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BukuThe 61st TEFLIN International Conference : English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development, Solo, 7 - 9 October 2014
Author: [s.n]
Topik: English language; English language - Study and teaching; Linguistics; English Language Teaching
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-602-14018-1-1    
Jenis: Proceeding
Fulltext: cover,foreword,table of contents.pdf (6.85MB; 37 download)
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Application of Reactive Incidental Focus on Form to English Learning, halaman 427-430
  2. Teaching Sociolinguistic Competence to English Learners in Indonesia, halaman 431-433
  3. Incorporating Cross-Cultural Speech Acts into EFL Teaching: A Specific Case of Apologizing in Bahasa Indonesia and Australian English, halaman 434-436
  4. Scientific Approach in Language Teaching, halaman 437-440
  5. Interactive Approaches to Literature: Some Strategies in Literary Teaching, halaman 441-445
  6. Error Analysis to Compositions with Legal Topics, halaman 446-449
  7. Improving Student?s Translation Skill by Using Interactive Method for the Sixth Semester Students of English Department in 2013 – 2014 Academic Year, halaman 450-454
  8. Scaffolding for Peer Feedback Session: What, Why, and How?, halaman 455-458
  9. Yogyakarta (Indonesia) EFL Teachers' Conceptualization of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Their Instructional Curriculum Design and Practices, halaman 459-466
  10. A Phonological Outlook on the Difficulties of Learning English and Its Implication on the Teaching English as a Foreign Language, halaman 467-469
  11. The Effectiveness of Process Approach in Teaching Writing Viewed from Students? Level of Creativity and Its Implication towards Writing Assessment, halaman 470-473
  12. Blended Learning in Teaching Reading: A Pedagogical Practice to Teaching English as a Foreign Language in an Indonesian University Context, halaman 474-476
  13. Implementing KWL Strategy in Teaching Reading for Non-English Department Students, halaman 477-480
  14. The Use of Videos to Improve Young Learners? Speaking Ability, halaman 481-484
  15. Designing The ICTs-Based Blended Learning of English Phonology with Assure Model, halaman 485-488
  16. The New Literacy of the Digital Age: Using Electronic Books in the Classroom as a Teaching Strategy for Young Learners, halaman 489-492
  17. Teaching Politeness Norms in English Classes at a Tourism College, halaman 493-496
  18. The Effect of Using Mind Mapping Technique on the Students? Grammar Achievement, halaman 497-500
  19. The Debate on Written Corrective Feedback: Its Importance and Implication for Academic Writing Instruction in EFL Settings, halaman 501-504
  20. Inquiry-Based Teaching (IBT) to Teach Reading for English for Academic Purposes (EAP): Its Strengths, Limitations, and Students? Achievements (A Case Study on Teaching Reading for EAP for UNS Graduate Students), halaman 505-508
  21. Designing Communication Strategy in the English Speaking Class at University, halaman 509-512
  22. Promoting Students? Reading Comprehension Using Question to Author (QtA) to the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Darrussyafaat, halaman 513-515
  23. Integrating Traditional Games into the EYL Classroom, halaman 516-518
  24. Developing Teaching and Learning Instrument of English for Nursing „Daily Communication in Nursing? through Contextual Approach based on Character Education, halaman 519-523
  25. Fishbowl Strategy: An Effective Way to Improve Students? Speaking Ability, halaman 524-526
  26. The Use of Cell Phone in the Teaching of Integrated English Course: A Technique to Cultivate Autonomy Learning, halaman 527-529
  27. Reading Tree in Paragraph Writing Class: A CAR Experience with LEP (Limited English Proficient) Students, halaman 530-532
  28. Developing a Skopos-based Translation Activity: From an Offer of Information with a Translation Brief to a Translatum, halaman 533-536
  29. Process of Teaching English Practice at Islamic School in Banten Based on Culture and Religion Values to Developing Student Character, halaman 537-540
  30. The Implementation of Theory-Based Practice Method to Teach ESP Course for Students of English Education of IAIN Tulungagung: Students? Responses, halaman 541-543
  31. Improving Students? Writing Skill by Using Think-Pair-Think-Share, halaman 544-547
  32. Translation Strategies Adopted by English Department Students in Coping with Non Equivalence Problems, halaman 548-551
  33. Integrating Reading and Writing in Academic Writing Class, halaman 552-555
  34. The Effectiveness of Integrated Cooperative Learning Method for Reading and Writing to Improve the Competence of Writing News Exposition among Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah, halaman 556-559
  35. Implementing 3D Animation Film as a Device to Enhance Students? Speaking Skill for 1A Grade Students of IKIP PGRI Madiun, halaman 560-563
  36. The Use of the Inductive Teaching Approach with Videoed Teaching Models to Improve Students? Understanding on Language and Language Learning Concepts, halaman 564-566
  37. Do University Students Need Games?, halaman 567-570
  38. The Implementation of Teaching English Writing to Young Learners with Visual Impairments, halaman 571-574
  39. Peer Response: Making It Work in an EFL Classroom, halaman 575-578
  40. Jazz Chants for Young Learners (A Case Study in TK Bina Insani Semarang), halaman 579-581
  41. Culture Studies Technique to Raise the Students? Speaking Ability, halaman 587-589
  42. An Instructional Design Model for Classroom Discourse Acquisition: Helping Pre-service Nonnative English Teachers Acquire Classroom Language, halaman 590-594
  43. Note-Taking in Interpreting Class, halaman 595-597
  44. Teaching through Examples: A Meaningful Way to Teach Academic Writing, halaman 598-601
  45. The Implementation of Role Play: Classroom Practice and Students' Perception, halaman 602-605
  46. The Global Village – A School of Motivation, halaman 606-610
  47. Genre-Based Approach in Teaching Writing Islamic History Text, halaman 611-614
  48. Inserting Technology on Performing Drama: Improving Students? Motivation on Learning English as Foreign Language, halaman 614-644
  49. The Students' Perception of The Teacher's Tasks and Their Accomplishment in the Speaking Class, halaman 615-620
  50. Teaching Reading and Writing to English Department Students of Low Proficiency, halaman 621-624
  51. The Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Written Corrective Feedback in Improving EFL Learners? Hortatory Exposition Writing, halaman 625-628
  52. Show, Tell, and Demonstrate: Tapping into Students? Multiple Intelligences (MI) in the Teaching of English, halaman 629-632
  53. The Use of Pedagogical Humor as a Motivational Teaching Strategy in an Indonesian Institute of Information and Technolgy, halaman 633-636
  54. Finding Non-native English Literatures' Place in English for Young Learners (EYL) Classes, halaman 637-640
  55. The Non-English Students' Responses Toward The Use of Reading-while-Listening in Listening Class of TOEFL Preparation Course, halaman 645-649
  56. Utilizing Project-based Learning to Raise Pre-service English Teachers' Critical Thinking, halaman 650-653
  57. The Implementation of Whole Brain Writing Game in Teaching Writing, halaman 654-657
  58. A Collaborative Writing Technique to Improve Students' Skill in Writing Argumentative Essay (A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth Semeseter Students of English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) , halaman 658-662
  59. Frame Variations of a Discussion for Teachers' Alternatives in a Classroom Presentation, halaman 663-665
  60. The Effectiveness of Using Numbered Heads Together Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School, halaman 666-668
  61. Fostering Students' Wisdom in an Interactively Argumentative Writing Project, halaman 669-673
  62. Instructional Model of English Speed Reading (Research and Development at Christian University of Indonesia), halaman 674-676
  63. Content Based Instruction and Study Skills for English Teaching at Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung, halaman 677-680
  64. Developing Video-based Supplementary Materials to Teach Speaking Skill Based on Curriculum 2013 for the Seventh Grade Students, halaman 681-684
  65. Roles of Feedback to Overcome Grammatical Problems of Academic Writing in EFL Class, halaman 685-688
  66. The Effect of Process-product Approach to Writing on EFL Learners' Writing Accuracy, halaman 689-692
  67. Utilizing Video to Promote Students Expressions Skill in Speaking, halaman 693-696
  68. Improving the Students' Reading Skill Using Interactive Model of Reading and Group Work, halaman 697-700
  69. Picture Mapping Method and Storytelling: A Way to Promote 21st Century Skills, halaman 701-704
  70. Genre-based Creative Writing for High School Students, Why Not?, halaman 705-708
  71. The Efficacy of Workshop Model in Teaching Reading Comprehension, halaman 709-712
  72. Facilitating Relevance of Classroom Pedagogy and Professional Needs in an EFL Medical English, halaman 713-717
  73. The Implementation of Content-based Instruction in Mathematics? Teaching and Learning Process at an International School, halaman 718-721
  74. Reflective Learning Journal ( Theory and Empirical Studies in EFL Classroom), halaman 722-725
  75. Improving X IIS 3 of SMAN 7 Malang Students' Ability in Listening Comprehension through Fun Activities: All Ears; Listen and Stand Up, halaman 726-729
  76. Teaching Intensive Reading through Different Scaffolding Strategies in the Bilingual Classroom Context, halaman 730-735
  77. A Case Study of Enhancing Inference Skills in Reading Comprehension through Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, halaman 736-739
  78. The Effectiveness of Graphic Organizer in Teaching Listening Viewed from Students' Motivation, halaman 740-743
  79. Effecting Change in Language Classroom Dynamics through Discourse, halaman 744-747
  80. Does the Magic of Cooperative Learning Still Work?, halaman 748-751
  81. Active Learning: The Elaboration of Experiences and Knowledges Inquiry-Based Teaching in Enriching Students' Reading Skill, halaman 752-755
  82. The Efficacy of Role-play in Speaking Class: An Experimental Research , halaman 756-759
  83. A Self Narrative of an EFL Learner?s Experience about Learner Beliefs and Language Learning, halaman 760-762
  84. The Effectiveness of Self-monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART) to Teach Reading Viewed from Students' Reading Anxiety, halaman 763-766
  85. The Influence of Team-based Learning on the Students' Learning, halaman 767-770
  86. The Development of Tudassipulung Cooperative Learning Model in Improving Students Motivation to Succeed, halaman 771-775
  87. Incorporating Characters into English Language Teaching: A Lesson Planning, halaman 776-779
  88. Cooperative Learning: Promoting the Four Pillars of Education in English Foreign Language Classroom of Higher Education, halaman 780-783
  89. Improving Speaking Achievement Using Sharing Time at the Sixth Semester Students of English Department of Almuslim University, halaman 784-788
  90. Postcards to Java Encourages Students to Write, halaman 789-791
  91. Encouraging ESP Students' Activeness by Point Reward, halaman 792-794
  92. Teacher's Code-Switching to L1 in an English as a Foreign Language Classroom in a Senior High School in Banten, halaman 795-798
  93. Triple Coaching Method for English Business Class, halaman 799-802
  94. Enhancing Students’ Paragraph Writing Ability through Cooperative Learning : A Classroom Action Research at The English Education Department, Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, halaman 803-806
  95. Peer-Tutorial Project in Increasing Students' Achievement in Speaking Skill, halaman 807-809
  96. The Effectiveness of Using Carousel Brainstorming Technique to Teach Writing Viewed from Students’ Self-Actualization , halaman 810-814
  97. Developing Rural EFL Students’Writing Skill by Using Cooperative Learning to Promote Character Building , halaman 815-817
  98. “What Happen Next?” Strategy to Improve Students Skill on Writing Narrative Text ( A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Malang in Academic Year of 2013/ 2014), halaman 818-821
  99. The Strategies Employed by the Students of Manado State College for Islamic Studies (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Manado/ STAIN Manado), halaman 822-825
  100. Developing Character Values in the Teaching of Narrative Texts Using Genre Based Approach (A Case Study at a Senior High School in Bandung), halaman 826-829
  101. Movie Making: A More Effective and Fun Method in Teaching Speaking (An Empirical Study), halaman 830-833
  102. The Use of Songs for Promoting Student Participation in the Teaching of English Structure, halaman 834-837
  103. The Effect of Task-supported Teaching on Students' Accuracy in Using Particular Grammatical Forms during Communicative Task, halaman 838-841
  104. De-Fossilizing and Fragmenting Students's Stand-Still TOEFL Score Attainments, halaman 842-845
  105. Students’ Attitudes towards Cooperative Learning in Enhancing Their Motivation to Speak, halaman 846-849
  106. Is It a Necessity to Teach Summary Writing as an Attempt to Improve English Proficiency in ESP Class?, halaman 850-853
  107. Using Personal Blog as Learning Log in Project Based Learning , halaman 854-856
  108. The Effectiveness of Process-Oriented Approach toward Students' Achievement in Learning Argumentative Paragraph : A Study at the English Department of IKIP Mataram in the Academic Year of 2009/2010 - The Third Semester, halaman 857-860
  109. Developing EFL Speaking Materials for the Second Semester Students of STAIN Samarinda, halaman 861-864
  110. Implementing Audio Diaries as a Daily Speaking Task, halaman 865-867
  111. Using Video Games in EFL Classrooms to Enhance Students’ 21st Century Skills, halaman 868-871
  112. The Importance of IBT to Teach Writing in Indonesian Junior High School, halaman 872-873
  113. The Development Process of Students’ Metacognitive Skill in Listening during the Implementation of Intralingual Subtitling Project, halaman 874-877
  114. Improving Effective Study Groups in Speaking Class through Inside-Outside Circle, halaman 878-881
  115. SFL Genre-Based Pedagogy and Student Empowerment, halaman 882-886
  116. Preparing the Students to be the Champion in Speech Contest, halaman 887-890
  117. Yarsi University Program to Meet the Demand of Student?s English Fluency with TOEIC as the Assessment Tool, halaman 891-893
  118. The Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Comprehension Recount Text by Using Facebook, halaman 895-899
  119. Puppet and Pop up Pictures as the Story Telling Media to Build Students’ Motivation in English Competition, halaman 900-905
  120. Improving Students TOEFL Scores Using TOEFL iBT PRACTICE Android Application, halaman 906-910
  121. Using Films as Media to Teach Literature, halaman 911-914
  122. Improving Vocabulary Achievement of the XI Grades of SMKN 1 Pakong-Pamekasan through Interactive Crossword Puzzle, halaman 915-918
  123. Students’ Perceptual Beliefs about the Information Technology for Language Learning, halaman 919-922
  124. The Use of Smartphone to Develop English Skills, halaman 923-926
  125. Redesigning Instructional Media in Teaching English of Elementary Schools’ Students: Developing Minimum Curriculum, halaman 927-931
  126. Prezi: an Online to Offline ‘Zooming’ Presentation Software in Oral English for Academic Speaking Students , halaman 932-934
  127. A Strength-Weakness-Opportunity (SWO) Analysis of Three Implementation Models for Integrating ‘The Knowledge Age’ Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) Into Schools , halaman 935-941
  128. The Effectiveness of Using Tell Me More to Assist Teaching Pronunciation of English Viewed from Students’ Self Confidence, halaman 942-945
  129. Blended Classroom in English Writing Class: A Pilot Project, halaman 946-950
  130. Integrating Video in the Corrective Feedback Practice: Voices from Indonesia, halaman 951-954
  131. A New Face of Teaching Technique by Making Use of a Popular Social Medium Facebook: Effective or Not?, halaman 955-959
  132. Analysis of Multimodality on L2 Learners as Reflected in Their CAF of the Spoken Performance, halaman 960-963
  133. Moodle and Reading Comprehension Materials for the EFL Students, halaman 964-967
  134. Developing Multi-media Speaking Material for University Students by Integrating Local Tourism Attractions, halaman 968-971
  135. Blog and Culture Integration to Teach English for SMK Learners , halaman 972-975
  136. Developing an Audio Media with Scripted Songs and Its Effect: A Way Out for Fun Learning for TEYL, halaman 976-979
  137. An Accordion Book Project for Reluctant Writers, halaman 980-983
  138. The Utilization of Online Learning for English Classes based on Need Analysis, halaman 984-986
  139. Listening to Write: Writing Narrative Using Narrative Learning Multimedia (NLM), halaman 987-991
  140. Improving EFL Learner Speaking Ability by Using Digital Series Pictures, halaman 992-994
  141. IT, Knowledge and Practice: Blending Together in Facilitating Teaching and Learning Listening in EFL Setting, halaman 995-998
  142. Students’ Perception of the Use of Search Engine (ICT) as Teaching Media in Reading Course Sudiran, halaman 999-1002
  143. Students’ Attitudes to Podcast as a Supporting Media for Enhancing Listening Skill: A Study of Tanjungpura University Students, halaman 1003-1006
  144. Utilizing Different Kinds of Technology and Genre-based Approach for Teaching Writing in an ESP Class, halaman 1007-1012
  145. Children’s Literature: The Relationship Between Literary Text and Media Used in Young Learners’ Class, halaman 1013-1015
  146. Motivating Students through EDMODO (A Blended Learning in Grammar Class), halaman 1016-1019
  147. The Implementation of Three Techniques for Teaching Literal Reading and English for Young Learners, halaman 1020-1023
  148. ‘Mobile Comics’ as a Media to Enhance Literature’s Sense to Young Learners, halaman 1024-1026
  149. An Introduction to Peer Assessment of Oral Presentations 1027, halaman 1027-1030
  150. Cultivating Pre-service Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills through Teaching Practicum: A Reflective Practice 1031, halaman 1031-1033
  151. Teaching English to Large Multilevel Classes Majoring in Math, Biology and Chemistry by Using ‘Burst the Balloon’ and ‘Talking Chips’ Techniques, halaman 1034-1038
  152. English Classroom Management: A Case Study of Islamic International Primary School, halaman 1039-1042
  153. The Transactional Expressions of the Teachers and the Students in Target Language Class, halaman 1043-1045
  154. A Study of Foreign Language Anxiety of ESNED Students at Informatics and Computer Science Department, halaman 1046-1049
  155. The Impact of Learning Style on Language LearningStrategies of L2 learners, halaman 1050-1054
  156. Classroom Management Talk: From Theory to Practice, halaman 1055-1058
  157. Framing In-class Debate: Reflection of Academic Debate Practices to the Principles of Language Pedagogy, halaman 1059-1063
  158. The Application of Students Centered Learning through Presentation in Public Speaking Class of English Department Student, halaman 1064-1067
  159. Bringing Additional Values into Translation Class for English Department Students: A Teacher's Idea, halaman 1068-1071
  160. Student Talk Encountered in Intensive Course Classes of an English Department in a University in Surabaya, halaman 1072-1075
  161. Fostering Students' Good Character Values through Peer Teaching, halaman 1076-1078
  162. An Analysis of Code-mixing and Code-switching in EFL Tecahing of Cross Cultural Communication Context, halaman 1079-1082
  163. The Use of Web-Based Resources Technique to Improve Students' Reading Skill of Expository Text (A Classroom Action Research of the Second Semester Students of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, in the Academic Year 2012/2013), halaman 1083-1087
  164. The Students’ Experience on Group Work in the Conversational English Class, halaman 1088-1091
  165. The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in English Class: Integrating Competencies in English Class (A Case Study Conducted at Class 9A of SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten in the Academic Year of 2013/2014), halaman 1092-1095
  166. The Poster Presentation: An Exercise for High School Students in Emerging Creativity, Leadership and Teamwork in English and Arts Class, halaman 1096-1099
  167. Politeness Inclination of Teacher and Students in an EFL Classrooms Interaction, halaman 1100-1104
  168. Students' Perceptions on ORSA (Orderly Rows Seating Arrangement) in EFL Classroom, halaman 1105-1108
  169. Regulative and Instructional registers of an EFL Lecture in Indonesian University Context, halaman 1109-1113
  170. Maximum English in Minimum Classes: Teaching English with Limited Facilities in Remote Area, halaman 1114-1117
  171. Communication Strategies Used by Indonesian Teachers in Teaching English for Libyan Kids, halaman 1118-1122
  172. The Impacts of National Testing on English Teachers’ Pedagogy and Professionalism , halaman 1123-1126
  173. Teacher's Corrective Feedback on Students' Spoken Errors in an EFL Classroom, halaman 1127-1130
  174. Gender Identity of Male and Female Indonesian EFL College Students' Academic Essays: A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), halaman 1131-1136
  175. Higher Education Students' Perception about Peer Assessment Practice, halaman 1137-1141
  176. Implementing Authentic Assessment on Students' English Writing (A Case Study in One of Senior High Schools in Tasikmalaya), halaman 1142-1145
  177. Students' Oral Presentation as Multimodal and Formative Assessment, halaman 1146-1150
  178. The Challanges in Implementing Authentic Assessment in Curriculum 2013, halaman 1151-1154
  179. Authentic Assessment and the Implication to Students' Self-Esteem in Teaching English at Senior High School, halaman 1155-1158
  180. Language Assessment for Deaf and or Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Students in Inclusive Class, halaman 1159-1161
  181. A Preliminary Research to Develop a Customized Set of Vocabulary Size Test, halaman 1162-1165
  182. Corrective Feedback in Writing Class, halaman 1166-1168
  183. The Use of Paper-based TOEFL as a Gate Keeper for Graduation: A Case Study at English Department Universitas Mataram, halaman 1169-1172
  184. English Teacher's Perspective on Authentic Assessment Implementation of Curriculum 2013, halaman 1173-1175
  185. The Effects of Time Constraints on Students' Writing Performance, halaman 1176-1178
  186. Translation Techniques Applied by Students in Translating Explanation Text, halaman 1179-1182
  187. Redefining Criteria and Standards for Composition Classes, halaman 1183-1186
  188. Anxiety on the Presentation or Oral Examination in Learning ESL, halaman 1187-1191
  189. Some Effective Ways to Give Feedback to the Students in Their Writing, halaman 1192-1194
  190. A Measure of Attitude toward Peer Assessment: Reliability and Validity, halaman 1195-1199
  191. Leveled-integrated English Learning at LTC UMY, halaman 1200-1204
  192. Implementation of School-Based Curriculum at Public Senior High Schools in Banyu Asin District of South Sumatra Province, halaman 1205-1207
  193. Internally Driven Program Evaluation Research in Enhancing Curriculum Development in Teaching Grammar, halaman 1208-1211
  194. Evaluation of English Foundation Course in the Output Character Building Program, halaman 1212-1215
  195. The Implementation of Character Education in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia, halaman 1216-1219
  196. Evaluation and Development in English Language Teaching Programs (A Survey Study), halaman 1220-1225
  197. Reformation in Teachers' Recruitment in the Effort of Developing Teachers' Professionalism, halaman 1226-1230
  198. Teacher Empowerment through MGMP, halaman 1231-1235
  199. Strategies of Learning Listening Skill Employed by Indonesian EFL Learners in Relation with Gender and Proficiency, halaman 1236-1240
  200. English Literacy Education in Primary Schools: Opportunities and Challenges in Global Competitiveness, halaman 1241-1244
  201. TEFL Students' Language Learning Strategies: A Study at State Islamic College of Kerinci, Indonesia, halaman 1245-1249
  202. Students' Perceptions of English Teachers' Performances in English Language Courses in Indonesia, halaman 1250-1253
  203. Models of EFL Teachers' Professional Development, halaman 1254-1257
  204. Translation Accuracy, Acceptability, and Readability of Harry Potter Novel Series into Indonesian (Appropriate Example for Teaching Translation Subject), halaman 1258-1260
  205. The Interactive Relationship between Pedagogical Practices and Professional Development of EFL Teachers in Written Cycle, halaman 1261-1264
  206. The Implementation of Curriculum 2013: What The Teachers-educators Voice, halaman 1265-1267
  207. Pre-service Teachers' Perception on Teaching Features: A Case Study at Mulawarman University, halaman 1268-1272
  208. The Profile of Students' Critical Thinking through Their Argumentative Essay Writing, halaman 1273-1277
  209. Challenge(s) Encountered by Novice English Teachers to Develop Their Professionalism; A Preliminary Research Report for Further Research in Lampung Province, halaman 1278-1281
  210. Analysis of PPG Students' Peer Teaching in Applying Their Lesson Plans based on Kurikulum 2013, halaman 1282-1285
  211. Optimizing the Use of EDMODO Based Questioning Technique to Improve Students' Creativity and Writing Achievement, halaman 1286-1289
  212. Integrating Technology in EFL Curriculum: Determining EFL Teachers' Level of Technology Literacy, halaman 1290-1293
  213. Boosters and Hedges in Abstract Research Paper, halaman 1294-1297
  214. Learning Figurative Expressions Collaboratively to Support UNS BIPPA Program in the Natural Setting, halaman 1298-1300
  215. Experimenting Jeremiadic Approach as an Alternative for TEFL in Meeting the Demand of the 2013 Curriculum, halaman 1301-1304
  216. EFL Pre-Service Teachers: A Study on Student Teachers' Teaching Competence, halaman 1305-1308
  217. How are Non Native Teachers of English!, halaman 1309-1311
  218. Targeting Learning Focus Under the Trees , halaman 1312-1314
  219. Teachers' Professional Empowerment Through Team Teaching, halaman 1315-1318
  220. Equipping English Education Graduates with the Core Competency of English Teachers for Young Learners through an Optional Package of Courses, halaman 1319-1321
  221. A Case Study of English Articles Acquisition of Two Indonesian English Teachers, halaman 1322-1327
  222. English Teachers' Professional Development at Hulu Sungai Selatan, South Kalimantan, halaman 1328-1331
  223. Students' Noticing of Corrective Feedback on Writing (Case Study for Low Learners), halaman 1332-1335
  224. Indonesian Argument Style: An Analysis on the Ways Indonesian Writers Argue for Their Research Project in Their Research Article Introductions, halaman 1336-1340
  225. The Learning of English as a Foreign Language: What EFL Teachers Should Know, halaman 1341-1343
  226. A Vignette on Reflective Teaching: Potential Challenges Faced by Future ESP Practitioners, halaman 1344-1346
  227. A Study of the English Reading Habits of EFL Students of Baturaja University, halaman 1347-1350
  228. Professional Development in Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning: EFL Teachers' Perspectives and Experiences, halaman 1351-1354
  229. Professional Teacher: What, Who and How, halaman 1355-1357
  230. Presenting ESP Using Authentic Materials, halaman 1358-1359
  231. The Relationships among Teacher Effectiveness, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of English Education Study Program Students in Three Universities in Palembang, halaman 1360-1363
  232. An Inappropriate Use of Linguistic Components Found in the Composition of the Students at the Master Level, halaman 1364-1367
  233. Teachers' Cognitive Coaching on Students' Reading Comprehension , halaman 1368-1370
  234. The Roles of English Teacher Working Group (MGMP) to Support Teacher Professional Development, halaman 1371-1373
  235. Exploring Professional Development of English Teachers on Writing and Its Instruction, halaman 1374-1376
  236. Improving Reading Comprehension of XI Social Science 2 Students of SMAN 7 Malang through Two Stay Two Stray Technique, halaman 1377-1379

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