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BukuAustronesian diaspora and the ethnogeneses of people in Indonesian Archipelago: proceeding of the international symposium
Author: Simanjuntak, Truman (Editor); Pojoh, Ingrid H.E. (Editor); Hisyam, Mohammad (Editor)
Topik: Austronesian study
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 979-26-2436-8    
Penerbit: LIPI Press     Tempat Terbit: Jakarta    Tahun Terbit: 2006    
Jenis: Proceeding
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: 305.8 AUS
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Austronesia: a phenomenon of global impact in the history of humanity, halaman 1-6
  2. The problem of austronesian origin, halaman 7-13
  3. Climate and continental records in island Southeast Asia since the late pleistocene: trends in current research, relationship with the holocene human migration waves, halaman 15-29
  4. Austronesian prehistory from a paleoclimatological and paleogeographical perspective: settlement and migration through time in Indonesian maritime islands, halaman 30-59
  5. The early movements of Austronesian-speaking peoples in the Indonesian origin, halaman 61-82
  6. The dispersal of Austronesian-speaking-people and the ethnogenesis of Indonesian people, halaman 83-98
  7. Austronesian prehistory and ethnogenesis of Indonesian people: a cross disciplinary perspectives, halaman 99-106
  8. Stylochronology of early pottery in islands of Southeast Asia: a reassessment of archaelogical evidence of Austronesian, halaman 107-118
  9. Archaeology of the rainforest in Siberut (Mentawai archipelago, West Sumatra): the paradox of lithic and vegetal technology in the past and present times, halaman 119-128
  10. The prehistory of Austronesian dispersal to the southern islands of Eastern Indonesia, halaman 129-145
  11. The Austronesian in Borneo, halaman 146-162
  12. Austronesian prehistory from the perspective of comparative megalithic, halaman 163-173
  13. Austronesian prehistory from the perspective of skeletal anthropology, halaman 174-185
  14. Homo sapiens in Southeast Asian archipelagos: the holocene fossil evidence with special reference to funerary practices in East Java, halaman 186-204
  15. The Indonesian migrations to Madagascar: making sense of the multidisciplinary evidence, halaman 205-232
  16. The Austronesian dispersals and the spread of disease (abstract), halaman 233-234
  17. Genetic markers and their implication to the peopling of the Indonesian archipelago (abstract), halaman 237-238
  18. Archaeological eidence of early human occupation in Malaysia, halaman 239-260
  19. Pottery from the parliament house complex site Singapore, halaman 261-278
  20. The Phillipine islands and the discourse on the Austronesian dispersal, halaman 279-298
  21. Polynesian genetics and Austonesian prehistory, halaman 299-219
  22. The initial settlement of remote Oceania: the evidence from physical anthropology, halaman 320-347
  23. The role of education in protecting and saving endangerd languages, halaman 349-360
  24. The distribution of Austronesian and Non-Austronesian languages in Indonesia: evidence and issues, halaman 361-391
  25. Concept of origin and origin structure of the Austronesians: a reflection from Kei islands in Southeastern Maluku, Eastern Indonesia, halaman 392-411
  26. Speech level in Javanese from a comparative linguistic perspective, halaman 412-421
  27. Javanese language in Palembang and Malagasy: an Austronesian linguistic study, halaman 422-435
  28. Balinese Y-Chromosome perspective on the peopling of Indonesia: genetic contributions from pre-neolitic hunter gatherer, Austronesian-farmers and Indian traders (abstract), halaman 235
  29. Austronesian genetic origins and dispersals (abstract), halaman 236

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