Anda belum login :: 12 Feb 2025 15:32 WIB
BukuEmployment, living standards and poverty in contemporary Indonesia
Author: Manning, Chris (Editor); Sumarto, Sudarno (Editor)
Topik: Poverty--Indonesia--Congresses; Poverty--Government policy--Indonesia--Congresses; Indonesia--Economic conditions--1966-1997--Congresses; Indonesia--Economic conditions 1997- --Congresses; Industrialization--Indonesia--Congresses; Education--Indonesia--Congresses; Public health--Indonesia--Congresses
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-981-4345-11-8    
Penerbit: ISEAS Publishing     Tempat Terbit: Pasir Panjang, Singapore    Tahun Terbit: 2011    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: 362.5 EMP
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
    • Dalam proses usulan: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Employment, Living Standards and Poverty: Trends, Policies and Interactions, halaman 1-20
  2. How Good Are Good Transitions for Growth and Poverty? Indonesia since Suharto, for Instance?, halaman 23-46
  3. Poverty, Food Prices and Economic Growth in Southeast Asian Perspective, halaman 47-67
  4. Accelerating Poverty and Vulnerability Reduction: Trends, Opportunities and Constraints, halaman 68-89
  5. Regional Patterns of Poverty: Why Do Some Provinces Perform Better Than Others?, halaman 90-110
  6. Indonesian Industrialisation: Jobless Growth?, halaman 113-133
  7. Occupational Choice and Mobility Among Migrants to Four Cities, halaman 134-158
  8. The Quality of Education: International Standing and Attempts At Improvement, halaman 161-182
  9. Educational Challenges With Special Reference to Islamic Schooling, halaman 183-205
  10. What Is Ailing The Health System? Governance, National Policy and The Poor, halaman 206-220
  11. Social Health Insurance: Towards Universal Coverage For The Poor?, halaman 221-244
  12. Sanitation and Health: The Past, The Future and Working Out What Works, halaman 245-269
  13. The Evolution of Poverty Alleviation Policies: Ideas, Issues and Actors, halaman 273-290
  14. Reducing Poverty By Increasing Community and Female Participation, halaman 291-312
  15. Targeting of The Poor and Vulnerable, halaman 313-332
  16. Social Assistance: Understanding The Gaps, halaman 333-352

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