Cooperative Game Theory
, halaman 1-8
Ergonomics and Safety: Adding Value and Competitive Advantage to SME’s in the Philippines
, halaman 1-10
Measuring Green Innovation and Performance of the Philippine Construction Industry Using the Absorptive Capacity Model
, halaman 1-12
Ergonomics Issue on the Lighting of ABC University Libraries
, halaman 1-8
Application of Assembly Line Balancing Heuristics in Designing Product Layout in Needle with Holder Assembly for Precision Department
, halaman 1-8
Solving the faculty staffing problem by goal programming
, halaman 1-12
Relief Prepositioning for Coverage Maximization in Disaster Management
, halaman 1-29
A System Dynamics Perspective on the Repair and Replenishment of Spares
, halaman 1-15
Flood Facility Location-Allocation in Marikina City Using MCLP with Lagrange
, halaman 1-13
Implementing Open Source Technology in the Design of an Inventory Management System for Duty Free Philippines Corporation
, halaman 1-6
An Integrated Framework: Unifying Diverse Perspectives in Educational Quality Management System (EQMS)
, halaman 1-9
A cluster insertion-based heuristic with load-dependent service times and transportation costs for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows
, halaman 1-17
Technology Assessment for Materials Identification and Tracking at Expert Group of Asia Plastic Corporation
, halaman 1-10
A Mathematical Model for the Impact of Suppliers’ Continuous Risks to a Manufacturer’s Inventory Decision in a Supply Chain
, halaman 1-9
A Predictive Model of the Severity of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Poultry Layer Workers
, halaman 1-14
Overall Improvement for the Design of Motorized Tricycles in the Philippines, An Ergonomic Study
, halaman 1-9
Reduction of Defects Using Taguchi Analysis and Fractional Factorial Design with Foldover Analysis
, halaman 1-5
A Framework on the Administrative Decision Model for Resource Loading
, halaman 1-15
Lean Engineering Education: bridging-the-gap between academe, industry and society
, halaman 1-6
Service Recovery Evaluations in Non-Budget Airlines: The Impact of Service Failure Severity and Complaining Behavior
, halaman 1-8
A Novel Genetic Algorithm to Solve DFJSP Scheduling Problems
, halaman 1-6
End-of-life Spare Part Inventory Management
, halaman 1-8
Design of Disaster Relief Supply Chain Model
, halaman 1-8
Quality improvement and setup cost reduction for the distribution free continuous-review inventory model with a service level constraint
, halaman 1-9
Job-shop scheduling optimization by parallel computing
, halaman 1-10
Aggregate production planning for EMS industry by distributed parallel computing
, halaman 1-9
An efficient hybrid algorithm for integrated order batching, sequencing and routing problem
, halaman 1-10
Development of Educational Program for Production Manager Based on a Symbiotic Competition with ABC-G Network
, halaman 1-11
Variable lot-streaming scheduling in multi-stage hybrid flowshop problem – A case study for solar cell industry
, halaman 1-13
The Adaptive Centroid Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
, halaman 1-10
Implementation of Lean Thinking in healthcare to solve uncertain hygienic material: a Case Study
, halaman 1-8
Product X Enterprise Strategy: A Matrix Approach to Enterprise Systems for Higher Sustainability Management
, halaman 1-6
Cooperation strategies for improving the performance of sequential zone-picking lines
, halaman 1-8
An Alternative Criterion to Line Stoppage Time in Mixed-Model Sequencing Problem
, halaman 1-9
Service quality assessment in health care service for hospitals: A case study in the out-patient department of a private hospital
, halaman 1-21
Design, Development and Implementation of SPC AutoCal in Ibiden Philippines, Inc. (IPI)
, halaman 1-6
Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Controller for DC-DC Buck and Boost Converter in Three Programming Platforms
, halaman 1-13
Developing a multi-criteria evaluation model for mobile-text entry methods
, halaman 1-17
Evaluation of sustainable manufacturing strategies using the analytic network process
, halaman 1-7
Porous Red Clay-based Ceramics Prepared via Starch Consolidation-Pressure Cooking System
, halaman 1-6
A low-cost hardware design of a 6-thruster unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)
, halaman 1-12
Cost Optimization of a Goal Defending Robot in a Multi-Agent Robot Soccer Game
, halaman 1-7
Multiple Level Fuzzy Logic-based Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Cooperative Robot Platform
, halaman 1-10
Performance Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Radiation and Ultraviolet Light Photocatalytic Pretreatments of Sargassum Algae
, halaman 1-18
Genetic Algorithm based Hinged-Blade Cross Axis Turbine Optimization Technique using Neural Network for Fitness Calculation
, halaman 1-10
Artificial Neural Network based Intelligence for Omnidirectional Autonomous Underwater Robot
, halaman 1-13
Identifying the Essential Attributes of Visual Displays used in Assembly Operations to Shorten Worker Reaction Time
, halaman 1-10
Philippine Quality Award Application Challenges
, halaman 1-10
Design modification, development, and testing of the UPLB anthropometrically fitted lowland hand-tractor for optimal reduction of Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) exposure of the Filipino farmer
, halaman 1-8
Effecting Position and Duration in College Students Exam Performance
, halaman 1-9
A Q,r ordering policy for a fixed lifetime commodity with a capacitated delivery mechanism
, halaman 1-7
A Prediction Model Framework for Crop Yield Prediction
, halaman 1-16
Blending the Green in Gold: Towards a Sustainable Small Scale Gold Production Systems
, halaman 1-8
Research and development success factors towards innovation
, halaman 1-12
Innovation profile of the Philippines
, halaman 1-28
The research framework to determine carbon footprint of steel bars Type SD40 12 mm diameter in Thailand
, halaman 1-7
Single trial classification of many imagery tasks for BCI
, halaman 1-7
Examining a New Framework for Standardization/Adaptation Issue in Global Marketing
, halaman 1-4
A Study on purchasing decision support system based on reviews using NIRS
, halaman 1-7
A network generation model of social network services by expansion of the CNN model
, halaman 1-9
Confirmation of Teamwork Construction in Global First Line Worker Based on Religion
, halaman 1-8
Axial-flux Permanent Magnet Generator Modelling for Wind Generator Power Prediction
, halaman 1-8
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