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12th ANQ Congress in Singapore, 5-8 Agustus 2014
(EN )
The Asian Network for Quality (ANQ)
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Implementing IWA 2 and DMAIC Approach for Improving Higher Education Service (Case Study : Faculty of Biotechnology , Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University)
, halaman 1-11
Improvement of Photocopier Toner Delivery Fulfillment Through Six Sigma Methodology
, halaman 1-14
Industry Buzzer to Improve IT Operations Efficiency – The Lean Way
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Six Sigma Case Study:Bond Finger Nodule LRR Improvement
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Combination Six Sigma with Lean
, halaman 1-8
Reduction in Unloading Time of Box –N Wagons at Wagon Tipplers of NTPC Simhadri through DMAIC Methodology
, halaman 1-16
Applying Effective Audit Methodology to Enhance Productivity and Quality Improvements
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Risk Management in Internal Audit Planning
, halaman 1-4
Risk is the Compass: A New Approach to Auditing Quality Systems
, halaman 1-7
CU Quality Model : Tool for Quality Management of Chulalongkorn University
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Vietnamese Fruits Production and Exports Based on The Global Gap & ISO 22000 Standard Towards Faster and Sustainable Development
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Standardization of Intangible Dimensions of Service Quality by Visual SOP
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Achieving Business Objectives through TQM Implementation
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Organizational Culture, TQM Implementation and Performance: A Comparative Study between TQM and TQM-ISO Firms
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Using TQM and Excellence Principles in Effective Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives at Tata Group
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Imported Raw Material Inventory Management at Tata Steel A TOC- TQM Approach, Impacting Business
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Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions
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Quality Decision for Overcharged Li Ion Battery from Reliability and Safety Perspective
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Statistical Inference for Grouped Field Failure Data
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The Correlation between Device Aging and System Degradation
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Reliability-based Reduced Sampling Approach
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Modeling Patient Falls in Hospitals Based on Survival Analysis and Recurrent Events Analysis
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Reliability Practice Based On PLM Process
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Lifetime Prediction of Vehicle Components Using Online Monitoring Data
, halaman 1-13
Estimation of Lifetime Distribution with Covariates Using Online Monitoring
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Analysis of Window Censored Repair Logs and its Application to Maintenance
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Business Transformation Case Study of Hardware Company
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Investigation on the Measurement Uncertainty of Scanning Electron & Acoustic Microscopy under HOKLAS scheme
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Analysis of China Private-Equity and Venture Capital Market
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The Relationship among Perceived Price, Brand Image, Store Image and Perceived Value to Purchasing Intention - The Case Study on a Spanish Clothing Brand ZARA
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Developing C2C Retail Entrepreneurship with Opportunities and Challenges: A Hong Kong Example
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A Study on the Method to Derive the Attractions of Seasoning to Be Communicated
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Risk Management Evolution for Business and Operations
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The Indicators for Development of Green Tourism Supply Chain Management
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Research of Customers with a Keen Loyalty
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Linking Employee Satisfaction with Customer Satisfaction in Bank
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Study of Consumer Attitude towards Online Shopping of Seafood
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Customer Centricity: Drive Sustainable Operations
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Using Lean for Competitive Advantage and Customer Delight – A Case Study
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Productivity for Business & Customer Fulfilment – A Way into the Future
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Analysis of Students’ Feedback to Improve Course Programme ANQ Congress 2014 Singapore
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Aspects of Statistical Thinking Education for Quality Improvement Applications
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The Impact of ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Assessment on the Quality of Educational Programmes
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An Assessment Model to Assure Educational Excellence
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The Evaluation of Service Quality for High Education in Taiwan by Using Importance-Satisfaction Model
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Renovation of Assessment on Teaching and Learning Quality Based on the Orientation of Student’s Competence Development
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Quality Assurance Information System of Chulalongkorn University
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Environmental Considerations in the Construction Industries in Hong Kong and China
, halaman 1-24
Air Quality Modeling Via PM2.5 Measurements Min Zhou1,
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Environmental Quality: A Case Study of Public Perceptions and Scientific Reality
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An Electric Energy Simulation in a Smart Village Based On the Weather Forecast
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Impact of Climate Variability on Flood Management in Dhaka City
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Defective Rate Reduction of Connector Mating
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Energy Cost Saving by using Text Mining for Analysis Trend of Solar Heat Water Technology
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Cost Optimization for Bulk Cement Distribution Reallocation
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Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Operations through the Implementation of Business Excellence Model
, halaman 1-5
Rolling Of SD Grade Rebar Using Leaner Chemistry Steel
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Reduce Oxygen Cost through Optimising Oxygen Supply to Blast Furnaces and LD Shops
, halaman 1-13
Imbibing Quality Culture at Grass Root Level in India
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Marketing Strategies of Jewelry Manufacture in Hong Kong: An Analysis
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To Reduce the Spot Distortion, Bending Breakage & Edge Bend Problem of Maruti Suzuki Swift Model in Lamination Process of Windshield Glass
, halaman 1-15
Improving the Quality of Internal Control at Airports Corporation of Vietnam
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Cost and Cycle Time Reduction by Lean Management for Bakery Business
, halaman 1-12
The Optimization the Production of Mini Bun Sausage Bread
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Improvements Machine to Minimize the Thickness Loss of the Leather
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Reduce Soybean Meal Loss in Multimodal Transport
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Patient Assignment and Grouping Problem on Home Health Care: A Case in Hong Kong
, halaman 1-13
A Proposed Method to Identify Medication Incident Process Factors
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Adaptation of the Process Flow Chart for Use in Medical Enterprises
, halaman 1-6
Development of Process Model for Surgical Operation Planning
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A Model to Evaluate Competence of Medical Doctors for Invasive Techniques at Hospitals
, halaman 1-10
Analysis of Medication Incidents Nationwide With a Focus on Individual Elements of the Work Process
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A Study on the Falls Prevention System in an Acute Hospital
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Personal Behavior of Smart Phone Users on Information Protection: Health Psychology Theory Perspectives
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Servitization Model Development of Healthcare Industry
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A Method for Evaluating Nurses’ Actions Using a Daily Action Plan
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A Study on the Measurement Method of Effect for Healthcare-Safety-Education
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Method for Evaluation and Analysis of Cancer Care Platform for the Implementation of PDCA
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Developing Quality Performance Indices for Research and Development
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The Relationships between Innovation Orientation, Customer Orientation, Service Quality, and Business Performance
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A Pattern of Service Innovation in the Retailing Industry
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Why Innovators Focus on Controllability and Desirability of Product?
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Triz for New Product Development in Bakery Business
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Innovation Management is a Main Condition for the Leadership and Sustainable Development of the Medical Organization
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Design Criteria for Exploring Feasible Region of Factors in Multi-dimensional Space
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Expansion and Study of the Validity of the Cyclic Design
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Research on Multiple Comparisons of Non-Parametric Tests In Survival Analysis
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Construction of Enterprise Quality Interactive Model
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Inquiry into the Secrets of the Powerful “Made in Germany”
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Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Research and Application in the City Distribution Networks
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Innovation Council - Intrapreneurial
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Taste of the Salt and Sensuality Evaluation of the Taste ,and the Examination of the Causal Model of the Language Data
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Introduction to JSQC-Std 32-001:2013 “Guidelines for Daily Management”
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The Optimal Parameters Design of Multiple Quality Characteristics for the Welding Plate of Aluminum Magnesium Alloy
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Integrated Dynamic and Static PAT Method Applied in the Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Industry
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A Case Study on Production Management Based on the Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) System
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Extracting Strategic Priority Components for Product Liability Response System using AHP
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A Study on the Design Verification Process of a Control System for Construction Equipment
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Enhancing Customer Analytics with Big Data Integration
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Establishing a Business Process Reference Model for Universities: A Case Study in Hanoi University of Industry - Vietnam
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Data Mining for Research Trend in Bakery Business
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The Study of the Factors Affecting on Food Deterioration from Microbial Spoilage of Sandwich Products
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Use of Analytics to Improve The Quality of ROM Feed and Productivity of Dump Trucks
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Coping with High Blast Furnace Productivity by Improvising Drainage Practices
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An Evaluation of Product Images that Consumers Derive from the Design Elements of PET Bottle Drink
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Shaping B2B Customer Needs Focus through Production Management Strategies
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A Holistic Approach to Quality- an Imperative Need for Growth Inclusive of People and Environment
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A Study on Caustic Soda Using the Environmental Crisis Management Model
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Quality Practices for Institutions Forming the Eco-system in which Industry Operates
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To Eliminate Cytotoxic Contamination to Linen Post Instillation of MMC into Patient’s Bladder by 50%
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Reduction of Time Taken for Dispatch of Documents from PAT to MRO
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Reducing Errors in Controlled Drug Prescriptions
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Research on the Development of Measurement Technology in Aerospace Mechanical Manufacture
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The Relationship between the Customers’ Experience and Satisfaction in Convenience Food Stores
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Cluster Based Finance Initiative
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Online Marketing Application in Brand Development in Vietnam
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The Study of Service Quality for Blocking Dissatisfied Customers’ Switch Intention
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Simulation-based Production Management for TFT-LCD Fab
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Study on the Efficiency Measurement of Companies in Regional Industrial Cluster - A Preliminary Case Study -
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The Build-Up Layer AOI Yield Improvement for FCBGA Product
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Study on Operational Management and Control Food Quality “From farm to fork” in Children Objects
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Effective Way to Improve the Quality Management
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Configurable MES for SME Manufacturer: Essential MES Function Suggestion for Automobile Part Industry
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A Study on Analysis of Industrial Development Trends Using Patent Data
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'I saw the sign!' - Reduction of Unnecessary Daily Redirections to Improve Quality of Patient Care
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Improving Management of Purchase Orders for Appliances
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A Practical Monitoring to Detect the Quality Shifts using EWMA Method
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To Implement “Lean Six Sigma” Concept in Automobile Manufacturing
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Sigma Level Calculations Using MINITAB
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A Korean Mobile Application Software (APP)-based Cybernetic White Paper on Quality Management
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Establishing TTQS Accreditation System Performance Model for Vocational Training Center
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The Quality of Teaching and Learning at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry after the Application of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008
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A Purchase Behavior Analysis Using ID-POS Data - Case Study on a Foods Supermarket in Japan -
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Estimation Accuracies of Total Effects Using Supplementary Variables
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An Application of Generalized Inverse Regression Estimator to Taguchi's T Method
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A Power Calculation Method of Closed Testing Procedure Based On Weighted Bonferroni Tests to Each Intersection Hypothesis by Integrating Joint Multivariate Distribution
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Strategies for In-house Deployment of Triz
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Quality through Cognitive Work Culture
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Study on the Activities of Teaching Gardens to Reduce the Rate of Children Overweight and Obesity
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The Relationships among Leadership Style, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Innovation and Organizational Performance
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Identifying the Source of Variance Shifts in Multivariate Statistical Process Control using Ensemble Classifiers
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Grass Root Opportunities @ Work : A Service Industry Perspective
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Extensions for DD-plot
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Closed-loop Method for Quality Problems: Flexible Use of KNOW-HOW
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Components of Variance for Diff BtB & WiB Analysis
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The Load Profile Monitoring System Based on Cloud Computing in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
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Practical Decipher of Generalized Resolution, Minimum G Aberration and Minimum G2 Aberration
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Prediction Intervals of Simple Linear Regression for Interval-Valued Data
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Study of Probability Distribution in Paired Comparison
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Interaction Analysis with Covariate of Noise Factor
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A Study of Improvement on IPW Estimator
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Augmentation Designs for the Orthogonal Array in the Simulation Study
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Far East Federal University Innovation Project “Engineering House”
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Predicting Project Outcome using Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)
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The Learning Culture of Reliance Commercial Finance
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‘Manufacturing Operations Excellence Composite Score Assessment Model’ (ECSA Model)
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The Joy of Leading the Journey of Transformation
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Quality Assurance (QA) in the Context of Expansion Projects in Tata Steel
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Leadership For Excellence - A Balanced Scorecard Approach To The 5th Element
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An Incipient Condition-based SPC Anomaly Detection Approach for the Rolling Process
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A General Approach to Reducing Transfer Function Errors for Design of Experiments (DOE)
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Scalable and Sustainable Transformation: An eSilicon Journey
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The World Quality Movement after the 3rd Industrial Revolution
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From Belts to Baldrige
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Alternative to the Balanced Scorecard
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Factors Affecting User’s Switching Intention from Social Network Sites to Micro-Blogs
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Insights into Informal Benchmarking
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Nonparametric Wavelet-based Multivariate Control Chart for Rotating Machinery Condition Monitoring
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A Bayesian Spatio-temporal Model for NO2 in Seoul
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An Empirical Study and Factor Analysis of Start-up Quality for Senior's Successful Start-up
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Service Quality Comparison
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The Relationship between Academic Achievement and Experimental Ability in Chemical Field
, halaman 1-7
A Proposal on Wood Drying Technology upon the Sustainable Growth of the Forest Management
, halaman 1-10
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