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BukuSIBR-Thammasat 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research June 5th- 7th, 2014 di Emerald Hotel Bangkok
Author: [s.n]
Topik: prosidingteknikindustri
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 2223-5078    
Penerbit: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research     Tempat Terbit: Bangkok    Tahun Terbit: 2014    
Jenis: Proceeding
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Medical tourism: opportunities and trends for Malaysia, halaman 1-14
  2. Loan shark’s contract under asymmetric information, halaman 1-10
  3. The contagion effect: a case study of China and ASEAN countries, halaman 1-9
  4. The impact of financial development on economic growth in the Thailand, Malaysia, and Philippines, halaman 1-8
  5. Determinants of optimal capital structure of ASEAN corporations, halaman 1-8
  6. Socio-economic condition of female domestic workers in Punjab (India): a case study of Sangrur District, halaman 1-19
  7. Profiling retail brand users – an insight for better retail brand development, halaman 1-2
  8. Developing jazz music business from a small concert, halaman 1-3
  9. Determinants of debt policy in Indonesia’ public company, halaman 1-6
  10. Developing income tax software on Small and Medium Enterprises to increase tax revenue in Indonesia, halaman 1-2
  11. Local culture and the role of social norms in determining adoption of information technology in SMEs Batik in Indonesia, halaman 1-5
  12. Effect of trust, satisfaction and other relationship dimensions on Supplier Relationship Management, halaman 1-14
  13. Customer engagement: a view from the practitioner end, halaman 1-3
  14. Determination of the optimum productivity improvement: based on total productivity model, halaman 1-9
  15. Difable market as a business opportunity for disabilities people, halaman 1-8
  16. Indonesian migrant workers empowerment model, to increase economic prosperity in Sragen and Karanganyar, halaman 1-4
  17. R&D spending and sme internationalization: the impacts of ceo characteristics, halaman 1-2
  18. The efect of majority ownership on earnings opacity, halaman 1-3
  19. Bakulan rt 36” as a media based on ict to support women’s economic empowerment (the study on woman communities in kampung cyber rt 36 – taman sari, yogyakarta), halaman 1-18
  20. Challenges for developing tourism satellite account in bangladesh., halaman 1-17
  21. How do green firms appeal users with pop-ups and in-line ad`s as an effective tool to distort their attitude., halaman 1-16
  22. The development of potential natural resource in kangean islands sumenep as an effort to minimize migrant workers problems, halaman 1-2
  23. Singaporean strategic investment decision making practises: is culture or context more important?, halaman 1-24
  24. A study on awareness of Islamic Banking in India, halaman 1-18
  25. Capital budgeting techniques and risk analysis of MNE’s listed at karachi stock exchange., halaman 1-12
  26. A qualitative study of the effects of employee retention on the organization, halaman 1-72
  27. Market behavior in lucky days, halaman 1-2
  28. Collective Responsibility: Groups as Organic Entities, halaman 1-2
  29. Olfactory Branding: A new trend for defining brands through Smell: A Case on ITC Sonar Hotel in Kolkata, India, halaman 1-12
  30. Impact of government regulation No. 46 Year 2013 in income tax of small and medium enterprises in Indonesia, halaman 1-16
  31. To mining or not to mining? : A case study on the costs and benefits of mining operations in palawan, halaman 1-44
  32. Economic Impact of Tourism In Bangladesh, halaman 1-13
  33. Impact of solar home system in Bangladesh: PSM approach, halaman 1-12
  34. A comparative study of political interest across China and Vietnam, halaman 1-3
  35. Social service delivery and access to financial innovation: the impact of oportunidades’ electronic payment system in Mexico, halaman 1-5
  36. Islamic banking and finance IBAF): across-cultural bridging institution for the 21st century, halaman 1-14
  37. Personality as a moderator of SOR model, halaman 1-10
  38. Comparing the stages of quality management practice in Indonesian SMEs, halaman 1-14
  39. New factor of environment franchise and its influence on business performance of franchise outlets in food and beverage industry - case of Viet nam, halaman 1-16
  40. The relationship between budget deficit, economic growth and inflation in vietnam: a var approach, halaman 1-16
  41. An assessment of competitiveness in emerging Asian economies with special reference to India, halaman 1-31
  42. Director incentives and earnings management, halaman 1-7
  43. Foreign Institutional investors and Information efficiency, halaman 1-64
  44. Networks and organizational missions, halaman 1-35
  45. Capacity utilization in smes in India–with special reference to manufacturing industry, halaman 1-3
  46. CSR practices in Asia: case study of multinational company, halaman 1-7
  47. Fractional integration in the west african economic and monetary union, halaman 1-33
  48. The challenges of entrepreneurial leadership in nigeria, halaman 1-12
  49. Implementation of open innovation model: organizational approach, halaman 1-10
  50. Government Ownership and Firm Performance: The Case of Vietnam, halaman 1-26
  51. Cross-cultural Issues and ethical dilemmas in teaching corporate governance, halaman 1-16
  52. Leverage, ownership structure and firm performance: evidence from karachi stock exchange, halaman 1-12
  53. Rural tourism community empowerment based on local resource for improving community welfare: Case on Pentingsari Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, halaman 1-14
  54. An assessment of the role of budget and budgetary control mechanism, in sustainable national development., halaman 1-26
  55. Assessing effect of insecurity on sme operations and impact on socio-economic development of Yobe State, Nigeria, halaman 1-11
  56. The relationship of interest rate with macro-economic determinants: Pakistan’s evidence, halaman 1-25
  57. Does United States profit during war times?, halaman 1-2
  58. Accountancy service requirements of micro, small, and medium enterprises in the Philippines, halaman 1-18
  59. Economic and structural effects on fdi: a case of South Asia, halaman 1-23
  60. Globalization and corporate governance: a study of mncs, halaman 1-2
  61. Women entrepreneurs in the city of Tarlac: their current status and directions, halaman 1-3
  62. Intellectual capital performance and intellectual capital disclosure in Indonesian banking industries, halaman 1-14
  63. Developing financial distress prediction models using cutting edge recursive partitioning techniques: a study of Australian mining performance, halaman 1-38
  64. China's outward fdi: a study of push and pull factors in selected asian countries, halaman 1-55
  65. Implementation of the wto agreement on technical barriers to trade in domestic market access as a harmonization mechanism of international economic standardization, halaman 1-2
  66. Comparative study on Regulatory Requirements on Corporate Social Responsibility in Australia and Thailand, halaman 1-15
  67. The strategy of working capital in animal protein sector: a comparative analysis of companies Brazil foods and tyson foods, halaman 1-3
  68. International connections for business students: a review of the x-culture project and highlights from one college’s participation perspective, halaman 1-15
  69. Medical tourism: opportunities and trends for Malaysia, halaman 1-14
  70. Student’s Creativity in Entrepreneurship, halaman 1-10
  71. Ranking the agility empowerers in manufacturing organizations from the viewpoint of gaining competitive advantages in the market (a case study), halaman 1-2
  72. Impact assessment of international policy coordination with the wto technical barriers to trade agreement and foreign financial assistance upon the intent to comply with the agreement: findings of a cross-sectional study of mango exporters in Pakistan, halaman 1-61
  73. The Effect of Applying Different Financing Methods for Firms which have Common Share Yield in Stock Market (Case Study), halaman 1-9
  74. The Applications of Decision Support System (DSS) among the Top Corporations in Metro Manila and its Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages, halaman 1-10
  75. Inequality in Laos and the role of FDI, halaman 1-36
  76. Multinational Production and Comparative Advantage, halaman 1-80
  77. Ranking the Agility Empowerers in Manufacturing Organizations from the viewpoint of gaining competitive advantages in the market (A case study), halaman 1-9
  78. The political economy of regime switching and preferences for inter-temporal consumption: an application to Pakistan, halaman 1-45
  79. Effect of Entrepreneurship Moderates the Relationship of the Firm-Specific Advantage to smes’ Internationalization, halaman 1-4
  80. Development of China in CAFTA, halaman 1-10
  81. The Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Math Teachers, halaman 1-22
  82. The Rise of “Gray Zones” of World Politics In Conditions of Traditional Sovereighnty Erosion, halaman 1-2
  83. Barriers to internationalization of small and medium enterprises (smes): Multi-criteria-based prioritization using the analytic hierarchy process, halaman 1-3
  84. Quality of Front Office Services of Hotels in Tarlac CityQuality of Front Office Services of Hotels in Tarlac City, halaman 1-7
  85. Educational Status, the Social Demonstration Effect and Inclination to Save: A Cross-Sectional Model of Pakistan, halaman 1-34
  86. Stock Market Reactions of Joint Ventures and the Subsequent Changes: Evidence from Japan, halaman 1-25
  87. IFRS Convergence, Accounting Conservatism, and Examination On Moderating Effect of Woman Presence in Audit Commiteein Indonesia, halaman 1-10
  88. Creating the suitable working environmnet: lesson learned from staff members at the faculty of commerce and management, Prince of Songkla University, halaman 1-11
  89. How Network Capital Influences Degree of Internationalization? Case : Small Medium Industries in Indonesia, halaman 1-9
  90. An environmental concern motivates intention to use free bus services: An empirical study in Malaysia, halaman 1-18
  91. Net Neutrality and Asymmetric Platform Competition, halaman 1-3
  92. The scope of social media browsing and online shopping for Mauritian E-Retailers A study based on utilitarian and hedonic values, halaman 1-22
  93. Bank Lending Channel and Foreign Banks in Indonesia, halaman 1-18
  94. Business Analytics: An Overview on Critical Skills and Technology, halaman 1-13
  95. Passengers’ perception on airport service and quality satisfaction, halaman 1-10
  96. Paulo Freire and the education in the field – paradigmatic updates, halaman 1-11
  97. Analysis volatility beef price using arma, arch/garch, tgarch and egarch, halaman 1-2
  98. Brand personality, brand loyalty and brand quality rating in the contact lens perspective, halaman 1-16
  99. A framework for risk management practices and organizational performance in higher education, halaman 1-10
  100. Marketing strategies of selected business establishments in the city of Tarlac, halaman 1-3
  101. An empirical study of leadership theory preferences among gen y in Malaysia, halaman 1-33
  102. An empirical analysis of materials’ cost effect in the Malaysian housing market industry using deterministic method: Case of Klang Valley, halaman 1-35
  103. Examining nonlinear cyclical dynamics of emerging market economies and their stock markets, halaman 1-59
  104. From trade normalization to economic interlock – a roadmap for peace in South Asia, halaman 1-6
  105. Consumers perception, purchase intention and actual purchase behavior of organic food products, halaman 1-20
  106. Understanding creativity level of students of 10th and 12th standard: evidence from Assam, India., halaman 1-21
  107. Public transportation effect on the rising of property prices in Malaysia: a correlation study of MRT project, halaman 1-3
  108. Comparison of two important segments of urban informal sector: home-based enterprise and street vendors of Assam (India), halaman 1-14
  109. The role of public sector expenditure on local economic development, halaman 1-13
  110. Determinants of profitability of china’s domestically listed commercial banks: panel evidence for the period between, halaman 1-14
  111. Work values and job commitment of the non-teaching personnel of a university in an urban community, halaman 1-26
  112. Multi-disciplinary Research for Sustainable economic development -The need and ways forward for young researchers. , halaman 1-2
  113. Sustainable energy, manufacturing renaissance and curricular innovation: a case study in engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, halaman 1-2
  114. Modeling behavioral aspects of the intent to save: findings of a cross-sectional study in Pakistan, halaman 1-3
  115. Marketing and human resources management strategies of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Western Tarlac, halaman 1-4
  116. Factors affecting involuntary part-time employment in OECD Countries, halaman 1-2
  117. Impact of project manager’s soft leadership skills on project success, halaman 1-38
  118. A market efficiency comparison of Islamic and Non-Islamic Stock Indices, halaman 1-32
  119. Exploratory analysis of influential factors causing peculiarity of in the outcome of vocational education in India, halaman 1-5
  120. Capital accumulation of the capitalism competition to capitalism contemporary, halaman 1-2
  121. Debt and growth in developing countries, halaman 1-2
  122. Multifunctional development of protected areas in Poland in the opinion of its inhabitants in 2 municipalities, halaman 1-13
  123. Evaluation of the reproduction processes in farms in Poland considering the environmental and economic sustainability, halaman 1-11
  124. Non-intervention is Not Enough: The Case for an Environmentally Activist World Trade Organisation, halaman 1-2
  125. Impact of Quality Management on Supply Chain Performance: Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management, halaman 1-21
  126. Experiential Learning Revisited: Old Models for New Environments, halaman 1-2
  127. An Empirical Analysis of Demand Factors For Malaysian Tourism Sector Using Stochastic Methods, halaman 1-2
  128. Chinese Derivative Suits, halaman 1-8
  129. The influence of environmental uncertainty on performance: a study of pharmaceutical industry in indonesia, halaman 1-4
  130. Adaptive Market Efficiency: Review of Recent Empirical SIBR Bangkok Conference Paper Evidence on the Persistence of Stock Market Anomalies, halaman 1-19
  131. The Effect of Financial Markets Development on Bank Risk: Evidence from Southeast Asian Countries, halaman 1-33
  132. A critical realist and multimethodology approach for research in marketing communication, halaman 1-2
  133. Credit Preference of Micro and Small Enterprises of Assam (India), halaman 1-12
  134. Interpersonal Power and Boundary Spanning as Enacted in Three Organizational Functions: New Venture Management, Project Management, & Product Management, halaman 1-3
  135. Managing Internal Corporate Ventures: Teams, Capabilities & Networks of Influence, halaman 1-3
  136. The Effect of Buddhist Philosophy on Personal Financial Well-Being, halaman 1-21
  137. Agency Conflicts and the Marginal Value of Corporate Cash Holdings, halaman 1-2
  138. The Influence of TQM on Business Performance: A Study Of Manufacturing Companies In Indonesia, halaman 1-4
  139. A Study of Moral Indicators in Economic Development: A Case in the US in 1960 – 2007, halaman 1-20
  140. Factors affecting student’s decision to choose accounting through distance learning system, halaman 1-9
  141. Using the Compass: Four Directions for Mindful Business, halaman 1-3
  142. When fast followers overtake market leaders: lessons from the Huawei Case, halaman 1-2
  143. Should Directors’ Personal Information be Accessible by the Public in Hong Kong?, halaman 1-2
  144. Deposit Insurance System or the Central Bank’s Bailout? ----A Dynamic-Game Perspective, halaman 1-2
  145. “Determinants of tourist expenditure in travel package during travel fair “the 23rd Discovery Thailand 2011 and Discovery World 2011” at Impact Muang thong Thani, halaman 1-38
  146. Substitution between Fixed-line and Mobile Access: the Role of Complementarities, halaman 1-41
  147. People Search for Their Money: Search Volume and the Stock Market Prediction, halaman 1-2
  148. Trade and Sustainability: How Strong are the Empirical Linkages between Trade Structures and Sustainability Performance?, halaman 1-27
  149. XBRL based Financial Statement: Case Study in a Sharia Bank in Indonesia, halaman 1-11
  150. Learning from a Field Trip: Reflections of Myanmar Executive MBA students, halaman 1-2
  151. BSBA-FMA Program of Higher Educational Institutions in Region III and the Graduates' Performance in the Workplace: An Evaluation, halaman 1-7
  152. From indian literature to today’s global management practices, halaman 2-9
  153. Nurse Scheduling Optimization in Emergency Department: Case Study of Thammasat University Hospital, halaman 1
  154. The Determinant of Enterprise Risk Management Implementation, halaman 1
  155. Internal marketing (im) dimensions and organizational commitment (oc) of universal banks’ employees, halaman 1
  156. Bottled up entrepreneurial capabilities: a case of franchise termination by the franchisee, halaman 1
  157. The Korean wave in Thailand, halaman 1
  158. Intellectual property and gray marketing: legal issues and implications, halaman 1
  159. How good are GDP statistics? evidence from Europe, halaman 1
  160. Budget deficit and trade deficit causality in the Philippines:1960-2010, halaman 1
  161. The effect of the financial crisis in 2002 on the hours worked and wages of urban workers in Argentina, halaman 1
  162. The Influence of Labors Power to Accounting Policy Moderated by Managerial Ownership, halaman 1
  163. Comparative study of ethnocentrism toward American and Japanese automobiles in Saudi Arabia, halaman 1
  164. Fuel prices and road transportation fares in Ghana, halaman 1
  165. Savings, inflation expectations and structural breaks in South Africa: cointegration analysis, halaman 1

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