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BukuAdjectives: Formal Analyses in Syntax and Semantics
Author: Hofherr, Patricia Cabredo (Editor); Matushansky, Ora (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978 90 272 8834 9    
Penerbit: John Benjamins     Tempat Terbit: Amsterdam/Philadelphia    Tahun Terbit: 2010    
Jenis: Books
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    • Nomor Panggil: 415.5 ADJ
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Adjectives are comparatively less well studied than the lexical categories of nouns and verbs. The present volume brings together studies in the syntax and semantics of adjectives. Four of the contributions investigate the syntax of adjectives in a variety of languages (English, French, Mandarin Chinese, Modern Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, and Serbocroatian). The theoretical issues explored include: the syntax of attributive and predicative adjectives, the syntax of nominalized adjectives and the identification of adjectives as a distinct lexical category in Mandarin Chinese. A further four contributions examine different aspects in the semantics of adjectives in English, French, and Spanish, dealing with superlatives, comparatives, and aspect in adjectives. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students in syntax, formal semantics, and language typology.
Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. front matters, halaman 1-3
  2. Introduction, halaman 4-23
  3. Language Ideology From the speakers, what can we learn about the language?, halaman 24-38
  4. Language repertoires and the middle-class in urban Solomon Islands, halaman 40-63
  5. Land, language and identity The socio-political origins of Gurindji Kriol1,2, halaman 64-86
  6. “I’ve been speaking Tsotsitaal all my life without knowing it” Towards a unified account of Tsotsitaals in South Africa*, halaman 87-99
  7. Tok Bokis, Tok Piksa Translating parables in Papua New Guinea, halaman 100-121
  8. Bridging Macro- and Micro-sociolinguistics, halaman 122-157
  9. How to predict the evolution of a bilingual community, halaman 159-176
  10. How local is local French in Quebec?, halaman 177-198
  11. Quantitative Sociolinguistics From the languages, what can we learn about the speakers?, halaman 199-224
  12. The dynamics of pronouns in the Québec languages in contact dynamics, halaman 225-244
  13. Subordinate clause marking in Montreal Anglophone French and English, halaman 245-284
  14. Mysteries of the substrate, halaman 284-294
  15. Empirical problems with domain-based notions of “simple”, halaman 295-321
  16. back matters, halaman 321-351

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