Anda belum login :: 06 Nov 2024 12:39 WIB
BukuIntegrating behavioral and social sciences with public health
Author: Schneiderman, Neil (Editor); Speers, Marjorie A. (Editor); Silva, Julia M. (Editor); Tomes, Henry (Editor); Gentry, Jacquelyn (Editor)
Topik: Psychology; Medical; Health Promotion; Social Sciences; Behavioral Sciences; Public health; Psychological aspects; Public health; Social aspects; Social medicine
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 1-55798-721-1    
Penerbit: American Psychological Association     Tempat Terbit: Washington, D.C.    Tahun Terbit: 2001    
Jenis: Books - Textbook
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: 362.1 INT
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: 1
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Behavioral Science, Social Science, and Public Helath in the 21st Century, halaman 3-28
  2. Creating Social and Public Health Environments to Sustain Behavior Change: Lessons from Obesity Research, halaman 31-50
  3. Socioeconomic Factors in the Behavioral and Psychosocial Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease, halaman 51-71
  4. Community Intervention in Cardiovascular Health Promotion: North Karelia, 1972-1999, halaman 73-96
  5. Exposure to Urban Violence: Shifting From an Individual to an Ecological Perspective, halaman 97-113
  6. Action Research: Informing Interventions in Male Violence Against Women, halaman 115-139
  7. Strategies for Preventing HIV Infection Among Injecting Drug Users: Taking Interventions to the People, halaman 141-158
  8. Community Involvement in HIVjAIDS Prevention, halaman 159-175
  9. Social and Behavioral Interventions to Increase Breast Cancer Screening, halaman 177-201
  10. Integrating Perspectives on the Prevention of Unintentional Injuries., halaman 203-227
  11. Community Mobilization for Prevention and Health Promotion Can Work, halaman 231-247
  12. Assessing the Economic Costs and Benefits of Behavioral Interventions, halaman 249-265
  13. Toward a Psychosocially Healthy Work Environment: Broader Roles for Psychologists and Sociologists, halaman 267-292
  14. Evaluation of Community-Based Health Programs: An Alternate Perspective, halaman 293-304
  15. Efficacy and Effectiveness Trials in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Design and Analysis of Group-Randomized Trials, halaman 305-320
  16. Empowerment Evaluation and Self-Determination: A Practical Approach Toward Program Improvement and Capacity Building, halaman 321-350
  17. Public Health and Religion, halaman 351-368

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