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Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics A Case-Based Textbook
Diekema, Douglas S.
Mercurio, Mark R.
Adam, Mary B.
Clinical Pediatric
Public Health
(EN )
Cambridge University Press
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Books - E-Book
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
Pediatric Decision-Making: Informed Consent, Parental Permission, and Child Assent
, halaman 1-6
Pediatric Decision-Making: Adolescent Patients
, halaman 7-13
Parental Refusals of Recommended Medical Interventions
, halaman 14-17
Adolescent Confidentiality
, halaman 18-22
Refusals of Treatment in Adolescents and Young Adults
, halaman 23-26
Family Beliefs and the Medical Care of Children
, halaman 27-31
Fidelity and Truthfulness in the Pediatric Setting: Withholding Information from Children and Adolescents
, halaman 32-36
Fidelity and Truthfulness Disclosure of Errors
, halaman 37-42
Requests for “Non-Therapeutic” Interventions in Children: Male Circumcision
, halaman 43-49
Maternal–Fetal Conflicts
, halaman 51-56
Fetal Intervention and Fetal Care Centers
, halaman 57-62
Ripped from the Headlines: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Multiple Births
, halaman 63-67
Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Testing for Inherited Diseases, Dispositions, and Traits
, halaman 68-76
Decision-Making in the Delivery Room
, halaman 77-82
Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Intervention from Neonates
, halaman 83-88
The Role of Quality of Life Assessments in Neonatal Care
, halaman 89-93
Variations of Practice in the Care of Extremely Preterm Infants
, halaman 94-99
End-of-Life Care: Resolving Disputes Over Life-Sustaining Interventions
, halaman 101-105
, halaman 106-111
Advance Directives and DNR Orders
, halaman 112-117
The Determination of Death
, halaman 118-122
Physician-Assisted Dying in Children
, halaman 123-130
The Groningen Protocol
, halaman 131-136
Defining Beneficence in the Face of Death: Symptom Management in Dying Children
, halaman 137-141
Minors as Recipients and Donors in Solid Organ Transplantation
, halaman 143-147
Enhancement Technologies and Children
, halaman 148-153
Cochlear Implants and Deaf Children
, halaman 154-159
Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Pediatric Patients with Disorders of Sex Development
, halaman 160-165
Sterilizing Procedures in Minors with Cognitive Disabilities
, halaman 166-173
Parental Requests for Intervention in Children with Lethal Conditions
, halaman 174-180
Genetic Testing and Screening of Minors
, halaman 181-185
The Introduction of Innovative Technology into Practice
, halaman 186-193
Human Subjects Research Involving Children
, halaman 194-198
Resource Allocation and Triage in Disasters and Pandemics
, halaman 199-204
Parental Refusals of Vaccination and School Vaccine Mandates: Balancing Parental Freedom, Child Welfare, and Public Health
, halaman 205-210
When Institutional, Professional, and Public Health Obligations Con?ict: the Controversial Case of Youth Boxing
, halaman 211-214
Industry Representatives, Gift-Giving, and Con?icts of Interest
, halaman 215-220
Patient Participation in Medical Training
, halaman 221-225
Boundary Issues in Pediatrics
, halaman 226-230
The Impaired, Incompetent, or Unethical Provider
, halaman 231-234
Ethics Committees and Consultation Services
, halaman 235-239
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