Anda belum login :: 09 Oct 2024 14:24 WIB
BukuHandbook of psycholinguistics
Author: Traxler, Matthew J. (Editor); Gernsbacher, Morton Ann (Editor)
Topik: psycholinguistics-handbooks
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-0-12-369374-7    Edisi: second    
Penerbit: Elsevier     Tempat Terbit: Amsterdam    Tahun Terbit: 2006    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: R 401.9 HAN
    • Non-tandon: tidak ada
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Observation On The past and Future Of Psycholinguistics , halaman 1-20
  2. Properties of Spoken Langauge Production, halaman 21-60
  3. Syntax and Production , halaman 61-92
  4. Speech Disorders, halaman 93-124
  5. Functional Neuroimaging of Speech Production, halaman 125-152
  6. Speech Perception Within A Biologically Realistic Information-Theoretic Framework, halaman 153-200
  7. The Perception of Speech, halaman 201-248
  8. Spoken Word Recognition, halaman 249-284
  9. Visual Word Recognition: The Journey From Features to Meaning (A Travel Update), halaman 285-376
  10. Lexical Processing and Sentence Context Effects, halaman 377-402
  11. Semantic Memory, halaman 403-454
  12. Syntactic Parsing, halaman 455-504
  13. Prosody, halaman 505-538
  14. The Syntax-Semantic Interface: On-Line Composition of Sentence Meaning, halaman 539-580
  15. Constraint Satisfaction Accounts of Lexical and Sentence Comprehension, halaman 581-612
  16. Eye-Movement Control in Reading, halaman 613-658
  17. Psycholinguistics Electrified II (1994-2005), halaman 659-724
  18. Discourse Comprehension, halaman 725-764
  19. Neuroimaging Contributions To The Understanding of Discourse Processes , halaman 765-800
  20. Comprehension Ability in Mature Readers, halaman 801-834
  21. Figurative Language, halaman 835-862
  22. Eye Movements and Spoken Language Comprehension , halaman 863-900
  23. Perspective Taking and The Coordination of Meaning in Language Use , halaman 901-938
  24. Comprehension Disorders in Aphasia: The case of Sentences That Require Syntactic Analysis, halaman 939-966
  25. Language Processing in Bilingual Speakers, halaman 967-1000
  26. Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistic Perspectives of Sign Languages, halaman 1001-1026
  27. Language Learnigin Infancy, halaman 1027-1072
  28. Acquistion of Syntax and Semantics, halaman 1073-1110
  29. Learning to Read, halaman 1111-1142
  30. Cognitive and Linguistic Issues in The Study of Children With Specific language Impairment, halaman 1143-1173

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