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BukuThe Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Studies
Author: Kouwenberg, Silvia (Editor); Singler, John Victor (Editor)
Topik: Pidgin Languages; Creole Dialects
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-0-631-22902-5    
Penerbit: Blackwell Publishing Ltd     Tempat Terbit: United Kingdom    Tahun Terbit: 2008    
Jenis: Books - Reference
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Featuring an international contributor list, this long-awaited and broad-ranging collection examines the key issues, topics and research in pidgin and creole studies. A comprehensive reference work exploring the treatment of core aspects of pidgins/creoles, focusing on the questions that animate creole studies. Brings together newly-commissioned entries by an international contributor team. Accessibly structured into four sections covering: the character of pidgins and creoles; the relation of pidgins/creoles to other language phenomena and other languages; issues in pidgin/creole genesis; and the role of pidgins/creoles in society. Provides a valuable resource for students, scholars and researchers working across a number linguistic disciplines, including sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and the anthropology of language.
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Literary Representations of Creole Language: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives from the Caribbean
  2. Introduction, halaman 1-16
  3. Atlantic Creole Syntax, halaman 19-47
  4. Forging, Pacific Pidgin and Creole Syntax: Substrate, Discourse, and Inherent Variability, halaman 48-73
  5. Pidgin and Creole Morphology, halaman 74-97
  6. Creole Phonology, halaman 98-129
  7. Pidgin versus Creoles and Pidgincreole, halaman 130-157
  8. Non-Indo-European Pidgins and Creoles, halaman 158-186
  9. Pidgins/Creoles, and Second Language Acquisition, halaman 189-218
  10. Creole Genesis: The Impact of the Language Bioprogram Hypothesis, halaman 219-241
  11. Pidgins/Creoles and Historical Linguistics, halaman 242-262
  12. Pidgins/Creoles and Contact Languages: An Overview, halaman 263-286
  13. Creole Studies and Multilingualism, halaman 287-308
  14. A Demographic Perspective on Creole Genesis, halaman 309-331
  15. The Sociohistorical Context of Creole Genesis, halaman 332-358
  16. The Cultural in Pidgin Genesis, halaman 359-382
  17. Grammaticalization in Pidgins and Creoles, halaman 385-410
  18. Creoles, Markedness, and Default Settings: An Appraisal, halaman 411-439
  19. Semantic Evidence in Pidgin and Creole Genesis, halaman 440-460
  20. Pidgins, Creoles, and Variation, halaman 461-487
  21. The Case of Signed Language in the Context of Pidgin and Creole Studies, halaman 491-511
  22. Pidgins/Creoles and African American English, halaman 512-542
  23. Spanish-Based Creoles in the Caribbean, halaman 543-564
  24. Pidgins/Creoles and Discours, halaman 567-592
  25. Pidgins/Creoles and Discours, halaman 567-592
  26. Pidgins/Creoles and Discours, halaman 567-592
  27. Pidgins/Creoles and Discours, halaman 567-592
  28. Pidgins/Creoles and Education, halaman 593-614
  29. Language Planning in Pidgins and Creoles, halaman 615-636

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