Anda belum login :: 05 Oct 2024 00:24 WIB
BukuComplex Ethics Consultations Cases that Haunt Us
Author: Macauley, Robert C. ; Orr, Robert D.
Topik: Prenatal and Neonatal; Pediatrics; Psychiatric and Psychological; Religious and Cultural Beliefs; Clinical Innovations; Unorthodox Treatment
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 9780511663437    
Penerbit: Cambridge University Press     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 0    
Jenis: Books - E-Book
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Quality of Life – and of Ethics Consultation – in the NICU, halaman 15-21
  2. When a Baby Dies in Pain, halaman 22-28
  3. But How Can We Choose?, halaman 29-35
  4. Maternal–Fetal Surgery and the “Profoundest Question in Ethics”, halaman 36-42
  5. She was the Life of the Party, halaman 45-51
  6. The Sound of Chains, halaman 52-58
  7. Susie’s Voice, halaman 59-65
  8. Access to an Infant’s Family, halaman 66-71
  9. Helping Staff Help a “Hateful” Patient: the Case of TJ, halaman 75-80
  10. Ulysses Contract, halaman 81-87
  11. Misjudging Needs: a Messy Spiral of Complexity, halaman 88-94
  12. When the Patient Refuses to Eat, halaman 95-101
  13. Listening to the Husband, halaman 105-111
  14. You’re the Ethicist; I’m Just the Surgeon, halaman 112-118
  15. Haunted by a Good Outcome: the Case of Sister Jane, halaman 119-125
  16. Is a Broken Jaw a Terminal Condition?, halaman 126-132
  17. Adolescent Pregnancy, Con?dentiality, and Culture, halaman 135-140
  18. “Tanya, the One with Jonathan’s Kidney”: a Living Unrelated Donor Case of Church Associates, halaman 141-147
  19. Futility, Islam, and Death, halaman 148-154
  20. Suffering as God’s Will, halaman 155-161
  21. Amputate My Arm, Please. I Don’t Want it Anymore, halaman 165-171
  22. Feuding Surrogates, Herbal Therapies, and a Dying Patient, halaman 172-178
  23. One Way Out: Destination Therapy by Default, halaman 179-185
  24. Altruistic Organ Donation: Credible? Acceptable?, halaman 186-193
  25. It’s Not My Responsibility, halaman 197-204
  26. Intra-Operative Exposure to Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: to Disclose or Not to Disclose, halaman 205-211
  27. Why Do We Have to Discharge This Patient?, halaman 212-218
  28. Who’s that Sleeping in My Bed? An Institutional Response to an Organizational Ethics Problem, halaman 219-225

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